In the shadow of the silver quiet moonlight, there were gleams of fine light.It's like being covered with layers of dazzling silver.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue is not as relaxed and quiet as the small river flowing. At this moment, he has two cute little arms around Jingshuijiu around his neck. It was the young father who hugged Jing Shui Jiu's buttocks like his coquettish daughter, and walked slowly to the river.

Yes, the speed is very slow. This is what Shizusujiu asked. "If you go too fast, tell Stupid Cat and Rinko about your special interest."

She was referring to the matter of spanking and spanking Sayat naked, the conscience of heaven and earth, he really doesn't have that hobby, he just simply wants to bully, oh no, he wants to educate Saya, what is "respect" and "go to into the water."

Jing Shui hugged Ye Shenyue's neck for a long time, stretched out her little tongue and licked her head like a cat on it, and then gave Ye Shenyue a new mission.

"In the water?"

Ye Shenyue understands that the still water is the most suitable for her, but the water demon is the most suitable for her. Her favorite environment is water, otherwise she will not prolong the time every time she takes a bath. However, how can her skin not rot if she has been immersed in the water?

Of course, this idea can only be thought about in his heart, he is not so ignorant, and he is not allowed to be so blinded by Jing Shui Jiu when he says it!

Shizuojiu is a very cute loli.

Ye Shenyue went into the water and lay on her back, leaning her hands on the smooth black stones on the shore like a bath, while Jing Shui Jiu let go of her and closed her eyes in enjoyment.

She is a water demon, no matter how she looks in the water, she will not sink.

Two sensitive fingers were already stroking Ye Shenyue's body. Her hands were soft and cold, but the places touched by her small hands seemed to be burned by fire, and his heart was itching. .

(here pushed to the process is harmonious)...  


Ming Xiayu is taking a bath with sand like a child. Even if they are monsters, they like to be clean as girls.

Ming Xiayu's whole body was immersed in the clear water. Suddenly, her nose moved, and she patted a few times. She was really enjoying the sand and sand playing in the water like a child. Her nose moved, she seemed to be It was the smell of a man.

This breath seems to be strong.

Ming Xiayu is not false, they rely on absorbing men's energy to enhance their strength, but she has not tried this skill, because she has never found a man who can make her fancy. She couldn't resist a slap, her self-esteem would not allow her to have a relationship with such a useless man, otherwise, let alone increase her ranking among monsters by beating ghosts, then she would have been seen by monsters for a long time. Flat!

But...the smell seems good.

Ming Xia Yu snorted twice, but started to get dressed on the shore.The most important thing now is to destroy the ghosts of the Tianhe family. As for finding a man, we will talk about it later.

Chapter 0023 The chaotic morning (2 more monthly tickets)

"Ye Shenyue, it's morning... eh... eh eh..."

The next day, Rinko, who had a good night's sleep, pushed open the door of Yashinyuki's room, but she immediately became furious!

"What's wrong, Rinko? It's so early again?"

Although Rinko has always had the habit of waking him up in the morning, but now it's better to stay in bed in the countryside.

Ye Shenyue touched the skin of the girl next to her, but she still didn't want to wake up.

The king will never go to court early.

Although he is not a king, it's okay to sleep a little longer today!

"Yue! What... When did you have two sleeping with you!"

Rinko's pale yellow eyes were wide open, clearly showing an indignant expression. Even though her childhood sweetheart was always by her side, she even sneaked food after pushing the cat!

It's too much!

If you want to sleep with her, you can find her!

"That's it... the young master made it late last night and said..."

Feiju's cat ears moved like a cute rubbing of her eyes.

"It's a bit noisy."

On the other hand, Jing Shui Jiu, who was at the innermost side of the bed, turned his head and continued to sleep.

As soon as Jing Shui Jiu's voice came out, Fei Ju also realized that something was wrong.

"Hey! Jing Shui Jiu, why are you here!"

Feiju was also awake, and she went into a frenzy without seeing any trace of Jing Shui. When did this water demon climb onto the bed of her young master?It's so shameless!

"People who have become the young master of your family said last night, where are you not going here? I don't understand this logic, what a stupid cat!"

Jing Shui Jiu slowly opened his wine-red eyes, gave Fei Ju an angry look, and then quickly hugged Ye Shenyue's arm and placed his arm on her body.

"Last night? Last night? Month!"

Rinko was about to cry, and sure enough, it was done. She was in a tangled mood when she was inserted by a cat, but now she was inserted by another one. What was the face of her childhood sweetheart?

"Young Master! What's going on? No, it's not the Young Master's fault, it must be you, the water demon, who seduced the Young Master!"

Fei Ju stared at Jing Shui for a long time, and the cat's ears stood up. This was not a picture of joy but anger.

"Stupid cat, and stupid Rinko, needless to say, of course, Yue prefers other people's words, and is tired of you all."

Jing Shui said as he straddled Ye Shenyue's body.Magi (the process of the European competition is omitted here), one pair, two pairs, three pairs, and three pairs of eyes looking at him with hope, but Ye Shenyue can't choose anyone. Will ignore him for a while.

In line with the idea of ​​not making the girl sad, Ye Shenyue ran away as a bachelor, and the speed was very fast, even the cat and Jing Shui Jiu who had reacted could only flutter in the air.

"By the way, actually, I'm full control, sister control, loli control, and girl control are all within my hunting range, so you don't have to fight."

Ye Shenyue's figure had disappeared, but his voice came over.

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