Lan Yuan Yanzhu smiled as she looked at Tiantong Mugeng in front of her, her face full of flesh.

"It's up to you! Besides, who cares about this guy's intimate contact?"

Tiantongmu even looked at the clothes on his body, and he was speechless for a while. It was obviously his carefully selected clothes, how could it become a gray cloth clothes!

"Is that the ladder?"

Yang Qing suddenly saw a huge figure in front of him stretched out into the sky, and immediately felt that the level of human technology was really used in some places where it should not be used.

"That's right! Lord Tribute, that's the ladder system we supervised by Sima Heavy Industry! The only thing in the world that is useful for the five types of coelenterates!"

Sima Weizhi shouted and jumped on Ye Shenyue's body at once.

"Big sister! Do you want to do this! We are surrounded by people!"

Gently put Sima Weizhi in the car, Ye Shenyue felt that she was really wrong, this girl looks very capable of drinking from the mirror, why did she faint when she drank it?

"Okay! Don't worry about this guy, let's go see if that thing still works? We didn't open that thing last time."

Lan Yuan Yanzhu walked in front of Ye Shenyue and raised her little face like a know-it-all, as if she could answer all of Yang Qing's questions. "I'd better carry her on my back, I don't feel at ease with such a person here!" Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and patted Lan Yuan Yanzhu's head lightly, leaving Sima Weizhi like this, there is only such a little girl Can figure it out!

"Let's go!"

Tina got out of the car with her puppet, and with a wave of Ye Shenyue's little hand, she led Ye Shenyue and the others on the road, as if she was very clear about the situation here.

"Why is Tina able to walk so fast? It's so dark!"

Looking at the moonless sky, Ye Shenyue was somewhat curious, this kind of ability does not seem to be possessed by ordinary people.

"Because Tina is an owl and I am a rabbit! Look! Am I cute?"

Touching her hairpin, Lanyuan Yanzhu's eyes blinked gently, and the beautiful eyelashes on it made Ye Shenyue feel very relaxed!

"Oh! It really is a know-it-all!"

Ye Shenyue praised lightly, and then followed Tina all the way to the ladder as if she could not see the road!

"Listen! What's that sound? It's like singing!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly saw the sound waves coming from a trance, pretended to be very sensitive, and looked back, only to find that everyone was shaking their heads.

"If you're really so busy, help me hold this Gatling! It's really heavy!"

Tentong Mu was even more tired and sweaty, and his face that had just been cleaned up was covered with beads of sweat.

"It's obvious that I want to take it by myself, so why do you say you're tired? If you knew it earlier, you put it in the car!"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu didn't wait for Ye Shenyue's response, she stood up and pointed at Tiantong Mugeng, as if she was a saint who presides over justice.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Tiantongmu looked at Lanyuan Yanzhu even more unhappily, and he didn't talk to her, so how did he break the stage for him?

"Then put it here first?"

Ye Shenyue took off the arm that Sima Weizhi was blocking in front of her and looked at Tiantong Mugeng with a smile. To be honest, Ye Shenyue was also very surprised why this guy would hold onto his stupid and clumsy weapon and would not let it go.

"Okay! Later, the tributaries will come with me to get it!"

Putting the Gatling in the hand on the ground, Tiantong Mu even leaned in front of Ye Shenyue like a child, clenching his hands on his chest and leaning against Ye Shenyue's shoulder.

"Uh! Just now you were talking about Sima Weizhi, why did you learn how to approach a man so quickly?"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu walked to Tina's side and shook her head slightly, she really didn't know why this big brother had such a high charm, so that Tiantong and Sima, who had always had high self-esteem, tried to get close to him at the same time...

"Then go take a look!"

As Ye Shenyue agreed, she leaned Sima Weizhi against a tree, and then followed the voice in front of her and passed by!

"I'm so familiar with the place in front! I'll go with you!"

Lan Yuanyanzhu jumped in front of Yeshenyue, patted her chest, her eyes flickered like pearls in the darkness, shining with dim light, Yeshenyue was quick to see such a beautiful scenery. drunk!

"Big brother? What are you looking at? Is there sand in my eyes?"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu opened her elvish clear eyes, her face was hot for a while, this was the first time she was looked at like this, that kind of loving eyes with hook and soul charm made herself almost intoxicated!

"You don't even think that this ladder can't be opened and you don't want to go in. It's wasting time here, right?"

Tiantong Mu even held his arms in front of his chest, looking at Lian Zhuang and looking at each other, a black line appeared on his face.

"As soon as possible, as soon as possible! I'll find it right away!"

Ye Shenyue quickly retracted her gaze, looked at everyone apologetically, followed the voice line in front of her, and followed Lan Yuan Yanzhu, who was familiar with the situation, to a platform.

"I really want to hear the singing too! And it's so familiar!"

Standing on the platform, Lan Yuan Yanzhu shook her head, and the hairpin stuck in her hair was loosened a bit. 0.0 "Do you know this person?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly saw a cute avatar from Lan Yuan Yanzhu's mirror. It was a little loli with a special kind of intimacy on her face. She had yellow hair and a dress on her body, making Ye Shen Yue has a feeling that she wants to save her.

"There is a person who died here, but she seems to have passed away and will not be here anymore. It may be the special terrain here that causes such music. It's empty, is it there, but it's not easy to detect!"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu seemed to be reminded of some painful experience by Yeshenyue, and her voice no longer had a peculiar throbbing feeling, and anyone could hear the pain in her heart at this moment!

"My dear sister, maybe she's not dead? The human spirit exists, and there will always be a body in it.

Chapter 0031 Qianshou Xia Shi Resurrection

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