It's just a small fist clenched tightly.

That's... a sign of madness.

It was like this once, twice, and three times. She was accused three times!A full three!

The first time the "sacred" kiss was destroyed by the cat demon, the second time, the third time... Not only the cat but also the water snake ran in front of her!

Is her fiancée really just being ignored?

ps: Jinguji's childhood has already been written, so I won't write her side story.

Thanks to the attacking lolicon, sll09728039s, scroll, 86...4778245 for the monthly pass.Thank you for the motivation given by Oriental Lolicon.

Thanks celtics for the tip.Your support is the driving force of Ziqi Codeword.

Chapter 0037 Jingu Temple Jiuhuicheng (1 more for collection)


Huge flames emerged from Jinguji's body, like a fire dragon, and Jinguji's lovely black crescent also turned crimson, and the tightly clenched little fist seemed to burst.

Is she out of control?

There was a flame on Jinguji, but the flame did not burn him, and the temperature was not very high.

Ye Shenyue quickly grabbed Jinguji's shoulders and turned her body to his side.He hugged her body tightly, and because of the reason why the two were so close together, the girl's plump, tender breasts were squeezed into strange shapes by him, and the wonderful touch was deep into the bone marrow.

But now it is different, Ye Shenyue is not in the mood to experience this, the current Jingu Temple is obviously going to enter the state of magic runaway, if it is not handled well, it will leave sequelae.

Ye Shenyue hugged her tightly.Hold her with your own brute force so she can't move.At the same time, even he was surprised that the flames emerging from Jinguji Temple immediately penetrated into his body as soon as it encountered his body, as if... being swallowed up.

His body also has the ability to devour?

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered 06, in the zombie world, when Her Lady Queen cast a spell, the object of the effect was neither Chris nor Ariel and the others, but him, who turned him into a little Zhengtai.It stands to reason that the queen's spell is unlikely to fail, but in the end it was cast on him, maybe, maybe because of his body, which is like a container that can accept magic.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to accept the fantastic abilities of other worlds?Just like the Guangdu he has now.Guangdu is also a kind of power.

This body, he really does not understand more and more.Yu once said that he also has magic power in his body, but it does not come from Haruna, but he has it himself. If it is not from him who just entered the zombie world, where does the magic come from?Gaia gave it away for free?

In any case, Ye Shenyue now feels that she is absorbing the powerful magic power emitted by Jingu Temple because of her rampage. The magic power entered his body and turned into a source of water and flowed into his meridians, just like It's like coming home.

And the flames on Jingu Temple slowly disappeared. There was no magic riot, and now, there was only physical struggle.

She struggled fiercely, crying while struggling, until Ye Shenyue kissed her again, she calmed down.

"Why...why is this...why is everyone running ahead of me...why is it always...always the last...the end and the end are annoying!"

Jinguji's purple eyes were full of crystal tears, and he used a lot of strength to grab Yashinyuki's arm, screaming hysterically.


It was not the first time Ye Shenyue heard her mention this word.It seems that when we first met, she was still a young, undeveloped, and she had already started to say the word "last" at that time.Only then he didn't pay attention.It seems... from that time onwards, she has been paying close attention to the word "end".

The Jinguji family is the last in the Twelve Demon Slayers, and they have always been excluded. This exclusion comes not only from the Demon Slasher family but also from various yao monsters. Every time they fight, those yao monsters always take the opportunity to make fun of them. Over time, Jinguji, who has been bullied and bullied since childhood, has become a state of madness when he mentions "the last".

The pressure is too great.

But now, stimulated by Feiju and Jing Shuijiu again, he vented all his anger and depression, and it has become the current state of being insane.

It's just that Ye Shenyue sucked her magic power away, so she couldn't continue to go crazy and had to fight and resist.And to deal with people who can't calm down, Ye Shenyue already has experience.

That is—kiss her.

A girl who is kissed even when she is very, very angry or flustered, her mind will always be disturbed, and if the action goes deeper, her heart will be completely transformed.

as it is now.

Ye Shenyue didn't kiss her as lingeringly as the first time he kissed her, he just parted at the touch, but what made Jinguji nervous was that Yagami kissed her neck, which was smooth and white.

"Don't you want to be at the bottom? As long as we do it now, we won't be at the bottom."

There will be a lot of people in the last place in the future!

Ye Shenyue added another sentence at the end.

Yes, Jinguji has been entangled, isn't it the end?Just don't let her be the last one!

"Although...even though it seems reasonable for you to say so...but I always feel very uncomfortable in my heart..."

Suspicion flashed across Jiuhui Cheng's white and tender cheeks, and the indescribable depression in his heart rose again.

"It won't be uncomfortable, we will feel comfortable when we do it..."

Ye Shenyue said haha, of course she would be uncomfortable, but Ye Shenyue's sentence secretly revealed the great ideal that will continue to enrich the Crystal Palace.

"It always feels weird...but...but, since you are your fiancée, you are also a prosperous 160-year-old. Even if there are no cats and snakes, I will help you deal with your desires. It's too much. , how could you let the witch say such a thing!"

Jingu Temple covered his face with his white and tender hands, as if he was embarrassed.

When Ye Shenyue first saw Jingu Temple, she was only 10 years old at that time. What figure can a 10-year-old Loli have?

But now, women's colleges will indeed change eighteen times.

"Jiuhuicheng...I'm afraid I'm in love with you..."

In love with your body.

Without any hesitation, Ye Shenyue pounced on it.Rush towards the beautiful body that has seduced him so far, and there is no chance of turning back.

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