Chapter 0041 The initial pattern (kneeling to subscribe)

Initial look.

What was the initial look like?

When Shanshen made such a decision, Zeus naturally agreed with joy. If he said that he wanted to get a little light from Yashenyue when he found the world, then he would be satisfied when he found Moshen to take over.

Because the world can only destroy the world, but the moment can protect the world.

"Zeus" has died without regret.

And Murumlu has contracted with the realm of the instant, and temporarily returned to the instant to raise it. For the Qingpu family, which is relatively clean, it can be regarded as an extra pistachio.

Everyone seems to be happy.

"Then that's it for today's class, everyone pay attention to safety."

The teacher put away the handout and said.The students have already formed freely, and in twos and threes are planning to go home or go to play. Of course, some of them pack up and join the club.

This is campus life.

"In an instant~" The world sitting next to Ye Shenyue also packed up her schoolbag, "Wait for me... oh, yes, Luna Ye? Can you not block it here? It's not a boy's job to block a lady's way. Yes!"

The world smiled mischievously, and then walked out of the gap that Ye Shenyue avoided.

"Sana-chan, let's have milk tea tonight, I remember opening a new one..."

The world soon came to Shan's side, and pulled up Shan's hand.


The little girl nodded, then looked at Ye Shenyue indistinctly, and then walked out.

The world and the moment passed by Class [-], and there were students in Class [-] who came out. They were two girls, one had a pink double ponytail, very beautiful like an angel, and the other had a black shoulder length. Girl With Beautiful Hair.

"Yuno, let's go back together."

Yuno took a step forward, and was pulled by the black-haired girl's shoulders, "I found out that we are on the same road!"

"Really? Let's go together then."

The girl called Yuno chuckled like an angel. "By the way, your name is... I didn't notice it just now."

"God's love."

The black-haired girl also smiled, very sweet.

Finally, a black-haired girl walked out from the fourth class. The long black hair was like a waterfall. She had fair skin and a beautiful face.

This is Gui Yanye, who is liked by boys and envied by girls, no matter how beautiful a girl is, she can't escape this disaster.

"Gui Sang!"

But after two steps in the corridor, Yan Ye was immediately called by his name.It was a girl with brown hair and a slightly tanned but sunny smile.

This is Hyuga, a member of the Kendo Department. Hyuga waved to Yan Ye, "Guisang, the minister is already waiting for you, and the general is ready to discuss with you today!"

"I'm so sorry, I came out slowly."

Yan Ye said embarrassedly, but before he finished speaking, Hyuga patted his shoulder, "What are you talking about, why do you need an apology? Although the generals and ministers are seniors, you didn't do it on purpose, let's go. …”

"Ah... um."

The sunny smile of the girl Hyuga warmed Yan Ye's heart, and this girl could become a friend.

No one will notice Ye Shenyue.

Watching them leave, Ye Shenyue's mouth showed a smile.

It's a good ending, isn't it?

As a god, he can protect and transform the world at the same time, and what he transformed into a god in an instant is just everyone's memory.

The dark memories of the blackened girls have been sealed, and now only the bright side is revealed.

full of warmth.

Is it just really possible?

The school festival is coming.

Ye Shenyue walked past the girls with her schoolbag, and almost instantly, the girls turned their attention.

ps: There is another exam tomorrow, please allow me to finish the exam first and then update it!

Chapter 0042 Hello gay, goodbye gay! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe)

Smiling lightly, Ye Shenyue didn't say much, and left with her schoolbag, while two boys patted him on the shoulder behind him.

It is Taisuke Sawanaga and Makoto Ito.

"Yueshenye, let's go together—"

Makoto Ito is a bit introverted, so it is Yagami Yue called by Taisuke Zeyong.

Whether it's the world, Yan Ye, or Yuno's world has changed, but the lives of these two men haven't changed at all, what should they do or what should they do.

For example, Taisuke Zeyong is becoming more and more feminine, and Makoto Ito found lipstick in his home, but Makoto Ito is still a boy who likes sunshine.

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