These words were actually overheard by Yue Shanxi, and he would not feel good if his food was bitten by others.Yue Shanxi's sudden change of expression surprised everyone present. "In short, no matter what, I have added this bronze tree. It is still too dangerous for Ye Shenyue to go to the bronze tree alone. He will be much safer with me."

Yue Shanxi could not wait to stick to Ye Shenyue's body now, never leaving her.

Dikou Hina was holding Dikou Ryoko's hand tightly, and she was very scared. "Brother Yeshen, can't you not join that bronze tree?"

To be honest, Ye Shenyue was shaken when she looked at Dikou and her daughter. After all, she was her own wife and daughter. It was really irresponsible for them to join an organization like the Bronze Tree.With his dead girlfriend on one side and his wife and daughter on the other, Ye Shenyue had a hard time deciding.

Looking at Yagami Yue's embarrassed expression, Fieguchi Ryoko knew that his heart had begun to sway.She stepped forward and said, "I know that Mr. Yagami is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, so he will definitely find out the truth of the matter, even if the road ahead is very dangerous."

She pulled Huashi over, "Brother Yeshen is just looking for clues, there won't be too much danger, and now that elder brother Yeshen is so capable, he can save himself even if he encounters danger, right?"

Hina nodded reluctantly, "Hina is the best, do you still remember that Brother Yeshen was so desperate to save us back then? Brother Yeshen was not so strong back then, and he was able to save us safely. Now I just sneaked into the bronze tree to check something, and I'll be back soon. Don't worry about Hina."

Even though he said so on his lips, Fuguchi Ryoko's heart was not feeling well.He can do this to his girlfriend, so why forget her?Even though he was his husband, he couldn't recognize each other, and he still maintained the so-called friendship, which made Ryoko Dikou feel very uncomfortable.

"Well, Hinami understands. If Hinami encounters danger one day, the big brother will try his best to save Hinami, right?"

Dikou Hina held Ye Shenyue's hand.


"Then in case one day the big brother is also in danger, the young real will come to save the big brother immediately, and the young real must hurry up and improve his strength now!"

Ye Shenyue touched Hina's head, is blood relationship really such a wonderful thing?As soon as I heard my daughter's encouragement, I didn't care no matter how difficult it was.Now that everyone has agreed, it is only a matter of time before adding the bronze tree.If you take the initiative to sign up, will you appear ignorant and shameless? "Hey, Yue Shanxi, do you have any good ideas to allow me to enter the Bronze Tree without losing face? After all, I'm on the passive side now. Also, do you know where the Bronze Tree's current stronghold is?"

Ye Shenyue glanced at Yue Shanxi who was standing beside her.

"I don't know. I don't know the current layout of Bronze Tree, so I can't make a judgment easily. As far as I know, Bronze Tree's current stronghold is on the top floor of Defu Building."

Yue Shanxi fell into deep thought, but if he wanted to get into the Bronze Tree without losing face, I think there was only one way! "

"Kick the hall!"

The two spoke in unison.

"That's right. Of course, it's much better to go to the door and compete directly than to meet them at your own accord."

Yue Shanxi agrees very much.

"That's good, I'll go back and prepare first. Yue Shanxi, don't follow me, I didn't promise you to let you join the Bronze Tree with me."

He gave Yueshanxi a sly smile, and he had already taken advantage of Yueshanxi's appearance just now.

"Bastard, how dare you use me! Why do you ask me how to join if you don't agree with me going with you!"

Yue Shanxi is close to a runaway state.

"You can tell, right? Goodbye, Mr. Yueshan."

Although there are certain advantages to joining with Yue Shanxi, Ye Shenyue still feels that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, so she still rejects him.

Ye Shenyue returned home, "Is it the Defu Building?"

I have been there several times before.Twice it was because of Takatsuki Izumi's new book launch, and the other times... He also forgot what the reason was.Before I knew it, I thought of Takatsuki Izumi again!

"Duo Duo Liang, I have a hunch that he will appear in front of me tomorrow."

The one-eyed owl sat on the top floor of the Defu Building, on the outermost railing, "Finally, it wasn't me looking for him, but he came to me on his own initiative."

"Although the plan last time was very clumsy, it still succeeded. Isn't the purpose of Ganzhi to let Ye Shenyue join the bronze tree?"

Tatara stood behind the one-eyed Owl with his hands behind his back.

"Tomorrow, I will become Aite, and you can't call me to work."

The one-eyed owl jumped up, "Let's go, go back and prepare."

Chapter 0078 It is difficult to enter the bronze tree.

Ye Shenyue came to the top floor of the Fortune Building alone.Above is the rooftop, no one at all, and no additional buildings. "Have you been tricked?"

Ye Shenyue thought to herself, "If even a rooftop can be used as a stronghold, then the bronze tree would be too hasty."

Just when Ye Shenyue was bored and kicked the dust on the ground, a lot of ghouls suddenly jumped out, but they seemed to be of low level.

"Are you here to play?"

The leading ghoul said.

This is obviously an open space, where did these ghouls come from!Just thinking about it, Ye Shenyue has been surrounded by the ghouls, and has fallen into a situation of embattled... Where did they come from, is it out of thin air?It's impossible at all, a simple little guy can't reach this point!Could it be that……

Is the entire Defu Building simply the stronghold of Bronze Tree in District 20!Not the top roof, but a whole building!The number of ghouls gathered in all directions gradually increased, and Ye Shenyue could no longer think about it, "No matter, come first!"

After taking off, he jumped to the outermost wall and kept running forward. Hezi behind him stretched out a circle and attacked the vulnerable ghouls. "You are not worthy of my real power."

Hezi, who was madly thrown out, knocked down a large piece of ghouls in an instant.

"If you don't like these ghouls, then what about me?"

He's eyes full of murderous intent, behind him is a fiery Hezi, like a burning butterfly, "I was abused by you before and turned into a scum, I haven't forgotten it, Yeshenyue!"

The hail of bullets shot at the unsuspecting Yagami, "Go to hell!"


He was careless and did not guard against the appearance of high-level ghouls, Ye Shenyue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "A victory is nothing, you still have a chance to defeat me today, Xuandu."

His slightly opened eyes showed a hint of exhaustion, "It took me too much energy to deal with these little gangsters before, and you appear now, won't you just be able to defeat me?"

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