Ye Shenyue responded with a huge smile, "It will be ready soon, please wait a moment."

Ye Shenyue was busy in front of the bar, and the clerks started talking again.

"This man who works hard is really the most handsome, and the appearance of Yeshen's manager at work is beyond the table."

Michiko couldn't help but become crazy.

"Haha, it's not yours to break the watch again. The little couples are so loving."

Matsushima gave Michiko a blast, "Don't go to work! Be careful if the manager finds out and fires you!"

It's been a while since Yagami Yue noticed such a harmonious scene.He enjoyed this kind of life very much, provided he didn't meet the words of Goddess Rishi.

Why is his crow's mouth so clever, God Dai Li Shi actually appeared!He watched her approach her, smiling, the kind of smile that was so innocent that he wanted to protect her, that could kill.In the past, Ye Shenyue would definitely rush to greet Li Shi, but now, he will not, he will calmly think about what Li Shi wants to do and her purpose.Taking advantage of her pure appearance, did she come to prey again?

"See you again, Mr. Yegami, long time no see."

Li Shi came over to greet Ye Shenyue, very gentle and ladylike.

Chapter 0024 Watching Food

The situation where he played Li Shi before is still vivid in his mind. Did Li Shi want to take revenge on him so soon?This is too fast.

"Well, hello, Miss Li Shi, do you need anything?"

Ye Shenyue is very polite.

"I'm not used to seeing Mr. Yagami making coffee here for the first time. Please give me a cappuccino."

Li Shi was sitting in the same place as always intellectually, opening the book, or was it the "Black Goat's Egg" that I don't know how many innocent people have been harmed by this book?Ye Shenyue couldn't imagine it.

"Fu, you can take out these ten cups of coffee first."

Carefully package the Shifen takeaway coffee and let Xiaowu deliver it.On the one hand, he didn't want Wu to see how he was talking to Li Shi, and on the other hand, he didn't want Li Shi to hurt Wu.

"Your coffee, Miss Leigh."

Ye Shenyue politely put down the coffee and was about to turn back to the bar.

"and many more."

Li Shi was a little shy, "I have two concert tickets here, I wonder if Mr. Yagami is free to accompany me to listen..."

Goddess Rishi really didn't give up.

"No, the cafe's business is a bit poor, so I have to stay in the shop all the time. Miss Li Shi should find someone else, Shu Ye Shenyue can't accept Miss Li Shi's kindness."

"OK then."

There was a trace of regret in Goddale's words.

Hearing Li Shi's words, Ye Shenyue's dangling heart finally let go.Isn't it obvious that going on a date with Li Shi in this situation is courting death?He hasn't found a way to activate the ghoul power within himself, and he wants to live a few more years.

Less than half an hour after returning home at night, he packed up and prepared to go out.Xiweiwu asked him what he was going to do so late, and he calmly replied to her to go to the pharmacy to buy some cold medicine.Nishio Mist let him go out without any doubts.

"Will it stimulate the power in your body if you watch the ghouls foraging?"

Ye Shenyue was just doubting, "No, I've seen ghouls eating people by accident before, and I didn't have any reaction at all. So, this method shouldn't work, right? Hey, don't care, in short, since I It's already out, so there's no need to go back."

Be patient and follow the route that you unintentionally took before.

Fortunately, it was almost the same as last time. Although he didn't see other ghouls, he at least found Jin.

"Ah, Ye Shenyue, why are you so haunted, why have you been following me?"

Nishiojin stopped halfway through her "dinner" to look at Ye Shenyue, "Don't you know it's rude to watch others eat?"

Nishiojin's impatient look made Ye Shenyue feel a little terrified, because the Nishiojin in front of her has been completely transformed. This is the second time Ye Shenyue has seen Nishiojin eat. How can there be any power in her body? There are a lot of things surging up inside.Ye Shenyue's face turned pale.

"Hey, what do you want?"

Nishio Nishiki threw down a male corpse, still biting the minced meat in his mouth.The corpse has changed beyond recognition, almost skeleton, but there are some residual flesh and blood stuck on the head, like hair, half eaten eyeballs, etc...

"I want to see how your ghouls eat, to stimulate the power within me!"

Ye Shenyue was straightforward.

"The power in your body? What power? Ghoul? Hahaha!"

Nishio Jin wiped his mouth, a little disdainful.

"I'll explain it to you later, in short, take me to see it, okay?"

Ye Shenyue smiled, "I know you are strong among the ghouls, it would be good to have you to protect me."


Wearing such a tall hat... How could Nishio Nishiki refuse! "Okay! I'll take you there!"

Empty streets, less lively during the day.Ghoul likes to come out in the dark and empty for food.

"Actually, you've seen it before, haven't you? Why come out to see it again?"

Nishio Jin said quietly, "That time, it was already bloody."

He was referring to what Ye Shenyue looked like after seeing him ghoul for the first time.The blood-stained He eyes filled the entire eye socket with blood, and the beast-like fangs devoured human beings hungry, sucking blood, tearing flesh, and grinding bones. The "sparse" voice echoed in Ye Shenyue's ear cavity.After being ghouled, it is basically irrational. Have you ever seen any beast with a conscience when it eats?

"Xiweijin, long time no see, did you bring me food specially?"

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