Hiroki Binggo screamed in pain, he only felt that his arm was about to be crushed, and the pain was really painful!

"What do I want to do? So what is this thing? If I'm not mistaken, it's a bug..."

Ye Shenyue held the other hand gently, and there was a slight sound, which was the sound of the bug being squeezed.

The eavesdropping device, which had been shattered into powder, was scattered in front of Hirogo Hiroki.

He was very upset when he saw Binggo Kasugagi, the person who fell on both sides of the wall.From his standpoint, he may be right. He wants to eliminate all the monsters and then humans will be safe, but he used Jinguji Temple and even said "It doesn't matter if the demons and the monsters are all eliminated".

He hates this kind of unhappy looking person.On the bright side, you can laugh and beg you to defeat the monster but secretly collude with the monster.

It would be best if such a person was finally killed by the drunk boy.

However, nothing has happened yet, and he has nothing to do with Ye Shenyue yet.

It has nothing to do with him, Yashinyue, what the fate of Binggo Kasumigi is, but he hates, hates people who make themselves smart!

Want to use a bug on him but eavesdrop on Jinguji's secret?Want to use him?

What he hates most is being treated as a gunman!

"This... this... Lord Yeshenyue, it's just a small test. Lord Yeshenyue is really as sharp as the legend..."

Dimu Bingwu was sweating profusely. He thought that the head of the Tianhe family was also the one who was toyed with by him, but he had already discovered it.

Hirogo Hiroki can only admit it.It's just that he is also cunning, and he refuses to admit that he wants to eavesdrop and becomes a test of the opponent's skills.

No matter how unbelievable this statement is, let him go!

Yes, he was right.

Ye Shenyue let go of him.

"Be careful next time! I can't guarantee that you will be so lucky every time. Maybe the experiment will kill people!"

The corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth curled up, as if it was a bloodthirsty arc.

Hirogo Hiroki only felt that his entire body was being stared at and controlled, and he couldn't control his body.

My heart is full of fear.

"Huh... I'm scared to death, I thought I'd be beaten up, just like that eldest lady, she's a difficult person to deal with. Ghost Zhanjian... I'm really annoying..."

Looking at Ye Shenyue's retreating back, Hiroki Binggo sighed in his heart, it really scared him just now.It seems that the path of using ghost slaying has to be changed...

"Here? The call from the front desk made me wait for a while. I thought you would come earlier."

Let Ye Shenyue sit on the sofa, and put on Jingu Temple, which has a more full and attractive body, and put a fragrant tea cup on the table, which should show the demeanor of the host sitting opposite the sofa and facing the guests. But without any hesitation, she quickly moved from the corner of the sofa in the direction of Yagami.

Yashenyue's eyes fell over, Jinguji's face flushed, and she had moved from the corner of the sofa to the middle of the sofa, and the face of the eldest lady of the Jinguji family, who was only less than 20 centimeters away from Yashenyue, suddenly changed. Pink seems to be embarrassed because of her too obvious actions.

Sure enough, the speed bonus magic should have been added to the movement just now.Maybe it's time to stick to the moon.There was an unconcealed regret in the corner of Miss Jinguji's eyes.

Oh, I made a mistake just now, the eldest lady of the Jinguji family is not embarrassed, she is very bold.

"Cough cough... I met Hiroko Hiroki just now, and you should keep a little distance from him in the future."

Originally, what Yagamiyue wanted to say was, "Hey, I'm here to make an appointment, so let's start the important matter of the date."

It's just that the words changed immediately when they came to the mouth. How can they be so straightforward?It's better to wait until the night is darker, otherwise Jingu Temple should be embarrassed.

"Beigo Kasugagi?" Jinguji's beautiful brows furrowed.Then it suddenly unfolded, and regardless of whether Ye Shenyue was still watching her move, she leaned forward and leaned directly on Ye Shenyue's shoulder, "Is Yue jealous? There's another man in the hotel? Isn't it?"

Jinguji's face had an eager look on her face, like a girl who wanted to see her boyfriend jealous.Those slender eyelashes twinkled and looked very attractive.

"Jealous? Your whole family is jealous!"

If he learned to be jealous of so many girls, he would eat them one by one, and he would not be able to eat a big jar!

If you want to eat it, only girls can eat it! Ye Shenyue turned her head, and as long as her back is turned to them, they will obediently give up this topic.

Ye Shenyue turned her head and body, causing Jinguji's body that was still leaning tightly on him to lean to one side, but thanks to her agility she didn't fall down.


Jingu Temple approached Ye Shenyue's profile with a soft voice.


Ye Shenyue did not speak.Turning around, he still had his back to Jinguji Temple.

It's just that the more you don't speak, the more anxious you become.Did you ignore her?

Jinguji was nervous.


The speechless silence almost overwhelmed Jingu Temple, but Ye Shenyue suddenly stood up, not wanting to talk or going to the room, but towards the door.

Does he want to leave?

It was so hard to invite him over, how could he just let him leave?

Jingong Temple also stood up, and the speed was so fast that Ye Shenyue only felt her waist soften.The touch behind it is a beautiful touch.

The whole Jinguji Temple posted it.

"How could I have anything to do with Hirogo Hiroki? He was just sent by the government to communicate with our demons, and I just asked them to deal with the traces they made when they eliminated youkai. It belongs only to you Ye Shenyue, it has been like this since I was a child, it has always been like this!"

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