Ye Luna reacted too late, so he could only acquiesce, and then let Miss Lungobier write the punishment order and sign it by herself.

"Louis, this is a punishment, don't let the school have another major accident in the future!"

Ye Luna looked at Louise with some playfulness, then signed his name and handed the punishment book to Louise.

"Yes, Headmaster..."

A little shyly agreed, Louise felt that the principal had a special affection for her.

"And Pikachu doesn't only have that little potential. It has great potential. You have to study hard!"

Night Moon God smiled and reminded.

"Really? Your Principal?"

When Louise heard this, her eyes lit up with excitement, and she said in her heart that if Pikachu really had such great potential, she would never have to be laughed at by others again!

"Of course, what I said could be false?"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then whispered to Louise: "It seems that you have a good friend!"


Louise raised her head in astonishment, and then followed Ye Luna's gaze to the side, only to see Qiurjie raised her head as if she didn't hear anything!

"You know what!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then let Louise retreat, followed by calling Qiu Erjie in front of him, and handing her the document with the same content.

"Okay, if that's the case, even if this matter is settled, the two of you should go down first."

Ye Yueshen clapped his hands, only pretending that he had completed today's work, but as soon as he said this, everyone in the room looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise.

"Master Principal, aren't you going to party with the students?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna helplessly and said.

"Ah! Yes, let's go, let's go down together!"

Ye Yueshen originally planned to have a good communication with Tabasa, but in the end he forgot his schedule in the afternoon. He said it in embarrassment, and then he went to join everyone in the afternoon with a haha.

"You two, show your punishment book!"

When they arrived at the meeting place, which was supposed to be a place for singing and laughing, it suddenly became depressing. Everyone looked at Louise and Qiuljie in awe, and Miss Lungobier's words also made everyone nervous. up.

"Do I need one less friend in the future?"

Momo Langxi muttered, thinking that the principal had always protected Louise like that last time, and Qiu Erjie might be in danger!

"Probably so!"

After showing the punishment book, Qiu Erjie returned to her position after reading it, but everyone did not respond for a while.

"Is this all right?"

Keishu said in a low voice in the crowd.

"This is the punishment, do you have any objections?"

Yeyueshen stood up and said, of course, the students below did not dare to say anything, they all nodded, expressing their sincerity, and at this time, a figure flew over...

Chapter 0057 Patrol

"Master Principal! You are here!"

Out of breath, he ran in front of Ye Moon God, how ugly Mr. Xiubrus's face was, and he had only left for such a short time that these restless brats dared to fight privately!

"Yes, you are here too."

Ye Yueshen looked at Mr. Xiu Bruce speechlessly, not knowing what to say for a while!

"Uh, yes, I heard that some people are very dishonest?"

Hubrus-sensei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"I have already dealt with it. It is not particularly serious, and it has not caused great harm. You can rest assured."

Ye Yueshen said lightly.

"Uh, that's it, that's fine, that's fine."

Nodding helplessly, Mr. Hubrus stood there and didn't know what to say.

"Lord Principal, it's time for you to communicate with the students. This is a practice! You can follow it!"

Miss Lungobier said quickly, lest the two of them be embarrassed here.


Ye Yueshen nodded, and then walked over to a student.

"Is your familiar this demon eye?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the big blinking eyes on the ground and asked the student in front of him.

"Yes, Principal, I'm a second-year Slovenian, it's an honor to meet you!"

The student answered quickly, his tone even trembling.

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