"There is no law in this world that it is a crime for men to be strong against men. And if you are afraid that Ito-san will tell you, how about blindfolding him?"

"Blindfolded? This seems good, this... It's all because of Cheng, it's all because he only sees those boys in the sun..."

Black has appeared in Huang Mao's eyes.

The colors of humanity's fall.

ps: This volume will not be finished in three chapters, wait for the author to complete various past chapters, and then start a new volume, either cutting the red eyes or the black bullet.

The pitch-black bullet is the prequel of Ye Shenyue, and the red eyes of the crimson are continued on the campus scroll.

Chapter 0043 The opening of the school festival (kneeling to subscribe)

As every school has to experience, the campus festival will soon come, and the school will hand over the sovereignty to the students, allowing the students to arrange their own self-performance, self-activity and self-play, mostly relying on their ideas and teachers Does not participate.

"In that case, let's hold a maid cafe in our class!"

The students in Class [-] of the year seemed very excited. Of course, most of the excited ones were boys. After all, there were mostly girls in this class.If it's a maid cafe, it's not only a feast for the eyes, but also... well, it's only girls who welcome guests, and boys can be lazy.

It's awesome.

Although this is a shameful idea for boys, girls also have their own ideas. It seems that wearing a maid costume in a maid cafe can make them more cute.Attract more boys, that's the charm.

And the maid cafe seems to be doing well too.

"Then assign tasks first, everyone must participate, and are not allowed to escape. This is the honor of our class."

Xiao Moshen stood on the podium and spoke confidently and calmly. At the same time, she also did a lot of homework and assigned tasks according to each person's strengths.

It's like Ye Shenyue, this time I'm... hungry, sewing giant dolls, isn't that what a girl should do? It's just that Moana-chan added that she would supervise Ye Shenyue and didn't speak. , that is to say, Xiao Mo is creating an environment for being alone, Mr. Monitor, GoodJob!

"Do you think this kind of life is really good?"

When we were making dolls together, Momo gently pushed Yagami on the shoulder, "You will leave school after the school festival or something."

Yes, Ye Shenyue has already decided, and after the school festival, he will put an end to his identity of this moon god night, the current world is the world he wants, Yuno's life has been reversed, and he did not kill himself. Her parents and friends also help her, and the same is true for Meishen Ai. Ye Shenyue used her status as the mayor to get a lot of support for the Love Home, and the children also received more attention. For Ye, she already has Friends will no longer be alone.

As for the world, although it is not very clear, he has to pay a certain amount of responsibility for the reason why the world has become like this, so if it is not for him, the world will not be like that smile and make up for Yan Ye and Yuno.

The girls lost any memory of him, or were sealed by Moment, because even Moment couldn't guarantee what the girls would do.

Man... what a disaster.

Momentarily pouted.

As for the "Zeus" Yagami, who has completely disappeared, let him die.Who told that guy to actually put his mind on his daughter's body, and it was like a small moment, because he became the god of this world, he had to be in this world most of the time, and he couldn't be as free as him. This kind of crossing and staying, ahem, even though there is that Crystal Palace in him, he can't stay for too long.

"Okay, you can use other powers to complete everything. I was pricked by a needle just now, and I don't want to do it again."

The little girl sat on the chair while looking for a Band-Aid to put on the wound that was almost impossible to find.


At the beginning of the emotional moment, she had the idea of ​​letting Yashin Yue use her power to cheat, no wonder she said it so succinctly.

However, this power has been useless for a long time.


The silver-white brilliance flickered, and on the ground where there were only threads and strips of cloth appeared, one after another, huge and cute pink and purple dolls that had been completed.

"But it's just a puppet to pull the guests and go the cute route. What preparations did Xiao Mo have done?"

The finished doll is very cute, whether it is a girl or a boy, they can look cute under the dress of the doll.

It's just that this is on the campus here, and the instant sauce can't win other classes with such a "pure" method.

"You want to see?"

Instantly raised his eyebrows, "Okay, then only this time."

The little girl still sat and took off the black stockings on her right leg and threw it on the ground.

Take off your stockings?

Ye Shenyue was a little unclear, but Shanna Sauce stood up all of a sudden, then picked it up and put on the stockings in an orderly manner, so that the stockings covered her thighs, just so that those on the thighs The thin flesh showed two centimeters.

Skirt and black stockings!

This is ordinary dress, but just looking at the process of wearing it makes my heart skip a beat...


Yagami Yue can already imagine, imagine what kind of bunker this school festival will be.The girls in the class lined up with one foot bare and put on the stockings little by little.

This, this... is simply a big temptation!Maybe his harems can give it a try~~ "But what did you think of Shanna-chan?"

This kind of temptation is not something that a simple child can imagine.

"...It's not because your eyes are always on Mommy's clothes."

The little girl looked back at the rag.


Alright, alright, alright, Ye Shenyue doesn't speak anymore, but is it really that obvious when he's at home?Or is it that Xiao Shan is secretly observing him and Xiao Wu?

But anyway.

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