Tianshou opened his eyes from the side, his eyes were not very clear, it seemed that he was awakened by Ye Shenyue!

"Yeah, are you asleep yet?"

Ye Shenyue sat beside him naturally, and was really embarrassed about such a thing.

Tianshou made it from the place where he slept, wiped his eyes with his hands, took a deep breath, stretched his lazy waist and said, "Yes, I have slept well, to be honest, when I was alive before, I didn't I've had such a good night's sleep, this is the first time I've slept after being resurrected, and it's really rare to be able to sleep so soundly!"

Speaking to Ye Shenyue, Tianshou had already stood up and planned to go outside.

"Let everyone sleep. Our cursed children usually don't sleep for long. Tiantong and Sima are different. They are normal human beings and need to sleep for more than eight hours!"

After finishing speaking, he took Ye Shenyue to the outside together. Outside, Tianshou and Lan Yuan naturally made out in front of Ye Shenyue.

"Humans always seem to have a good impression of each other when there is no one else around! When everyone is together, although it is very lively, it is easy to cause estrangement!"

After saying a few wise words in my heart, Ye Shenyue was entangled by these two good friends!

"Big brother, you are not an ordinary person. I can see it. You are not only a good person, but also a good person with ability! Tell me, what kind of identity are you?"

Holding Ye Shenyue's arm, Lan Yuan was the first to ask a question, which was much more difficult to answer than Tina asked!

"It seems that these children are not easy to deal with!"

Before she knew it, Yagami remembered the cute babies who were still in the Tokyo Hotel!

Chapter 0060 Magical Accelerator

Tokyo Hotel "Who are you?"

Looking at the few men in black who appeared in front of her with sleepy eyes, Qing Zi Liu suddenly realized something and shouted from outside the floor!

"These little devils!"

After being kicked away by the record, the leader of the special team finally couldn't bear these difficult children!

"Drip drip!"

While racking her brains to return to the most bizarre question that the two little girls thought of, a red light suddenly flashed around Ye Shenyue's waist!

"What is that?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue curiously, Lan Yuan stopped Ye Shenyue who was about to stand up with one hand.

"Humph! Looking for a reason to run away? That's not a good reason!"

With a hint of cunning in his eyes, Lan Yuan's inner mirror has appeared in front of Ye Shenyue!

"Uh, what is this little girl thinking, this is Zi Liu's sensor, how can it be the tool I plan to run away?"

Ye Shenyue was in a cold sweat, but facing Lan Yuan, who was muttering to stop her, she really couldn't take her small arm away from her eyes!

"You are a rabbit type! So what is Tianshou?"

Asking such a question for no reason, Lan Yuan didn't know how to answer, so he could only turn his head to look at Tianshou Xia Shi next to him.

"Uh... This question has never been asked before. In fact, I am a sheep type, but the sheep type has no other advantages other than a slightly better defense, so I say..."

"So the eyes of the two of you are almost the same as normal humans!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly asked, the forehead sensor on the side was jumping non-stop, which made Ye Shenyue's nerves even more nervous!


The two little girls nodded curiously together, and their eyes were full of doubts!

"Hoo! That's good!"

Ye Shenyue murmured softly, and then snapped her fingers on her left hand, and came to the door of the Tokyo Hotel. At this time, there were only a few pedestrians on the road. Ye Shenyue didn't pay attention to these, and hurried up. third floor!

"The special service team of the Son of Heaven's official residence?"

After finding this thing in the clothes of the leader, Ye Shenyue was speechless for a while. She thought it was her little girls who were in danger. It turned out that the Son of Heaven had done bad things with good intentions!

"Look at the way they show their teeth and claws, it's just too long beside the head of state, I don't know how to respect others!"

Seeing how her little girls kicked them all over the ground because they were afraid of these people, Ye Shenyue's impression of these guys has also dropped a lot, but since they are allies, naturally they can't say anything but Put these cops on one side, then put your kids on the other side and stand by yourself outside the door!


After snapping her fingers, Ye Shenyue didn't need to react to these people, she yelled at them, first brought the scene under control, and then came in and negotiated with the headless special team leader!

"Okay, so be it! You can take my children to the Fuhrer, but make sure not to scare my children, I am the general of the Self-Defense Force, and I have an obligation to defend New Tokyo! Go first! !"

Having said so much in a hurry, Ye Shenyue turned around and quickly disappeared, and then returned to Lan Yuan and Tian Shou!

"Big brother! Where are you?"

As soon as she got to the top of the big tree and stood up, she heard the anxious voices of two little loli following Ye Shenyue.

A big living person suddenly disappeared in front of him, no one would be relieved, not to mention Ye Shenyue's calm expression just now, these two little loli didn't want to give her big brother to her. lost!

"I'm here!"

Thinking about it, she ran near the ladder, and Ye Shenyue yelled at the two little loli. Although she was able to stop the time and space, she was still and open at the same time, and she was there to communicate with the brainless special team leader. At that time, even the self here disappeared!

"Ah! Big brother is there!"

Lan Yuan's eyes are still good, and he soon discovered Ye Shenyue, and ran over with Tianshou three times five divisions two!

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