Aite did not refuse.

Ye Shenyue smiled and closed the door and left, leaving Aite alone on the sofa and thinking.On the surface, she answered plainly, but she was smiling darkly in her heart, father?What an unfamiliar and distant term.In her childhood, there was no word for father at all, there was only hatred for her father.A man who abandoned his daughter.In Aite's childhood, no one could enter her inner world except Kuromiya Shigure.She doesn't need to rely on others, she can create a world on her own, what she lacks is Heigong Shiyu, the only man who can warm her.

"Fangcun Gongshan, I also really want to give you a chance to explain to me, but... I hope I can kill you with my own hands and let you taste the hardships I have endured over the years!"

Chapter 0112 First visit to the safe area

Even though it snowed yesterday, it has not stopped, and it has continued to this day.Although there was a closet in the room, Art could not feel any warmth.Why did Ye Shenyue mention the cafe in the safe zone to herself, why did she remind her of the man who abandoned her.My life was ruined the moment I was abandoned by that man. Since I was abandoned, why did it reappear in my own world?Aite didn't want to see that man, and he didn't want that man to appear in his world.However, when did she know that the man was her father's?Did Kuromiya Shigure tell her before she finally left?It's like eh...

"Koizumi, my brother wants to tell you a secret. In fact, Koizumi's father is still alive, and he is in the 24th district not far from the 20th district. My brother has to take part in a huge battle with your father. Today I'm here to say goodbye to Koizumi. Well, promise brother, don't hate your father, okay?"

Kuromiya Shiyu was always so gentle, and when he was a child, Takatsuki Izumi hated why the gentle man in front of him was not his father.

"But Koizumi doesn't know where he is in District 20, or what his name is?"

Takatsuki Izumi stared curiously at Kuromiya Shigure with his big watery eyes.

"He's finally settled down now. His name is Fangcun Gongshan, and he opened a cafe called 'Safe Zone' in the 20th district. If I don't come back, Koizumi will go to him."

Now she is glad that Heigong Shiyu is not her father, so she can be with him.

Abandoned one-eyed ghoul... what a ridiculous joke, she hates her father for abandoning her, and hates anyone mentioning her father to her.She talked to Tadora about her own affairs, and Tadara's opinion is that Fangcun Gongshan may have some difficulties, so she put her daughter in District 24 and let Yeshenyue take care of her.At first, Aite thought so, that his father might not come to him because of difficulties.But over time, when Aite saw that Fangcun Gongshan was running a cafe well and didn't even want to come to him, Aite was desperate.This man is no longer himself.Since he has abandoned himself, why should he consider him his father!And if it wasn't for him, Kuromiya Shiyu wouldn't have turned into a corpse lying there without any vitality!Everything is the fault of Fangcun Gongshan!It would be great without him... Aite thought so, it would be great if his father disappeared from this world... But now is not the time, there is still a place for his father to use. "For me, you are no longer my father. My father died in the crusade against the owl not long after I was born."

Looking out the window, it was inexplicably close to the cafe in the safe area, and even... Aite could even see all kinds of people walking in the cafe.

Just go, go, anyway, I have nothing to do lately.Is it really okay?Hehe, maybe something big will happen soon!There was an indescribable smile in her eyes.With a chill and a hint of conspiracy, she hasn't caused trouble for a long time, and it's time for some blockbuster movies to be released recently!

She turns into Takatsuki Izumi and appears in the Safe Zone Cafe, and Hina Miguchi brings her coffee, although she hasn't ordered it yet.She didn't want to go to the bar to order coffee, because she wasn't mentally ready to meet her father, Fangcun Gongshan.When she was a child, she knew that her father was in this cafe, but she never came. She always thought that her father would come to her. She waited for a long time, but her father never showed up.So she gave up, and today was the first time she stepped into his coffee shop.

"Miss Takatsuki! I never thought you would come here!"

Dikou Hina was very happy to see it, "This is the coffee I invited you to drink, please use it."

Gao Tsukiquan took a sip of coffee, which tasted a little different from coffee in other places. It was a very special taste that she couldn't describe. "Is Hina really working here? You look like you are still very young."

"No no no, I just live here with my mother, and I'm just helping out. How about it, is the coffee good?"

"Yeah, it's delicious. But does Hina have any troubles?"

Gao Tsukiquan just casually chatted with Hina Dikou, but she didn't expect that she really showed a bitter expression, "Hey, my sister will know at a glance, just tell me about your troubles."

Unconsciously, most of the conversation time passed. "Although I really want to help my eldest brother, I can't do anything. Others say I'm just a child and have no ability at all."

Hina was a little disappointed, because Ye Shenyue went back two days after returning from the bronze tree.

"I won't treat you as a child, I'll just tell my thoughts honestly. I think... Little chick really shouldn't be able to do anything."

Takatsuki Izumi is really honest.


It was precisely because of her outspokenness that Hina Dikou was startled.

"Ah, I mean, just because you are a gentle and warm little girl, I think you must be cared for and loved. And the big brother you are talking about must be someone who wants to be loved, although his eyes He looks strong, but he is actually afraid of loneliness. I think Xiao Hina and he should be two different people. If I hurt you, I'm sorry, but I don't think it's good for you if you use beautiful words to perfunctory. Fair enough. Just relying on the current little chick, you can't help the big brother, right?"

"I also think so……"

Although Hinami knew how much she was, she was still a little sad because Gao Tsukiquan ruthlessly exposed her current state.

"It doesn't matter. If you practice more, you can accumulate strength. Of course, a smart person like Xiao Hushi will soon be able to help your favorite big brother. Don't worry."

She put on her red silk-rimmed glasses and looked lovingly at the little girl in front of her.She really likes this child, not trying to take advantage of her.Sometimes Taka Tsukiquan even reflects on himself, why he comforts others but not himself, maybe his inner injury is too serious?A few words of comfort were not enough to heal those scars.


After listening to Takatsuki Izumi's remarks, Fieguchi Hina felt that she was even more useless, and she couldn't say anything about power. How long would she have to wait to help Yagami?She doesn't know, is it in the distant future?Wouldn't it be too late then?If she could immediately possess the power of Rise of God, she would be able to fight side by side with Yagami.

Chapter 0113 The Secret of the Safe Zone Cafe

Everyone in this cafe is busy in an orderly manner. Gao Tsukiquan can't bear to destroy it when he sees it. Unfortunately, that's not her style. Of course, her most fundamental purpose is... In fact, she doesn't want to act so fast. , it was Ye Shenyue who reminded her to speed up her pace.One last look at Fangcun Gongshan is good, with hatred in his heart.

"Ah, oops, I forgot that I have to interview later, I have to go first."

Takatsuki Izumi stood up and patted Dikou Hinami's shoulder, "As long as a person reaches the age of Xiao Hinami, it is inevitable that there will be some troubles that they cannot solve by themselves. After all, I have been like this before..."


Dikou Hina really thought she had found resonance.

"Just kidding~" Takatsuki Izumi smiled, "so feel free to contact me when you have that kind of trouble~" "Okay!"

In the CCG Countermeasures Building, Suzuya Shizao looked idle, "I didn't gain anything today."

Followed by Shinohara Yuki.

"The most important thing is to search in a step-by-step manner, what's the matter."

Shinohara Yukuki is not worried about the current progress at all. He feels that what should come will always come, and what should be discovered will always be discovered.

"But it's so boring."

Suzuya Shizao was a little helpless.

Takatsuki Izumi came to CCG and wanted to interview the investigators as a writer. "I want to see the investigator directly..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Kouki Shinohara and Shizo Suzuya passing by, so she simply followed. "Wow wow wow, that's great. How did you get your fork on!"

She was very excited to see the needle and thread tattoo on Suzuya's arm.

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