Looking at Ye Shenyue in surprise, Tian Tong Mu even wondered if the man in front of him was the one who could give a warm smile at any time, to actually say such ruthless words to him!

"No, I didn't think so, I just thought..."

Ye Shenyue also fell into a deep shock, and she actually possessed such an angry emotion as a human being. Didn't the previous sons look at all this with sneering eyes?What the hell is going on today?

"Stop talking! I'm leaving!"

Tiantongmu let out a louder cry, struggling to tear off his badge and rank, he didn't care about these things at all!

"Big sister, don't..."

He hugged Tiantong Mugeng, and Tina held it silently, as if hugging her own sister.

"Big brother is also for our good, big brother is for our good, big brother is not a cursed child, but he loves us like this, I don't want us to be slandered and discussed, big sister, you should be the same as big brother !"

Silently saying such warm words, Tina hugged even tighter!

"Humph! I can say such hurtful words, what's the point of me still here? Why don't I go home! Tina, let's go back, we still have our own police company, since we've only been here for a day, we don't need it at all. I'm afraid I won't be able to open it when I go back!"

Angrily turning his head to look at Yeyoushen, who was at a loss, Tiantongmu said more seriously.

"I was wrong. It was a slip of the tongue just now. I apologize to you. Frankly speaking, I didn't expect the consul's office to slander my children like this! I hope you can understand!"

Speaking to Tiantongmu even more indifferently, Ye Shenyue suddenly realized that she was accustomed to using human thinking and emotions to do things!And he came into this world less than a week ago.

"Humph! It's fine to apologize? You said that my grandfather's life is a slander to you, but isn't it a slander when you said I deliberately made everyone retreat and turn around? Remember, the tributary young master, when you are blaming others Your index finger is facing others, but your middle finger, ring finger, and pinky are all facing yourself!"

Tiantongmu looked at the sky even more arrogantly. It seems so difficult to make Miss Tiantong forgive someone who has a temper!

"Hehe, if that's the case, why are your fingers pointing at me when you put your fingers on your chest? Well, put these things on, I promise, I'll let the children come back intact, I know You are also afraid that I will use my temper to bring everyone to a doomed situation, but don't worry, I have a secret weapon!"

Picking up the badge and rank that had been torn off by Tiantongmu Geng, Ye Shenyue clumsily walked to her side and carefully put it on Tiantongmu. Of course, in the process, some calming agent must be passed through. The air allows Tentong to absorb it even more!

"The world is not so beautiful, but you are so irritable, it's not good or bad!"

Said softly, Ye Shenyue put Tiantongmu Geng's hand on her chest and put 763 down, then gently took her hand, walked out of the gate, and entered the jeep!

"Big brother and big sister are holding hands! It's great!"

The little girls looked at everything in front of them with delight, although they seemed to be talking in small whispers, but it was enough to make Tiantong Mugeng's little face blush once!

"Let go!"

Facing Ye Shen Yue Jiao's hand, who was still holding his hand, Tian Tong Mu quickly fell into the ambiguous atmosphere that he had created for himself.

"Does this person like me or not? Like me? Then why are you arguing with me? Don't like me? Then why do you keep me? And let me be the vice-captain..."

Tiantongmu, who was in deep thought, fell asleep in the car, as if a cute kitten was taking a lunch break, and not far away, a real "kitten" was waiting for the owner's arrival!

"Big brother is so amazing, why did you let Sister Tiantong stay as soon as you held hands?"

Sitting in the last car, Qinglu Liu asked curiously.

"This is just a small episode in life, in fact, the big brother likes me as a concubine!"

Driving the car, Lan Yuan looked at the road ahead very calmly...

Chapter 0098 Special Missions

"Why are you here again?"

Looking at the group of jeeps in front of him, the Colonel's face was exceptionally wonderful, with curiosity, doubt, surprise and worry.

"Don't worry, we won't bother you this time by coming here. I hope you can stay where you are. I don't want my children to be slandered again for going to rescue you guys!"

Ye Shenyue got out of the car and looked at Mr. Colonel. To be honest, the Colonel is still doing his duty. At least he won't stumble behind his back like some people. Your own merit is based on the sacrifice of your companions!

"Okay, it looks like you already know that statement, how about that? Are you going to move on and use your actions to break other people's stigma?"

As soon as the colonel heard what Ye Shenyue said, he knew that this guy was going to use his own actions to prove himself, and he would often do such things when he was young, but now, he already knew that living in this world is not what he imagined. So simple, I gradually forgot my impulse.

"Of course you are smart! It was a pleasure talking to you!"

Reaching out to the colonel, Ye Shenyue hopes that the colonel can restrain her subordinates this time!

"All right!"

Watching Ye Shenyue lead his team through his camp, the smile on the colonel's face suddenly solidified. After confirming that Ye Shenyue had gone far, he immediately ordered his subordinates to report this information!

"Give me a cell phone?"

Already getting closer and closer to the place where the coelenterates were, Ye Shenyue also got tense, and casually asked the children behind her that she had threw out the first phone call.

"Here! Big brother, can you not throw the phone away after calling? People are so distressed!"

Lan Yuan took the initiative to hand over his mobile phone to Ye Shenyue, but he was very worried that his mobile phone would be thrown away by Ye Shenyue!

"Uh, I have to throw it away, Lan Yuan, do you hope that when you are sleeping beautifully at night, a phone call suddenly comes, and you find out that it is from someone you don't know?"

Smiling at Lan Yuan, Ye Shenyue hasn't made a call yet, otherwise, the fate of this call will definitely be a deadly rhythm!

"Of course I don't want to. Who wants to call me like this, I will definitely beat him up?"

Clenching his little fist, Lan Yuan doesn't seem to be talking about it!

"That's it, these reporters, it is this virtue, they will always harass others, and what is the name of freedom of the press? Don't ask if the interviewee is willing to accept the interview!"

Ye Shenyue shook the mobile phone in her hand, indicating that she was going to use this mobile phone to make a call with a reporter. Of course, it also indirectly indicated the fate of this water machine.

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