He lowered his head heavily, and the words in his suicide note to his parents were full of "I don't want to die!"

Just these four words.

Suzuya Shizo folded his suicide note into a paper airplane and dropped it from the roof of the CCG building in District 20. The paper airplane floated away in the wind, and he didn't know where it would go.

All of this stemmed from Marutesai's report, and this time the crusade against the owl is finally coming.He and Xiuji agreed to Marutesai's battle plan, so he distributed the suicide note in advance to make everyone aware.

Mato Akatsuki went to the hospital with the suicide note, but his calm appearance made Mado Wu Xu feel curious. "What's the matter, did you receive it too?"

He saw a suicide note in his daughter's hand, "CCG is finally ready to kill Xiaoxiao?"

Akatsuki Mado didn't answer, just approached Wu Xu, "How is father doing recently."

"What else can I do? I really want to kill Xiao with my own hands to avenge your mother."

Zhento Wu Xu hated why he couldn't leave the hospital, and that he was seriously injured by Yashenyue, "By the way, are you sure that 'mask' is Yashenyue?"

Akatsuki Mato shuddered when she heard Ye Shenyue's name, and even her tone became a little trembling, "Well...that's..."

"What is it?"

Zhento Wu Xu straightened his body, "Did he do anything else?"

Akatsuki Mato shook his head, "No, Bronze Tree hasn't been doing anything recently, we're just going to annihilate a ghoul gang this time."

"What gang?"

Mato Wu Xu really didn't know any new ghoul gangs recently.

"It is said that Shinohara found it, saying that there are many ruthless characters hidden in the cafe in the 20th district security area."

"Safe place?"

Zhento Wu Xu was somewhat impressed, "That cafe is hidden so deeply? I didn't find it on weekdays..."

ps: The author's new book "Protagonist Halo" will meet with you on Saturday, and please come to support!The author's name is still "Only Love Your Blue Silk", not Fei Lu's original one. The author's book hasn't been published yet, but you all went there to report...

I can only say it's too cute.

Chapter 0122 The real reason to attack the cafe

Mato Wuxu told Mato Akira a lot of combat skills. Since CCG even sent a suicide note, it means that this battle is comparable to the crusade against the owl.

"I always feel that the 'Owl' who disappeared sixteen years ago is hiding in the cafe in the safe area, according to what you said."

Mato Wu Xu's intuition has always been accurate, "If I still have the strength to leave the hospital, I will definitely go to the Safe Zone Cafe to confirm my intuition!"

"I don't know why, but you are going to attack a cafe in the name of a crusade against owls, don't you think it's suspicious? Although I can be sure that there are indeed many ghouls hidden in that cafe, this matter Only I know, I haven't mentioned it to anyone else, even Amen and Shinohara just listened to the one-sided words of a writer Takatsuki Izumi and took Suzuya Shizo to the cafe to investigate. But The only thing that is certain is that Shinohara didn't find any real evidence that there were ghouls in the cafe in the safe area, so they gave the report to Marute, so I always thought it was weird."


Mato Wu Xu asked.

"Yes, I just rely on my intuition to find out the problem."

Akatsuki Mado has completely inherited Wu Xu's precise intuition.

"Yes, sometimes the battle can't just be seen on the surface, but it is much more accurate to rely on intuition, and I think this is probably the last huge battle for CCG. As long as that day passes, everything will be complete."

The corners of Wu Xu's mouth began to rise, "On that day, Owl will disappear, Ye Shenyue will disappear, and our CCG may also disappear..."


Akatsuki Mato couldn't imagine, "Father is recovering well, and daughter is leaving first."

If it is said that Shinohara and Marute are actually sure that the "Owl" of that year was hiding in the cafe in the safe area before deciding to fight, Mato Akatsuki has nothing to say.If not, what's the matter?It's too boring to destroy a cafe with a bronze tree, and it's very strange, the code name of the leader of the bronze tree is "One-Eyed Owl". Could it be that there is some connection between "Owl" and "One-Eyed Owl"?No, there are too many questions in Akatsuki's mind, and she will never give up if she doesn't figure it out!She has to go to Shinohara Yukuki and explain clearly what they are doing!

Akatsuki Mato sat in Shinohara Yukuki's office, waiting patiently for him to come.As soon as she saw Kouki Shinohara, she went straight to the point, "Isn't Owl hiding in the cafe in the safe area? So you guys are going to attack there."

Shinohara Yukuki was obviously surprised, but it's entirely possible that this kind of thing happened to Akatsuki, after all, she is Wu Xu's daughter, "Xiao, your intuition is exactly the same as your father's."

He smiled, "What did you guess, can you tell me about it?"

"I don't know why Special Class Shinohara attacked a coffee shop for no reason without investigating clearly. You are the boss and I have no right to intervene, but this battle is no trivial matter. We all wrote a 'suicide note'. Isn't it really suspicious that the purpose of the operation is not clearly explained? They are fools, but I am not! If you go to the cafe to attack the safety of the owl under the banner of annihilation, it means that there is indeed an owl hidden in the cafe, right?"

Akatsuki Mato was just confirming his intuition.

"Although I didn't investigate it clearly, it doesn't mean that Marute didn't investigate it. I just used my intuition. In the end, my intuition was confirmed by Marute, so we reported it to Director Hexiu. Is this also wrong?"

Shinohara Yukuki was slightly excited.

"That's right, okay, since Marute et al. have investigated everything clearly, but why didn't he say anything? Well, this matter is over, I don't want to talk about it anymore. The leader of the bronze tree is called 'One-eyed Owl', not our previous The 'Owl' that we thought was the one-eyed owl who attacked Kuklia two times before was not an Owl, so we actually made a mistake when we discussed at the meeting before."

Akatsuki Mato expressed his last intuition.


Shinohara Koki looked at Akatsuki Mado, "Xiao, you are very impulsive, your brain is very good, I think you are more suitable for staying at the back, not suitable for going to the front. Because your impulsive personality may make you die."

"Don't get off the topic, I just want to ask you about this."

"Actually, I found out when the leader of the Bronze Tree attacked Kuklia. I participated in a crusade against the owl, and the owl of that year was actually slightly different from the current owl, with different eyes and stature. I I doubted that the Xiaoxiao we think should not be the Xiaoxiao of the past. I didn't say it, just kept it in my heart, because I think, anyway, they are all Xiaoxiao and should be eliminated. So what is the difference between the name and the stature? What's the difference? Are we not going to annihilate it if the code name is different?"

Shinohara Yukuki explained.

"Actually, what I want to ask is whether the one-eyed Xiaoxiao is Xiaoxiao's child."

After thinking about it for a long time, Akira Mato finally came up with this conclusion.

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