Ye Shenyue wanted to leave without looking back, but Shindai Rishi remembered that Akatsuki had been to his house before, so he chased after him, "If you really want to deal with Akatsuki, I advise you to be more careful. Don't get caught in it."


Yagami Yue didn't know why Shindai Rishi said that. He only met Akatsuki once, and he met Akatsuki when he attacked Kuklia.She looks very similar to Zhendo Wu Xu, so that when he sees her, he can think of Zhendo Wu Xu's brutal killing of Ryoko Dikou.

"Because that woman is so cute."

Kamidai Rishi made no secret of his evaluation of Mato Akatsuki.She herself likes to tease Akatsuki Mado very much, because Akatsuki Mado's awkward expression is really funny, and the look of begging not to resist but unable to resist is really addictive.


Ye Shenyue raised the corners of her mouth, "Forget it, she is just a revenge target for me, don't you think I will like her? Go, Li Shi."

Ye Shenyue strode away.Originally, I didn't expect Akatsuki Mato, because it was enough to see Rishi of God molesting her, she should have suffered a lot, but since Rishi said that, Akatsuki Mato might really have some magic power, since that's the case , I still go to meet the real household Akatsuki.

Yagami Yue had to make sure that Shindai Rishi really came home before he could find Akatsuki Mado's house with peace of mind. He had to look for Akatsuki Mado's house slowly, because he didn't know where Akira Mado's house was. If she knew, she should ask the goddess Rishi, maybe she knew.Forget it, when I smelled Akatsuki's breath, I was slowly looking for it, just slow down.

"Did you see it? Ganzhi."

Duoduo Liang wanted to turn around and leave, "I'll go back to the base first. If Ganzhi wants to continue watching, Duoduo Liang won't be with you."

"How did that happen."

Aite looked very strange, "I thought he would go to the safe area to find Ryoko Fuegu."

"He didn't regain his memory, did he?"

Before leaving, Tadora said something faintly.


Aite decided to follow Ye Shenyue and let Tatara go back to the bronze tree first.

Because it was the object of her attention, Yagami paid special attention to her aura when she met Akatsuki Mado when she attacked Kuklia.Very special, according to Yue Shanxi's evaluation level, he is a very delicious human being. "Damn, why should I learn Yueshanxi! That big pervert of Yueshanxi!"

But it's still very useful, because I remembered that special atmosphere, so Ye Shenyue really found the place where Akatsuki Mato lived - a private villa in the dark.It looks like he lives alone, because he didn't notice the breath of Wu Xu.It is estimated that the real household Wu Xu is almost in a state of crippling, and he has not come out after lying in the hospital for so long.

Akatsuki Mato was in shock, feeling complicated and depressed.You can be hijacked by Shendai Li Shi when you go home from get off work, and you must be careful when you get off work in the future.With Akatsuki Mato's habitual calmness, now she will only reflect on why she is still very unskilled in using Kuink, so she will be taken advantage of by the goddess Rishi.She was really fed up with the repeated molesting, and sure enough, the ghouls are all perverts, they should all be damned!

Seeing Akatsuki Mado sitting on the sofa in her pajamas in a daze, Yagami really felt that she had an opportunity.He sneaked into her house and wanted to take the opportunity to attack her.


Akatsuki real door noticed the difference, "Ye Shenyue!"

Although shocked, he quickly calmed down. "Why do you know about my house and what do you want to do!"

She was careless again that Kuink couldn't be with him all the time.She could only attack Ye Shenyue with her bare hands, and was quickly restrained by him.

"I said, we will meet again. This time, of course, it is to get revenge on you."

It doesn't matter if you say the purpose directly, because Akatsuki Mato is also a direct person, he can tell.

"If you want to kill, hurry up, or I won't let you go."

Yagami pushed Akatsuki Mato against the wall, with his hand on her neck.

This woman is really interesting, Yashinyuki didn't see any fear in Akatsuki's eyes, she didn't even blink.He let go of Akatsuki, "I didn't say I was going to kill you."

He let go, he really wanted to kill her at first, but after seeing Akatsuki's reaction, Yagami changed his mind, "I really wanted to kill you, but now I think about it. But when I think about your father's desire Take away what is most important to me, then I will take away what is important to you."

Mato Akatsuki just started to panic, taking away the important things and his important things, not just... take it away, take it away, Mato Akatsuki calmed down after a long time, she was relieved, "I will be treated as a wild dog. Just took a bite."

He said so, but in his eyes there was a trace of unwillingness and efforts to restrain his calm.For her, the most important thing now is to survive. As long as she can survive, she will have a chance to make a comeback.She can't die now, she has to avenge her mother and shame her father.She cannot die irresponsibly.

"Do you know what I'm going to take from you?"

Ye Shenyue pressed her against the wall again, "Aren't you afraid?"

"As long as I can survive, I can bear any insult."

Only by living will she have a chance to take revenge, right?


Just to survive?

Chapter 0105 Akatsuki's first love

Ye Shenyue doesn't think that this sentence has the meaning of greed for life and fear of death. He only thinks that if a person like Akatsuki can withstand all the insults, there is only one reason, for survival, for revenge.The firmness in her eyes did not waver.

"Tell me, what happened to your mother?"

He remembered that Zhendo Wuxu had also disclosed about his wife before, and he also learned from others that it seemed that it was because of his wife's death that Zhendo Wuxu became like that, crazy and hated ghouls.

"Why you want to know has nothing to do with you."

Akira Mato said without hesitation.

"Maybe after hearing your story, I might let you go? Don't you really want to live?" Ye Shenyue raised her eyebrows.

The mute eats berberine, and there is bitterness that cannot be said. "I'll make it clear first, what I say next is not to gain your sympathy."

Mato Wei reminded Yagami, "My mother was killed by Owl in the first crusade against Owl many years ago. As the best investigator, she was in charge of the rear. Not only was she sprayed with poison gas Her whole body festered and her throat was cut to death. What the hell did my mother do wrong to be treated like this, not even leaving her a corpse. We are just investigators, just serving CCG, just to exterminate ghouls It's just a ghoul, did we do something wrong? In fact, it's the ghouls who are constantly maliciously hurting humans, right? If there were no ghouls, there would be no CCG countermeasures class. Everything is the fault of the ghouls!"

"It's not seeking sympathy at all, it's angering me."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "Really?"

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