"Soldiers never tire of deceit! This is the basic strategy for ninjas to master!"

Sera was not discouraged in the slightest, and it would be abnormal if Lord Currywood's servant was so weak!

"Cut! Haruna, bring "Mistertin"!"

While watching Sera's movements, Yagami said to Haruna, who was eating biscuits from somewhere.I don't know who he is fighting this terrifying vampire ninja for!

Seeing Haruna's onlookers, Yagami wanted to leave Sera aside and give Haruna a shudder.

"Of course! Who is Haruna-chan? The genius girl in magical costume is naturally carrying Teacher "Mistetine" with her!"

Haruna actually pulled out her pink chainsaw from behind.Throw it directly to Ye Shenyue, "Idiot step, come on, defeat Ye Ye Nu!"

"No problem, but, Haruna, you have to promise me a condition!"

Ye Shenyue took the saw and looked around with her eyes. At this time, Sera had already disappeared into the void while Ye Shenyue received "Mistertin", and seemed to be attacking when he was watching him relax.

"Conditions? What conditions will Idiot Step propose?"

Chunnai's little hand holding the biscuits also trembled, her mind was already flying far away.

However, the environment inside the field is constantly changing.

"Humph! You thought you could beat me with a broken saw? You really underestimate the ability of a vampire ninja!"

Sera's voice came from all directions, making it feel like it was there, but not like it.It was as if it had just been in front of me and flew into the distance again, making it unpredictable.

And Ye Shenyue, who was standing in the center, was calm in her heart.Maybe he didn't even know how this kind of fight scene that only appeared in martial arts novels could happen to him, but he was panicked at first, but for some reason, he closed his eyes and put his hands in his hands. Holding the "Mistertin", there was no urge to transform.

Now, although Serra's voice is all around him, he is extremely calm.

"How dare you close your eyes! Humph!"

"Secret Sword - Yan Hui!"

Sera shouted loudly, and at the same time, her figure appeared on the top of Yeshenyue, and endless green leaves were spinning in the air. Every leaf that looked ordinary in the past seemed to have life at this time. JiaYig is extremely sharp and has become a weapon to kill.And her secret sword came from behind Ye Shenyue, with endless energy and speed.As if to destroy the power of the earth.


Obviously it was a one-hit kill, but the scene was raised with dust, flying all over the sky, making it difficult to see what was inside.

"Huh? Idiot step! Are you alright!"

Apparently it's Haruna caught in some kind of aoS fantasy.Her little face became more and more red, and there was such a big movement in the field, which naturally woke her up and threw the remaining biscuits in her hand. Xiao Chunnai quickly jumped off a tombstone and ran towards the place where the smoke spread.

"Chunna, don't come here!"

In the smoke and dust, Ye Shenyue's voice sounded, causing Xiao Chunnai to stop slightly, and then immediately quickened her pace, but she ran even faster!

"Shit! Sera, you sneak attack!"

Ye Shenyue's dissatisfied voice continued to come, and at the same time, Haruna felt as if she was being hugged, and even picked her up.

"As long as you can become a servant of Lord Currywood, all means can be used!"

The smoke cleared, and Sera stood on the ground with a smug smile on her face.

However, this complacency completely disappeared in less than a second!What she saw, she saw that her secret sword was not stabbing Ye Shenyue's body, but was bitten by the opponent's teeth, and at this time, Ye Shenyue was holding Haruna around her waist with one hand , the other hand quickly hit Sera!

"Humph! Such a slow speed...how could it be...ah..."

In the eyes of Ninja Sera, Ye Shenyue's fist was extremely slow, but when she blinked, the fist had already flown in front of her!

Just looking at Ye Shenyue's slow fist, it's all afterimages!The fist is drawn in a straight line, because the speed is too fast, and only the afterimage appears in the air!

not good!Are you going to get hit?

She has always been arrogant, but she also has moments of tension.

Once she is nervous, it proves that her heart is unstable, which is a sign of losing first.

Ps: Regarding the protagonist's hard work... um, this, it will change.For collections, clicks, comments, if there are more comments, the author's code word JiQig will be higher.

Chapter 0016 The blackened girl (for collection)

"You, You, it's really nice to come back alive to see you, no, You, save me!"

Ye Shen Yuefei usually ran directly to her home, and then, seeing the quiet girl with silver hair sipping hot tea leisurely, she quickly rushed up, hugged You's small body, and shouted.

Now, only Yu can save him.

The reason why he was able to dodge Serra's secret sword is because of the "Mistretin" in his hand, he adjusted his hearing to the level of %, and naturally he could hear the sound of Sera's secret sword flying over. Clear, so, knowing the direction the thing is flying, naturally, you can easily catch Serra's secret sword. The first time I received the secret sword, I placed "Mistedine" horizontally, with "Mistedine" ” JiaYig came to block Yan Hui’s attack, the long sword and the saw collided together, and the small whirlwind brought by Yan Hui naturally caused a cloud of dust.

At this time, the disobedient little Chunnai ran over again. When Ye Shenyue was stunned, Sera quickly withdrew the secret sword and shot at Chunna instead, forcing Ye Shenyue to rescue Haruna, and the secret sword Just when Yagami was going to save Haruna, the sword, under the control of Sera, changed its direction again and shot at Yagami.

In the panic, Ye Shenyue's brain became hot, and she could only use her mouth to catch the secret sword.

However, fighting is fighting, and now Yashinyuki has immediately tasted the bitter fruit after the battle. Haruna, who was always lively, has turned into a little wild cat who wants to bite him, and Sera, who has been taken advantage of by him, is completely want to kill him!

If the two of them were quiet, Ye Shenyue would definitely be able to defeat them, but since they were completely blackened, Ye Shenyue still felt that it was better to run away.

Yan Ye, who is usually just a weak girl, can dismember Brother Cheng in the blackening, so these two violent girls who are usually not related to the weak, blackening, it is possible that he will be smashed to ashes!

How can a woman who has been blackened be able to calculate her combat power as usual?

There are enemies before and after, only the first Yu can help him!

"save you?"

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