"Ah, it's time for the list of international students. What's the name of this one called Zeripster Qiurjie (the slightly hot Qiurjie)? Are there any comments?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help but have a headache looking at the comments at the back. In addition to the name, each student has a lot of titles and suffixes. Although they are all family members, as long as they graduate, these people will have the opportunity to have this kind of suffix. 's title.

"This is a very sexy international student. It is said that there is no boy in our magic academy who does not like this sexy beauty, and it is said that the study is very good, and he has extraordinary magic skills of fire attribute!"

Miss Lungobier seemed to know these names very well, so she gave the brief introductions of these people without asking Ye Yueshen.

"Since you know so much about the international students, do you still use the list?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier speechlessly. It seems that there are not many students in this school.

"Of course! This is for the royal family's archives. If you have to use it, I will give it to you. You actually broke it. If the newly made list is not qualified, I will do it again!"

Miss Lungobier put down the pen in her hand, stood up and shouted at the indifferent Moon God.

"Uh, so that's the way it is. You didn't explain it to me clearly. If I couldn't call this knife casually, how could I use it?"

Yeyueshen murmured and didn't want to say anything, but it's already like this, what can he do?

"You have been the commander of the central army of the empire for more than [-] years, Mr. Alder, don't you even know this common sense?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Yueshen angrily when she saw that Ye Yueshen was still making excuses. She had to say that this beauty seemed to be annoyed by Ye Yueshen.

"Uh...would you be surprised if I said I didn't know?"

Ye Luna wiped the sweat from his temples and looked at Miss Lungobier embarrassedly.

"Uh... Doesn't the Central Corps need to create lists and files?"

Miss Lungobier asked absentmindedly, as if she was very interested in the Central Corps.

"I'll tell you if I know!"

Ye Yueshen said the truth in his heart, but in terms of face, he still had to perfunctory.

"We used to be only responsible for defending the royal family and attacking the enemy. How could we have time to deal with such things, and the Central Army Corps is naturally very closely connected with the Central Committee, so... a lot of people who do sundries do not return. I take care of it."

Yeyueshen was in a hurry, but it was a convincing reason to come up with a far-fetched reason. Miss Lungobier was not so excited after hearing it. She could only sit down silently, knowing that she would be like a child in the future. In front of this young heart, became a headmaster.

"Wow, that's such a short name, Tabatha!"

Ye Yueshen continued to read the words on the list, and I had to say that it was really not easy to meet a child without a title!

"Please read the following line of instructions!"

Miss Lungobier didn't blink an eye, just waiting to write a whole line of instructions under Tabatha!

"Well, his father is... the late prince of the empire? His title is knight? Wow! Such a young knight!"

Ye Yueshen sighed while reading, and as a result, Miss Lungobier stood up with a black line, and took the Mion list from Ye Yueshen's hand.

"The name of this country should be written with a special symbol, you can rest! I hope this doesn't happen again!"

While speaking, Miss Lungobi threw the demon of the night moon god back to the night moon god with a wave of her hand!

"Let Modo Soluniru be quiet, I'm busy now!"

"What? What was your name just now?"

Ye Yueshen was about to get angry and accuse Lungobier of not keeping his promise, when he suddenly realized that he seemed to have heard the name of his facilitator!

"I said! Let! Modo Soluniru, be quiet, don't run around on me while I'm working!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna unhappy, and shook out the crumbs of nuts in her clothes!

"Looks like I've caused you trouble! Apologize to big sister, Modo Soluniru!"

Ye Shenyue called the little mouse back, and the little white mouse leaned into his ear and squeaked something.

"Oh... it's black today, it looks very sexy~" Ye Shenyue couldn't help but blurted out.

But he met a face that was blushing and about to get angry.

"Master Principal!"

The secretary was once again unable to control his emotions.

Chapter 0021 Salary Increase

After a while, the secretary finally returned to his normal posture.

Well, the attitude of working obediently, after all, the principal is adhering to what the secretary does when he has something to do. As for being a secretary when he has nothing to do... it seems to be very far away.

"You still keep the list that has been damaged by you at this time. I have finished transcribing it and will hand it over to the royal family when the messenger arrives!"

"Ah, I see!"

Ye Luna put the list in the drawer and ignored Miss Lungobier!

"I said, can I ask for a higher salary?"

Putting her hands on her chest, Miss Lungobier looked angrily at Ye Yueshen: "Don't this guy have any sense of shame? He didn't even bother to say an apology?"

"Um, raise the salary? How do you say this?"

When Ye Yueshen heard the word salary, he suddenly felt kinder: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that Yuzi used to pay me salary, and today I also have the opportunity to pay salary to others! Let me also feel what the salary is. What a feeling!"

"Being your secretary is completely different from your ex. I have to prevent a lot of accidents, and I have to make a lot of remedies. I even have to teach you how to be a principal, which is something I have never encountered before. The situation, so to be fair, do you want to increase my salary?"

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