Lian You also praised the terrifying power of his magic.

"What a strange person, too messy to say."

A look of astonishment finally appeared on Shizuojiu's face.She also discovered that it was not Guangdu but a power she did not understand.

This Ye Shenyue actually transmits power into the body of the water snake, what a mess!What if he gets sucked dry?

"Young are so messed up, stop now!"

Feiju grabbed Ye Shenyue's hands, but it was useless, she couldn't hold it no matter how much she pulled.

"Feiju, don't you believe me? Don't you believe in your man's ability?"

There seemed to be a hurt expression on Ye Shenyue's face.

"I believe...but...but...well...Young Master, I believe in you."

Even if the young master really fails, she will never... never live alone!

"Guangdu? Maybe you can give it a try."

A sneer crossed the corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth.

Starting from the palm of the hand, like drawing concentric circles, the dazzling golden brilliance enveloped the entire oversized water snake. Whether it was the water snake's tail or the water snake's head, they were all surrounded by brilliance.

Chapter 0015 Conquering the water demon (3 more flowers)

"It's so warm..."

Covered by the golden brilliance, Feiju only felt comfortable for a while, as if being hugged by the young master's arms.

The power that was sucked out of the body seems to be back, oh no, not back, but more powerful, like suddenly taking a big tonic.

How is the magic power obtained?She got it through her own hard training, but now, she, she really feels the increase in demon power!

It's increasing fast!

"That's... Guangdu?"

The Guangdu I thought before was denied, but this time, this time, Jing Shui Jiu will not admit his mistake, this, this should be Guangdu!

It is indeed Guangdu, Ye Shenyue feels that the output power is many times greater. Originally, he just wanted to lose slowly according to this amount, but the worried faces of Feiju and the others forced him to make a quick decision, so he used Belonging Light. The power of that part of the crossing!

Guangdu is indeed very useful, and the power he outputs is amplified several times at once, like a PCR amplifier. It seems that as long as he is in this brilliance, his power is infinite.

The powerful magic power, which was many times stronger than just now, all poured into the huge body of the water snake, and the water snake was also stronger. It used the function of swallowing to swallow the power of Ye Shenyue. Accept it, absorb it all, and its body grows stronger and stronger.

From the first few dozen meters to several hundred meters, then several thousand meters... Then, the body also became thinner.

Just like a balloon, although the bigger it blows, the thinner the skin of the balloon will become.

As long as it is lightly pricked, it will explode.

"Feiju, do you want revenge? Ye Shenyue is really calm, and now he still has time to joke with Feiju.

"Yes, but Hiiju's ability..."

She couldn't beat this water snake, let alone the super water snake that was now even bigger.

"You can, believe in yourself."

Ye Shenyue had a smile on the corner of her mouth, her smile was gentle and encouraging.

"Really...really? Good! Feiju will believe what the young master says!"

The cat paused, bit his lip, and nodded.

The hand stretched out, revealing sharp cat claws.


It's a water snake!

Fei Ju slammed her claws, although she knew she couldn't beat her, she still clawed her, and clawed with all her strength!


Unbelievably, the water snake screamed in pain.Seems to be hurt to the point.



Feiju and Jing Shui Jiu were stunned at the same time, the change of the water snake was very strange!

Ye Shenyue's huge magic power is still being delivered, but when Feiju used her claws to attack, the attack that never worked, suddenly burst out with infinite power, just one claw, the body of the incomparably huge water snake is like a A punctured balloon, completely collapsed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless water droplets fell from above, which was the body of the water snake, and the water snake that had absorbed too much power collapsed completely.

"No... it's impossible."

Fei Ju stared blankly at her claws, she couldn't believe it, actually, she was the one who caught the water snake.

No, the person who really let her attack... The person who let her attack is the young master!

Feiju looked at Ye Shenyue.There was a flash of darkness in the purple eyes.

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