"Young Master...that..."

When Ye Shenyue turned her body towards him, a trace of panic flashed across Feiju's face.

It's not that she is not confident about her body, but that she always has a thorn in her heart.

The young master has grown to the point where she doesn't need her protection, can she still stay by his side?

"what happened?"

Ye Shenyue turned towards Fei Ju's body, which he would never refuse, raised her waist slightly, her body slammed forward, and once again became intimate with his cat demon. .

"Then... that... the young master, if, if there is a little Feiju not by the young master's side... the young master will remember, will you remember Feiju?"

Forcibly holding back the most real feeling from her body, Feiju's cat ears were shaking slightly, but she still held back and said this question.

She is very concerned about the issue.

If she leaves, will the young master remember her?

If she remembered, she would have no regrets.

"Ha? What did you say? Why did you say that you would leave me? Didn't you say that you would be together forever? You are my guardian blade, how can you leave the master?"

"Young Master, answer me!"

Feiju is very persistent.

"It will not happen……"

Ye Shenyue shook his head, but he saw the silver-white liquid in Feiju's purple eyes flickering.

She is crying!

She is actually crying!

What happened to Feiju?

It was like this when he was in Kojima, and Feiju felt a little weird and a little low for him. Could it be, could it be...

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered the time when Feiju seemed to be down in the original book, and that was when she realized that she would turn black.

She was indeed blackened when she was on the island.

Is this her loss?She thinks that if she turns black, it might hurt him if she doesn't recognize her six relatives, so she wants to leave?

"Indeed, I won't miss you, because I won't let you go at all! I won't let you go, I want you to be with me forever, even if you are blackened, I'm not afraid, I will let you go You regain your senses."

Having said that, Ye Shenyue is also a little depressed, how can I restore Feiju's sanity?

It would be nice if I could talk directly to her blackened sanity and make the blackened sanity never show up.

"Young... Young Master, you... You really won't let Fei Ju leave? But... But Fei Ju has no meaning to exist anymore, Young Master doesn't need Fei Ju anymore... Young Master has grown to be able to be on his own. the limit."

Feiju was still crying, and her voice was intermittent and foggy.

"Who said I don't need you? I need you, of course I need you. You are my cat, only mine, and it has nothing to do with how strong I am... Huh? What do you mean, Feiju?"

Ye Shenyue hugged Fei Ju's body tightly, but he suddenly got stuck.

"The young master is stronger, and your guardian blade is no longer necessary to protect you, and Feiju is superfluous."

"Huh? Uh..."

What should I say?Ye Shenyue's brain really almost crashed, Feiju, so you're not referring to the problem of blackening, it made me worry in vain.

"Feiju, who said I don't need you anymore? Of course I need you. I like to hold you when I go to bed at night, and I like you by my side no matter what I do. This will not change. You are the guardian blade. It's not just to protect me, but also to take on the responsibility of being my woman, otherwise, who am I going to go to like now?"

Yashenyue took another step forward, and Feiju let out a cute hum. "So, get rid of this ridiculous idea and stay by my side!"

"Really? It doesn't matter if Feiju isn't great?"

Feiju raised her tearful eyes.His heart seemed to be in turmoil.

"Of course it's true, Feiju is a guardian cat in my heart, absolutely indispensable."

No, this is the world that guards the catgirl. If there is no Feiju and Feiju is allowed to leave, then what kind of catgirl is this called?

"Also, Feiju, you not only have to protect me, but also our children, and keep protecting them. This is your real duty."

Ye Shenyue kissed Feiju's cheek, and whispered softly beside her furry and sensitive ear.

The voice was very soft, and Feiju felt itchy with the warm breath. The most terrible thing was that Ye Shenyue actually gently bit her ear.

Moist and warm feeling.

Feiju only felt that her body was about to tremble.


"Well, Feiju, your task is still very long, now let's move forward slowly, get our child first..."

Ye Shenyue turned her body again, but there was a knot in his heart. He was a human, and Feiju was a demon. Wouldn't the child born from their union be a half-demon?

Half demon?Inuyasha?Oh no, no, Hiiju is not a dog demon but a cat demon. It is impossible to give birth to Inuyasha, just mentioned that Inuyasha Yagami Moon always has a strange feeling, as if it will have something to do with such a name.

On the other side, Jing Shui Jiu, who had disappeared, did not return to the kitchen. He stood at the top of the attic with bare feet, and his little palms brushed lightly. The originally wet and loli-like little skirt was completely dry.

Taking a breath of fresh air, Jing Shuijiu's figure disappeared again, and when she reappeared, it was in the dark, seemingly terrifying grove.In the woods, there were big eyes either blood red or green, giving off an aura that people were afraid to approach.

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