"I want to change these inks back without using any substance, at the same time!"

Ye Yueshen said to Tabasa shaking his fingers: "And also restore those magic waters, and separate them perfectly!"

"It's... impossible."

Tabassa looked at Ye Moon God in surprise, not believing that Ye Moon God had this ability.

"Hehe, it's impossible to do it. If it's possible, how can I restrain you, an honor student?"

Ye Luna said with a smile, making Tabasa very embarrassed to hear it.

"You are overrated, please continue."


Ye Yueshen smiled, then put his magic wand on the ground, stopped before touching the pool of water, and muttered something.


Ye Yueshen raised his tone, and then saw a red beam of light appearing on the top of the magic wand, and then slowly penetrated into the pool of water, and immediately found that the water on the ground had begun to be washed away. Covered in red.


After Ye Yueshen saw that all the water on the ground was immersed in the red substance, he took the magic wand back and said to Tabasa: "You can go up and have a look, at this moment, it is no longer aggressive! You'll see the matter slowly gather and return to what they were!"


With great curiosity, Tabasa walked to the pool of water and carefully observed the currents scattered on the ground.


Tabassa couldn't help but marveled. The water on the ground was like a small molecule, which began to precipitate out of the original pure water, and then gathered together one by one. Although it was very small, Tabasa could clearly see these precipitated particles. The things are all shining with blue light, and they also quickly grow from small to large, slowly gathering, little by little, blue lines are formed, which are distributed in the water flow.

"Did you see it? This is the blue ink line, and in fact, the water flow line of the magic water has begun to form in the middle, but the magic water is transparent, so this kind of scene appears. Do you want blue and white tropical fish? "

Ye Yueshen introduced Tabasa very seriously on the side, with a gentle tone, more like telling a story.

"A bit like."

Hearing the metaphor of Ye Luna, Tabasa didn't find it funny either, looking up at Ye Luna, she seemed very excited.

"Yeah. Keep watching, and soon they'll gather like people worth helping!"

Yeyueshen said in a meaningful way, while Tabasa carefully watched the water flow on the ground. The ink that had begun to slowly merge was clearly divided into strands in front of her, and at the same time, it was constantly flowing. Merging with each other, slowly becoming larger and more obvious.


When the water on the ground turned blue and white, Tabasa couldn't help but be amazed, and she looked at Ye Yueshen with a little admiration!

"It's trivial! Do you like it? If you like it, I'll show you a few more!"

Night Moon God said with a smile.

"But you still have to get off work. If you give me time for me, will it delay Miss Lungobier's work?"

Tabasa asked sensible.

"Uh, she, it's okay, I'll be there soon!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand casually, and put this matter behind him, and then raised the water on the ground with magic, and then put it into the ink bottle and the magic water bottle respectively!

"Bastard! You treat me like a dish!"

Miss Lungobier was cursing unhappily outside, of course, inside.

"See this?"

Ye Yueshen took a white feather in his hand from the small warehouse next to him.

"Is it the feather of a red-crowned crane?"

Tabasa looked at the feather curiously, his eyes blinked, and the long eyelashes made Ye Luna almost stunned. Who said that girls with glasses are not good-looking?

"How clever! Indeed!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then took the feather in his hand and said to Tabasa: "This feather is hollow! Do you know?"

"Well, do you want it?"

Tabassa looked at Ye Luna curiously, wondering what this magical principal was going to do!

"You look good!"

Ye Yueshen smiled softly: "Are you a magician of the wind element?"

"Of course!"

Tabassa looked excited when she talked about her magic system.

"So you know what the biggest weakness of the wind magician is?"

The corner of Ye Yueshen's mouth lifted slightly, and there seemed to be something indescribable in his eyes.

"Yes... it's a small space!"

Tabassa said helplessly, asking a person to talk about his weakness is a very unfriendly thing.

"Well, so I'll show you how to take advantage of the wind in a small space!"

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