"Then what am I?"

Before Ye Shenyue could stand up straight to speak, Qian Shou Xia Shi had already walked to Lan Yuan's side, her face full of curiosity, as if she didn't know what she looked like before!

Chapter 0033 Heavenly Child Abnormal

"Of course he's very gentle, cute, and obedient!"

Lan Yuan stood next to Qianshou, exaggeratedly waving his hands in front of him, making a big circle, as if this was the only way to describe his impression of Qianshou.

"Really? Why didn't I see it?"

Tiantongmu even walked in front of Ye Shenyue to help him, and then looked at Qianshou Xia Shi with a glamorous look, and the suspicion in his eyes did not diminish at all, which made Ye Shenyue feel emotional!

"Some women are suspicious!"

Ye Shenyue thought softly, but found that Tiantong next to her was holding her hands nervously.

"Uh? What's wrong with you? Grabbing my arm so hard?"

Ye Shenyue raised her head to look at Tiantong Mugeng, whose face was a little red, and then looked at Qianshou Xia Shi who was looking at Tiantong innocently. She didn't know what the two were doing.

"The strength of your arm friend! Although there is nothing to say under the dress, it is actually very powerful!"

Tiantong turned to look at Ye Shenyue with a flushed face, as if he had been restrained by his powerful arms!

"Uh, is that why you blushed?"

Lan Yuan habitually stood between Yeshenyue and Tiantong, grabbed the school skirt on Tiantong's body, and looked up at the two of them curiously.

"Ouch! What are you doing?"

Tiantong quickly grabbed his skirt, then looked at Ye Shenyue with admiration, and said softly: "It is only these powerful arms that can defeat those terrifying coelenterates! At first I thought you He is a weak person, but now it seems that I was wrong, and I was completely wrong! It is because of your powerful arm that I was able to escape from death! I was able to be sent to such a safe place by you Woolen cloth!"

The words of Tiantongmu's more worship made Ye Shenyue want to vomit, but she was too embarrassed to embarrass Tiantong in front of these people, so she could only gently put down Tiantong's hand on her arm, and then asked curiously: "What did Qianshou tell you just now? Make you so excited?"

Qianshou seemed to have spoken to Tiantongmu just now, but Yeshenyue couldn't translate it for a while, so she could only ask the person involved!

"Ah? What did you say? You didn't say anything? Qianshou didn't do anything! It's just that I think your arms are very strong. That's why I say that because of my heart's admiration!"

Tiantong stared at his innocent eyes, as if he had confessed to Ye Shenyue and was lenient!

"That Qianshou! What did you say to this sister just now?"

Ye Shenyue turned her eyes to Qianshou who looked at her blankly, feeling that this little girl was very smart before. As for why Lan Yuan had such a good evaluation, Ye Shenyue felt that she could take a good look at her when she was free. Let's talk about her mirror image.

"Don't say anything? I was just about to feel that this sister doubted my identity and was about to argue, when I suddenly saw that this sister seemed very interested in your arm. So I just kept looking at the two of you. Ah, I didn't do anything! Are you saying that, sister?"

Qianshou mischievously looked at Tiantong Yi next to Yeshenyue with that kind of look you know, and Yeshenyue suddenly held up that there was a ghost in it!

"Yes, yes! Qianshou is right!"

Υ Tiantong Mu nodded fiercely at Ye Shenyue, as if he couldn't live in this world if this was wrong!

"Uh, since you all said so, so be it! Maybe Tiantong drank a lot in the car, and he didn't understand it for a while!"

Ye Shenyue is also unwilling to be the kind of person who breaks the casserole and asks the question to the end, and makes girls annoyed, just finds a reason for Tiantong, and then walks to the door and opens the ladder.

"Junior tributary! Have you left me alone? I will knit your little weave!"

Sima Weizhi raised his eyes to look at the back of his dream lover, and shouted regardless of his image, so that Ye Shenyue could only turn around with a black line, and then helplessly looked at Sima Weizhi who was talking, this girl was drinking The only difference between before and after drinking is to give myself a very uncomfortable name!

"How's it going? Miss Sima? If you have nothing to do, can you try to stand up by yourself?"

Ye Shenyue squatted in front of Sima Weizhi, looking at this girl who would get drunk every time she got drunk, she immediately sighed at the creativity of human beings, she clearly gave them food, how did they turn food into food through various strange links What about something so frustrating?

"No way! I want you to carry me on your back. You just carried it on your back, and you suddenly lay on the ground. It's so hard to understand!"

Drunk eyes and blurred forehead looked at Ye Shenyue, Sima Weizhi's head tilted over, and his breathing became even more outstanding!

"What happened to her? Should we consider putting her in a car that only listens to her commands? In that case, if she yells at the moon or something, will she be launched into the moon and disappear?"

Lan Yuan seriously supported his little head with his arms, as if he was thinking about some profound philosophical proposition!

"Uh! Do you want to think about such a thing so seriously, as if you really want to do it!"

Ye Shenyue lamented that when she didn't understand the thinking of these girls, Sima Weizhi suddenly slapped him on the body, using her last strength to grab Ye Shenyue by her side!

"She's catching big brother! Let's go and throw her away!"

Grabbing Tiantong's skirt, Tina blinked her eyes, as if this proposal was as simple as killing an ant!

"Hey, hey! Don't follow Lan Yuan to learn, okay?"

Tiantong grabbed his skirt tightly in his hand, then squatted down and put his hand in Tina's ear and said, "When my sister was fighting today, she found that the skirt was loose, don't you grab it, okay? People are so shy!"

After saying this, Tiantong looked at Tina with a flushed face.

"Sister! You're gone!"

Tina grabbed her puppet and left after saying this.


Tiantong's eyes almost popped out, he quickly stood up, and then turned his head to see that Sima Weizhi was still clutching Ye Shenyue's clothes, as if he would not let go when he was beaten to death!

"Tina! You're right! We should have thrown her away!"

Ye Shenyue turned her head with a black line on her head, only to find that Tiantongmu looked at him even more reddened.

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