
I haven't been enjoyed by others for a long time. This long-lost numbness flooded into my brain in an instant, "Suck it, you can recover after washing..."

Whose voice is so familiar?Whose hand is it?Kirishima Dongxiang gradually woke up, but it wasn't enough. It was the first time she had enjoyed such sweet blood, and she wanted to use more. "!"

Kirishima Dong Xiang widened her eyes and couldn't believe it. The man in front of her had been sucked to the point of being shaky, and she was still smiling at her with a pale face. "Mr. Night God! You..."

He actually drank his own blood, how could this person be so stupid.She put down his arm, and Ye Shenyue seemed to be unable to hold on anymore. He passed out in her arms, probably because he was sucked too much. "Mr. Yegami! Hold on!"

"Well... trouble... trouble Dong Xiang, send me to the safe area."

After speaking, Ye Shenyue fainted.

"What the hell am I doing!"

Kirishima Dongxiang watched her wounds fully recover in an instant, and the person in front of her was swallowed by herself and fainted. It seemed that she couldn't hold back for a while... She patted the soil on her body and hugged Ye Shenyue, " I will definitely send you to the safe area, you wait."

What Ye Shenyue thought before fainting was that even Shendai Li Shi didn't suck herself so hard...

Ye Shenyue woke up faintly in the safe area and found that there was a young girl's head on her head. He simply hugged her in his arms, "What's wrong, young brother, do you miss my brother?"

"Well, I just didn't expect to see my brother like this again. Mom is worried to death."

Dikou Chushi got off Ye Shenyue, "Has Brother Ye Shen fully recovered? Then I'll go and call mother."

"Eh, don't..."

But Hina Diguchi has disappeared, how can she see Ryoko Diguchi in this situation, she should be very sad to see herself like this?And after what happened last time, Yagami asked Ryoko Diguchi bluntly if she was her husband and Hinami's father. It would be embarrassing for the two to meet by now, right?So Ye Shenyue quietly put on her clothes, left the room and walked downstairs before Fukuro Ryoko came, and found that the downstairs was full of people, and they seemed to be talking about something.

"Dong Xiang, you are getting bolder and bolder. You actually went to District 0.3 without my consent. Don't you know that District 11 is very chaotic now!"

It was the first time Ye Shenyue saw Fangcun Gongshan getting angry, and he should have this majesty when he became a store manager. "You even implicated Mr. Yegami... You really..."

Fangcun Gongshan really wanted to teach Kirishima Dong Xiang a lesson.

"The store manager of Fangcun."

Ye Shenyue walked down the stairs, "Don't blame Dong Xiang, I happened to be in District 11, you can't blame Dong Xiang."

Nishio Jin bit his finger, "What are you doing in District 11 is obviously none of your business."

Wouldn't it be more suspicious if Ye Shenyue said that she just wanted to go to District 11 unintentionally?After all, he really had no reason to go to District 11.Being there suddenly was more than suspicious, so he said, "I just wanted to look up some stuff."

He faces everyone and smiles.

Chapter 0064 Xiao Xiao?

What does this strange sense of oppression mean, and why did Ye Shenyue's smile instantly make everyone lose interest in the reason why he went to District 11?Since Yagami's awakening, he has progressed faster and faster, and he was able to defeat Ayano Kirishima.Fangcun Gongshan looked at Ye Shenyue's increasingly mature face, as if thinking of something.

The real household Wu Xu eventually died, and died of serious injuries.He died at home in sorrow and despair, hating the world immensely.Before his death, he left all the Quinques to Yamen, not even his own daughter. I really don't know what he was thinking.Before he died, he remembered the first time he saw an SSS-level ghoul, Owl, when he was young.With remorse, he left the world he thought was destroyed by the ghouls.

After the war in District 11, CCG special investigators held a meeting to analyze the recent situation.Starting with the Battle of Area 11, Areas 9 and 10 were captured by Bronze Trees, and the battle of Area 11 greatly weakened CCG's 07 combat power.According to the information obtained by the CCG, both areas 9 and 10 were captured by members of the bronze tree centered on the one-eyed ghoul, and they even found that the bronze tree had a stronghold in the 20th area.The task of investigating another stronghold of the Bronze Tree fell to Shinohara Yukuki.

"The next target of Bronze Tree is likely to be District 3 or District 13."

CCG director general and Xiuji were analyzing the situation.

"Could it be that the people from the Bronze Tree plan to take Tokyo's land step by step from the west?"

Yujing-gun guessed.


The chief nodded, "Although this is just our speculation, we need to send people from each district to help."

"Director Hexiu... Do you want to send someone from District 23?"

Haizaki Fukaki is the commander of the 23rd district and the warden at the same time.

"Kuklia is no exception. Judging from the previous battle, it should be certain that Owl is ready to fight again, right? And he should lead the group of Bronze Tree. Hmph, sixteen years ago, he was obviously injured like that. , isn't it dead yet? By the way..."

He Xiu seemed to have thought of another thing, "I remember sixteen years ago, we were not the only one who fought against Xiaoxiao. Now that Xiaoxiao has returned to the arena, what about the other person? I remember his code name was 'Butterfly'. , but the injury he suffered at that time was much more serious than that of Xiaoxiao. Is he already dead? I don't plan to make the nightmare of [-] years ago again. So, what Xiaoxiao, what one-eyed ghoul, what bronze tree, we CCG will It will destroy all the residues that should not exist in this world!"

After the meeting, Koki Shinohara and Heipanyan were in the elevator, and Heipanyan looked serious, "Owl, it seems to have gotten smaller..."

He had doubts in his heart, if the war sixteen years ago and this war were caused by the same person... Then, why did the body change so much?Sixteen years ago, he was a burly man, but this time... he's actually a small man?

"I didn't notice..."

Shinohara Kouki stared at the elevator buttons.

"Sixteen years ago, I participated in the Owl's crusade."

Heipanyan really doesn't want to remember.

"Ah, the legendary first crusade against Owl?"

Shinohara Yukuki did not participate in the crusade against the owl that year, so there is no comparison.

"I always feel that Owl looked a little bigger than it is now, and many investigators died at that time. And there was indeed a 'butterfly' at that time, and he was with Owl."

"I participated in the second crusade against Owl, probably ten years ago. I didn't see the so-called 'butterfly' you call it, and although many people were injured at that time, no one died. Could it be that Owl is getting old? So you got shorter?"

Shinohara Koki recalled.

"Do you think he's aging?"

Heipanyan seemed to be suspicious of one thing in his heart.

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