He took a sip of coffee, and he couldn't guess what the woman was thinking.

"Since the CCG is attacking the safe zone, wouldn't it mean that Akatsuki Mato will also participate. If you see Akatsuki Mato, will you release water?"

Shendai Rishi straightened his body and looked into Ye Shenyue's eyes.

"Of course, Akatsuki Mato can only be dealt with by me, and I won't let anyone touch her."

Ye Shenyue said directly without caring.However, he was a little strange. Why is the goddess Li Shi only talking about women today? Is she jealous?Hey, Shindai Rishi is really cute, and Ye Shenyue thinks that women who are jealous are cute.This woman was completely fascinated by Ye Shenyue, so she was jealous.

"Okay, just be happy, I will help you, as long as it is your idea, I will support it."

Goddess Li Shi paused, "But I hope you can stay at my house for one night."

Although Shendai Lishi is not afraid of CCG, they are indeed playing a big game this time, and the lineup is very strong. What if they really die?Probably because she didn't want to leave any regrets, after all, Ye Shenyue was the first man she fell in love with.

Ye Shenyue nodded and did not refuse, "Let's go, go home."

Shendai Rishi's feelings are real, so Ye Shenyue doesn't want to deceive her feelings.At night, Ye Shenyue slept in a daze, and suddenly found some pain in his shoulders. He opened his eyes, and sure enough, he was bitten by Shendai Lishi.Looking at the intoxicated look on Shendai Lishi's face, Ye Shenyue was also drunk, it seems that Shendai Lishi's desire for his blood is not a little bit.

"Yue, your blood tastes better and better."

Goddelius couldn't help but praise him.

Forget it, suck it and suck it, at least not by Yue Shanxi's blood sucking. "Are you full? Are you happy?"

Kamidai Rishi wiped his mouth, "Every time I suck your blood, I feel refreshed. I think this time I feel that my strength has increased."

Maybe it's the reason for his body awakening. Originally, the taste of his blood is very special, different from ordinary people. I'm afraid this time, the gods will be addicted to the world, right?It's a pity, no matter how addicted it is, she won't let her smoke anymore.

After the rest, Ye Shenyue returned to the bronze tree again the next morning. Aite told him that the CCG people would start attacking the safe area at [-]:[-] tomorrow night, and asked him to go back and prepare, because the battle was not noisy. For play.She will also help Ye Shenyue make arrangements, after all, she and Ye Shenyue have an agreement.This is very likely the biggest collision between Bronze Tree and CCG. It can only succeed, not fail.

Yagami, who had regained his memory and strength, seemed more able to deal with CCG than before. At this time, he thought of two people in CCG, one was Akatsuki Mado, and the other was Gangtaro Amen.Akatsuki Mado is the woman he likes, so he wants to deal with it by himself... And Amon Gangtaro... This shrewd looking and pure-hearted investigator, I don't know if he has found out his true identity, no, Ye Shenyue's identity is right It's nothing to him. What about the "butterfly", if he knew that the "butterfly" of the year had reappeared, and it was him, what would Yamen Gangtaro think?Hehe, it's probably going to crash, right?

With the unique breath of ghouls, he found the location of Hatsushi. From the window, he could see that a man with short hair had been sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Sifang Lianshi!He actually appeared!It can be seen how urgent the current situation of the coffee shop is.He tried to lure Sifang Lianshi away with the trick of turning the tiger away from the mountain, but Sifang Lianshi still drank tea without changing his face. "Good boy, learn to be smart!"

In desperation, Ye Shenyue could only knock Sifang Lianshi unconscious and walk into the apartment openly.

"Good son?"

He tentatively called Fieguchi Ryoko's name.

Fieguchi Ryoko came out after hearing the sound, and found out that it was Yagami, and it seemed that Hinami's method worked.As soon as she saw Ye Shenyue, she rushed over, "Yue...you really came."

Ye Shenyue smiled and shook her head, "I'm sorry, I've made you worry all these years. Ryoko, I'm your Shiyu, and I'm back."

Ryoko Dikou, who was sobbing with joy, choked, "I knew you were Heigong Shiyu, and I knew you would definitely come back!"

Dikou Hina rubbed her eyes and saw her mother crying and hugging Ye 0.5 Shenyue. It was a little strange, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Dikou Ryoko pulled Dikou Hashimi over, "He is really your father, Heigong Shiyu, he is back."

She was still a little excited, and the hand that held Hina was shaking, obviously she couldn't believe this fact, "But how did you recover your memory?"

"I touched the body of my previous life, so I recovered all my memory and strength. Don't worry, I will definitely help Gong Shan tomorrow, just like back then."

Ye Shenyue is very determined.

Dikou Ryoko looked embarrassed, "Sixteen years ago, after you helped him, you disappeared, so this time..."

She couldn't imagine whether Ye Shenyue would disappear again this time.The feeling of being lost and found is wonderful, but the feeling of regaining what is lost is...

Chapter 0128 Deployment

"Ryoko, if you see the green fox that I will release tomorrow, you will immediately take Hinako and run away. The farther you can escape, the better, it means we have failed."

Qinghu is a kind of fireworks that Ye Shenyue developed by herself back then, and it can only be seen by the ghoul's eyes. It was also developed by Ye Shenyue to please Ryoko Dikou at that time, but now it is used as a flare.

"But...but don't you want me to help you?"

Ryoko Diguchi was worried.

"If even I lose, what's the point of you coming, take Hina to death?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "I don't want to watch my wife and daughter be killed by CCG people in vain. You are too kind and shouldn't be ghouls."

He grabbed Ryoko Diguchi's shoulder, "Promise me, we must go. Besides, we are not necessarily defeated. If we win, I will send a purple fox, and you will bring Hina to our celebration banquet. ."

Dikou Ryoko's face still did not recover, "Little fool, don't you believe me?"

Dikou Liang 07 couldn't be happy at all. Although she believed in Ye Shenyue's ability, she felt sad when she thought that Ye Shenyue would leave her to fight alone, "We are husband and wife, shouldn't we advance and retreat together?"

"Even so, but what if? It's better to die one than two, and Hina has to rely on you to take care of me. I haven't appeared in [-] years, and Hina must think I'm dead. If I'm not here, it's better than you. Much better not. Of course, it's the worst plan, and I'm sure I won't die, trust me!"

Ye Shenyue comforted Yoshiko Fuguchi over and over again, but it didn't seem to work. It seemed that the blow to her sixteen years ago was too great. He turned to Hinami and rubbed her head, "I remember once You said it would be nice if I were your father, and it turned out to be true. I lost my memory in the past, I just have a closeness to your mother and daughter, I hope it is just your family, and now it all becomes I know the truth, but I may have to leave you again, Hina promises my father to be strong, okay?"

Dikou Hina is still in a stunned state, and she has not yet come out of the "big brother Yeshen" to "own father". "Are you...really my dad?"

Although it was just a wish at the beginning, but now it has come true, this sixteen-year-old girl still can't believe it.

"Yes, I am your father, biological father."

Ye Shenyue was very sure, although he didn't know that Ryoko actually had a child of his own when he left.If he had known, he probably wouldn't have helped Fangcun's meritorious deeds. Now that he thinks about it, he regrets it... Back then, he still paid more attention to family happiness.


Dikou Hina was not used to it, and kept hiding behind Dikou Ryoko.

"Okay, I don't have much to say, so it's decided. I'll say it myself in Dong Xiang's place."

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