She... must have changed her mind when she was discovered by him.

When was she calculating?Was it when he came to ask him after assassinating Xiao Ai, or... before assassinating Xiao Ai?

Or was it always premeditated?

Ye Shenyue can no longer tell the difference, her eyelids are closed after all...

At this time, Yuno supported his body and moved him away...

When Ye Shenyue woke up again, the light was a little dim, as if she was in an environment where there was no daylight. Then he found that his body was still under anesthesia, and it seemed that it was difficult to even speak, but The spirit remained at the level of fainting but not fainting.

His hands and feet were tightly locked by silver-white iron chains and could not move.

Then a girl came over.

Her pink hair was like an angel's face.

This is Yuno, my wife Yuno.

"Yuejun? You've already woken up. It seems that your body is really strong. If you weren't afraid of using strange powers, Yuno wouldn't need to use such low-level means."

"Like anesthesia."

Yuno was talking, and Ye Shenyue also noticed that there were three or four boxes on the left side of the chair. One of the boxes had been opened, and it was an anesthetic and a syringe. Immediately after the anesthesia disappears, fill up the 4.0 charge and control his actions!

this girl!

"Don't show such an expression, you just need to know, Yue-jun, that only Yuno in this world is the one who needs Yue-jun the most, and the person who is most in need of Yue-jun."

The girl stretched out her white lotus arm from the side and wrapped it around Ye Shenyue's neck, her thin lips sliding on his face.

But Ye Shenyue closed his eyes, and the biggest action he could do without speaking seemed to be blinking his eyelids.

Closing your eyes is a rejection.

Refused Yuno.

against her!

"If that's the case, then..."

Yuno raised her burgundy eyes with madness, "Then it's time to clean up those stealing cats!"

"Cut the grass and remove the roots!"

Chapter 0038 Madness and Blackening (Kneeling for collection!

What does Yuno mean when he says to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots?

That is to kill all the girls with whom Ye Shenyue had a relationship!Just use the sharp knife that rubs brighter than the ones at home.

A long time ago, Ye Shenyue knew that Yuno was terrible, but now, he still underestimated her a lot. She not only wanted to put him under house arrest, but also wanted to kill all the girls!

Yuno... He didn't repent at all, but only intensified!

"Ah... By the way, Yuejun, I found something very magical on your second floor."

However, Yuno, who turned around, turned his cheeks again, "The telescope you placed is facing three different directions, I just don't know who you want to pay attention to, it doesn't matter, you can't speak now, then Yuno I'll take care of it all for you."

Obviously still has an angelic face, but at this time it is revealed that it is undisguised bloodthirsty.

The handling in her mouth is definitely not a good thing!


Yuno has come out and closed the heavy iron door, there is no other color except the dim light in the room.

Yuno really had seen the room on the second floor!

Ye Shenyue was a little annoyed, he was still too tender, no matter how many years a woman took, she couldn't see through it.


Ye Shenyue looked at the closed door, if Yuno thought that only anesthesia could control him here with just a door, then it would be wrong!

Because of the effect of the drug, Yashenyue's consciousness was still a little blurry, but she woke up quite a bit after being frightened by Yuno's words, but her body was completely unconscious.

It's really too bad, to beat the swallow all day and be pecked by the swallow instead.

However, if she just wanted to control her by such means, it also showed that even if Yuno was crazy, it only belonged to the category of human beings.

A creature like a god cannot be locked without a chain of imprisonment.

Slowly, a corner of Ye Shenyue's self-seal was untied, revealing a little breath.That is, this breath made the space turbulent, like the ripples of the ocean waves buzzing constantly.

Then it slowly stopped, and the body of the original Ye Shenyue disappeared, replaced by a small doll-sized Ye Shenyue.

He released a little of his own power, but found that the space was about to be shattered, so he could only stop and continue to untie the seal, but this little power was enough for him.

Enough for him to control his body.

It's just that the space fluctuates again at this time, not because of his power.


The little Ye Shenyue looked sharply, but only saw a girl with black hair and burning eyes and a big red bow.

The girl was looking at him with a look at the rag.

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