When Tina, who was watching Ye Shenyue attentively, heard this, she was immediately pulled back to reality by Tiantong from her imaginary world!

"Uh, I know, this door is very big, and the latch looks a lot old. My sister wants to ask you for help!"

Tiantong looked at Tina a little embarrassed, should he pull Tina into the water?

"Uh! But I'm not tall enough! Sister, how can I help?"

With Ye Shenyue watching from the side, Tina naturally couldn't refuse, she could only look at her curiously, her arms hugging the doll tighter.

"It's like this, I'm afraid that this power is not enough, so let me hold you, and then we will..."

Before Tiantong finished speaking, he suddenly found that his pants had been grabbed by someone behind him.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

Tiantong Mugeng, who was a little nervous from being tortured by Lan Yuan and Qianshou, shouted, and only then did he realize that Tianshou had a gloomy face.

"Would you like this, you are wearing pants now!"

Looking sideways at the ground, Tianshou wondered why this woman was so nervous today.

"Uh! It's okay, it's okay, I saw a bug on the ground just now!"

Waving his hands to everyone, Tiantong Mu looked at Ye Shenyue with a cold sweat on his face, and found that this guy was still taking good care of the drunk Sima Weizhi, and he couldn't help but feel jealous.

... "The tributaries are so good at taking care of people!"

"Uh! Do you want to do this! Competing with a drunk person to be jealous..."

Ye Shenyue wiped the sweat in her heart, and then she showed a smile as bright as the sun, and looked at Tiantong.

"No more! I just feel that Miss Sima is a little drunk. By the way, when will you open the door here for everyone?"

"Uh... this! I'm discussing with Tina."

Tiantongmu didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only smile at Ye Shenyue, then turned around nervously, and looked at Qianshou Xia Shi with an indifferent face behind him.

"If you have something to say, hurry up!"

Nodding at Qianshou Xia Shi with his lips, Tiantongmu looked more carefully at Ye Shenyue behind him, he still had to express his stance on such a thing!

"Even if you hold Tina and open the door, the dust that blows in your face will still cover your body. You were originally covered in annoying dust, but now it will be more serious!"

Opening his mouth and laughing loudly, Qianshou Xia Shi had already imagined how Tiantongmu would look like terracotta warriors and horses being glued to the dust in the room!

"Uh... it seems like this is really the case!"

Tiantong thought to himself, even if he was holding Tina, then he would just pull Tina together and be glued to the terracotta warrior's face. Instead, it would be better to go alone!

"Sister? What did you just say? How can I help you?"

Tina's timely inquiry made Tiantong have no time to think about it, and said directly: "Don't worry! My sister suddenly found out that you really can't do anything, so I should let my sister do this!"

Smiling at Tina, Tiantong Mugeng's face showed a kind of heroic appearance of a martyr. Since it was a dusty end when he went, he might as well go by himself!

"Oh! That's it! Then I'm sorry, I didn't help you!"

Nodding to Tiantong, Tina didn't think how great this matter was, and stood aside to watch everyone.

"It's really not possible, let me do it! Miss Sima shouldn't be a problem, just leave it to this strange machine!"

Chapter 0040 Good friend forever and ever

"Ah? Are you here?"

Tiantong Mu was even more stunned for a moment, looking at his companions around, it seemed that he didn't seem to be responsible!

"Then I don't have to be coquettish?"

Such an idea suddenly popped into Tiantong Mugen's mind.

"It's really irresponsible!"

Tina shook her head and thought, looked at Tiantong helplessly, and felt wrong in her heart. If Mr. Tribute did everything, would it make everyone a burden?

"Big brother, hold me and I'll open the door, okay?"

Walking in front of Ye Shenyue, Tina handed her doll to Tiantong Mugeng next to her, and then stretched out her arms to let Ye Shenyue hug her.


I didn't expect that Tina would take the initiative to propose such an idea to herself, and she was overjoyed. Looking at Tina's appearance, her heart was full of happiness!

"Such a beauty can be hugged by herself, where can you find such a good thing?"

Ye Shenyue thought happily, and then stretched out her arms to gently hug Tina. Tina is like a porcelain doll in his hand, and it must not be broken!

"Uh! It seems that they have a good relationship. It seems that people who don't talk often are good friends!"

Qianshou Xia Shi looked at Tiantong Mugeng, and said quietly in his mouth.

"Stop talking, okay? I prefer the way you speak your lips!"

Tiantongmu turned his head even more dumbly, watching Qianshou Xia Shi suddenly didn't know what to say.

"This former promoter of Qianshou seems to be a bastard? I haven't seen her so cynical. This time it suddenly appeared, how did it become like this?"

Tiantong's thoughts lingered in his mind, and the look in Qianshou's eyes was not so good!

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