"What happened to the two of you? Do you think my proposal is very clever! This will not only destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, but also prevent everyone from saying anything? Isn't it?"

Smiling at his comrade who just got up from the wet ground and was afraid of hitting the fallen leaves on his body, Lan Yuan seemed to be very confident!

"Okay...you have such a good idea!"

She didn't know how to describe the shock she felt in her heart at this time. Yeshenyue gave Lan Yuan a thumbs up.Also made up my mind!

"Resolutely can't let this little girl do this!"

"Lan Yuan, if you break this machine, will Miss Sima fight with you?"

Looking at Lan Yuan eagerly, Qianshou Xia Shi always felt that this matter was developing more and more crazy!

"Desperate? What are you fighting for? Anyway, Sima Heavy Industry is so powerful, so just ask her to find her father to make another one for her? Maybe we can go to her house for a good meal when she calls for a helicopter! Did you know? The last time she invited us into the house, I ate the most delicious Tian Bharat!"

Nodding fiercely at Qianshou, Lan Yuan, who was talking, was almost drooling at the thought of those things!

"Uh... so they don't know what happened to the Sima family!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head in her heart, and then she heard Qianshou say excitedly, "Really? There is Tian Bharat! Wouldn't it be delicious!"


Ye Shenyue couldn't bear the blow she received, and once again fell on the ground where there was no dew!

At this time, the two friends are actually thinking about how to go to Sima's house for a meal?

"Big brother? What happened to you?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue on the ground, the faces of the two little loli showed curious expressions, are we talking about Tian Bo Luo making the big brother fall?

"Uh! I'm just a little surprised!"

Looking at the two little loli, Ye Shenyue didn't dare to tell the truth to them.

"I see! It must have been the big brother who heard Tian Baoluo and couldn't take it anymore, so he fell down! Am I right?"

Blinking at Ye Shenyue, Lan Yuan walked to Ye Shenyue's side and stretched out his little hand.

"All right……"

Can't understand what's going on in the minds of the two little guys?Ye Shenyue shook her head and stood up.

"Big brother! Have you ever eaten Tian Baoluo?"

... Qianshou looks even more excited. When it comes to food, this little girl seems to be very good at it!


In the face of such a cute little loli, Ye Shenyue really can't tell a lie, she can only look at the three people who are still sleeping, hoping that Qianshou will not be as crazy as Lan Yuan, but obviously, Ye Shenyue wants to wrong!

"Big brother, let's get started! You see they haven't woken up yet. Let's dismantle this strange thing as soon as possible, so that we can take a helicopter to Sima's house to eat Tian Baoluo!"

For the first time, jumping up and down in front of Ye Shenyue excitedly, Qian Shou looked even more excited than Lan Yuan!

"Eh! Qianshou, do you think it's your Tian Baoluo that's more important, or is everyone's body more important? It doesn't seem very good for us to put Sima, Tiantong and Tina outside on such a cold night!"

Looking at the two little loli with black lines, Ye Shenyue felt that she couldn't understand more and more what was going on in the minds of these little loli!

"Is it cold? You see that we are all wearing short sleeves and the like, so it's not cold at all! Don't worry! Even if you catch a cold, doesn't the Sima family have a private hospital?"

Speaking to Ye Shenyue, Qian Shou pulled up Lan Yuan next to him and prepared to get into the car.

"Big brother, seeing that you've been tired all day, you don't seem to want to help? Let's do it ourselves!"

Turning his head and smiling at Ye Shenyue, Lan Yuan looked a lot more relaxed.

"How can there be!"

She didn't dare to let these two little lunatics do anything to the three sleeping beauties, Ye Shenyue reacted and rushed up, only to find that Lan Yuan and Qian Shou had grabbed Sima's hands and feet and were about to throw them out!

"Big brother, I've got a good job for you. Carry out Sister Sima! Let's take care of the remaining two!"

Lan Yuan grabbed Sima's shoulders with two small hands and stood at the door of the car with a charming smile on his face.


With a snap of her fingers, Ye Shenyue shook her head and looked at these two cute little loli, she never thought that she would actually wake up these drunks with her own hands!

"It's yours! It's yours!"

Putting the sobering agent in the mouths of the three sleeping children, Ye Shenyue returned to the original place.


Everything is business as usual, as if nothing has changed.

Chapter 0066 Debate of the foodie

"Ah! Who is it?"

Just as Sima opened his eyes, he suddenly found two black shadows above his head, and his body seemed to be suspended in mid-air.

"Are you the messengers of hell?"

Looking at the two little loli holding their bodies in surprise, looking from the bottom up, it was indeed black, and Sima suddenly screamed in fright!

"Uh! Why are you awake?"

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