I don't know when he has appeared beside Tina, and Tiantongmu pointed at a lot of children in front of him in an even more unhappy way!

"Big sister does the same thing, but it's because of affection and age!"

Lan Yuan also came to the gate at some point, and after making a face at Tiantongmu, he began to help Qianshou and Qingziliu to bring these excited children over!

"Hehe, it's alright!"

Ye Shenyue sat up from the ground with satisfaction. Although she was really tired, being surrounded by these lovely children really made Yagami Yue's nervous mood completely relaxed. If she could always be with these lovely children. Together, I really die without regrets!

"Big brother has worked hard!"

Taking the initiative to hand over a towel, Tina's face was full of worry. She looked at Ye Shenyue carefully, and felt relieved for a while, and grinned happily!

"Tina, you too..."

I thought Tina was the most reserved child, but she took the initiative to care about this guy, and Tiantong Mugeng suddenly felt helpless. If the annoying Sima was not there at this time, the two of them would be able to express themselves together. It's reserved, but now that everyone has done this, Tiantongmu thinks that he should also try it?

"It's still big sister calm down, unlike us children!"

As soon as Tina turned around, she gave Tiantongmu a bright smile, which made people feel relaxed for a long time!

"Uh, of course!"

Since Tina has said so, Tiantongmu can't say anything more, lightly akimbo, looking at the top of his head proudly!The shadows of several helicopters hovering over it caught Tiantong's eyes!

"Wow, eldest sister is wearing the dress we used as a rag last night!"

Lan Yuan's coquettish smile suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and suddenly, Tiantongmu's calm posture was not calm all of a sudden!

"What are these people doing? It's so confusing?"

The members of the Metropolitan Police Department who were patrolling the sky looked curiously at the situation in front of the Tokyo Hotel.Then I naturally pressed the button to take a photo, and the joyful and chaotic scene was captured by the camera equipment under the helicopter!

"Okay, okay! Big brother hasn't eaten yet, so let's not make trouble with everyone, let me go in!"

Ye Shenyue stood up from the ground and greeted these lovely children into the restaurant, but naturally she didn't notice that her vehicle was not locked yet!

Chapter 0090 Departure

"Children, this time I received an order from the Son of Heaven, saying that we are going to exterminate those coelenterates that threaten the safety of our new Tokyo! Although I know that those coelenterates are boundless, we certainly cannot exterminate them. It's over, but we also have to show our strength! So we must perform well!"

After a casual meal, Yeshenyue told everyone about the next task. Although Tina was curious why the Son of Heaven didn't even leave Yeshenyue to eat, she was beaten by Yeshenyue. Haha passed, in fact, I don't need to eat at all, why waste the time of the Son of Heaven?

"Okay! Just let them see the strength of our guard!"

Lan Yuan was the first to speak every time, and this time was no exception. After Ye Shenyue finished speaking, she was the first to stand up to support her big brother!

"Then shall we all go or leave some?"

Tiantongmu is not so easy. This is a direct battle with coelenterates. If it were that simple, there would be no need to sacrifice so many police officers. If all these children were taken, no matter which one was sacrificed. Not fun!

"Of course it's all gone! Only in this way can we expand the results!"

Ye Shenyue said calmly, if any child was to be kept at this time, Ye Shenyue would definitely have to spend a long time explaining whether she looked down on the children who were left behind. Instead, Ye Shenyue was more willing to bring her. Let's go together!

"Okay! At that time, you, the captain, must protect everyone well!"

Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue even more helplessly, and shook his head as if he hadn't said that...

"Let's go then!"

After eating the pasta, Ye Shenyue stood up and laughed at the children. Although Tiantong Mugeng's worries were very reasonable, Ye Shenyue would not give up anything casually, not to mention that this opportunity was a rare opportunity. If you don't take everyone to experience the opportunity, if you leave this world in the future, who will help the Son of Heaven to unify this continent?

"Long live!"

A group of little loli jumped up and shouted happily. Tina, who had been gearing up for a long time, also looked at her big brother excitedly. She must behave well in front of her big brother, although she had already defeated three coelenterates during the morning patrol. Yes, but it's a pity that Big Brother wasn't there, I must show myself well in this battle!

"set off!"

Sitting in the jeep, Ye Shenyue pointed to the northwest, and then drove the car towards the gap!

"You are so courageous. Others must be exhausted when they hear that there are so many coelenterates there, but you are lucky to take these children directly to the front line. Is there really no army beside the Son of Heaven? Can it be dispatched?"

Unhappy looking at the enthusiastic Yashinyuki from the co-pilot's position, although Tiantongmu is the vice-captain, it feels no different from non-existence!

"Hehe, are you mad at me, do you think that our guard is actually the protection agency of the Son of Heaven, not a guard that can really go to the battlefield?"

While driving, Ye Shenyue has a good grasp of Tiantong Mugeng's heart. At this time, she has given up watching the mirror images of these girls' hearts, and the results that are often seen are the same as what these little girls will do next. Things are basically impossible to fight, so Ye Shenyue is more willing to talk to them from the perspective and feelings of an ordinary person.

"Hehe, isn't it? Our guard team has only been established for a few hours. To put it in a bad way, I can't name these children now, and from the beginning I thought our team was the Son of Heaven. To replace those guards, they are actually the ones who should be on the battlefield, aren't they?"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, Tiantongmu didn't mind communicating with him a lot. He had been a policeman for so long. Although he had a close relationship with Tiantong's family, he never expected to rely on the reputation of Tiantong's family. What, I want to be a strong person!

"You think too much, those guards are the real embroidered pillows - they look good on the outside and are soft on the inside, we cursed children are the key to resisting coelenterates, everyone can see that, I said Tiantong, you just Don't deny it, it's better to see the actual effect!"

...Smile at Tiantong, Yeshenyue's motorcade has already left the city. As for why there are no policemen standing guard along the way, Yeshenyue doesn't really care about it. These guys don't even care about their own top officers. Existed, sabotage is also very normal!

"But these children haven't been trained much. It's not good for you to drive ducks on the shelves like this!"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue still had such a disgusting look on her chest, Tentong Mugeng's mood became excited. As for it?You have never been on the battlefield, have you?Although Tina said that you are so good...

"Hehe, let's just wait and see. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! Those policemen who are afraid of enemies like tigers are the declining generation. The thinking of using these children as tools should be changed. I hear those shameless words. Belly fire, they are children with special skills, they have the ability to protect the world, not our tools! Okay, here we are, get out of the car, there is no road ahead!"

Ye Shenyue was talking.As soon as he got out of the car, he began to gather everyone together, leaving Tiantong in the car stunned!

"It's not a tool? Is this what someone who is not a police officer said?"

Tiantong looked at Ye Shenyue who was busy outside the window, and suddenly felt how insignificant he was compared to him in terms of personality!

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