"Look at the mirror image transmitted by the familiar with your eyes!"

While speaking, Miss Lungobier secretly clamped her legs. In this regard, she has the most say!

"It's dark all around, I can't see clearly!"

Night Moon God said helplessly.

"Then eat, maybe, in the eyes of the mouse, the best food is different from what you think!"

Miss Lungobier murmured, and started immediately, saying that she had too much food and ate it with Siska.

"Never mind! Anyway, my guinea pig is biting something right now, maybe it will come back when it's full!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, threw away the worries in his heart, and then started to face the rich food in front of him!

"Just do it...just do it...just do it..."

Several consecutive voices of the man's voice reached Ye Yueshen's ears, causing Ye Yueshen to stop the food in his hand and stand up.

"What's wrong with you? Is the food unpalatable?"

Siska asked Ye Luna's sudden worry when she saw Ye Luna's sudden worry.

"It's okay, I'm going out for a walk!"

Ye Yueshen said casually and went out the door.

"It seems that the transmission was wrong!"

Yeyueshen shook his head helplessly, and then he dodged outside the door, followed by directly looking for the trace of the mouse, and flew towards the south!

"Eat all you can. After eating, our Count will ask you some questions!"

A man dressed as a guard was beside the main road of a small village, calling out to the villagers who came to collect food!

"Who is so kind! He actually gave everyone such a good thing!"

Yeyueshen looked white and pure, like a child, and asked the villagers who were eating happily next to him.

"Of course it's the great Marquis of Slochri, you don't know! We are all his old man's vassals, and we were worried that his old man's lost treasures would raise taxes on us. Who would have brought so much delicious food today? Yes, come to comfort us!"

An enthusiastic villager, while talking, greeted Ye Yueshen to eat together.

"Hehe, there are such good nobles! I never expected that!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, declined the invitation from the villagers, and walked in directly.

"What are you doing? The elders of the village are discussing business inside, you can't go in!"

A sturdy villager blocked Ye Luna's way.

"Uh, this eldest brother, my stuff fell inside! Can you let me in!"

Yeyueshen and these villagers have no grievances and no hatreds, so naturally he does not intend to have any conflicts with them, and pretends to be ignorant.

"Wait at the door, the elders will let you in after the discussion is over!"

Seeing that Yeyueshen was not malicious, the villager softened his tone, and pointed to Yeyueshen at the delicious food outside.

"These are local specialties. They say they are specialties, but in fact they are all eaten by the rich. I have never eaten them in my life! Little brother, take this opportunity to eat them quickly!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help being curious, thinking that anyway these villagers are discussing matters, they must be harvesting water conservancy taxes and the like, and there is no need for him to find his own guinea pig at this time, so he simply eats with everyone on the stomach and the table full of food Get up!

"Wow, it's really delicious! It's much better than the food in the cafeteria!"

Ye Yueshen picked up a piece of cake and put it in his mouth, and immediately felt that he had entered a food paradise. A piece of cake is so delicious, how can other things be so unpalatable?Thinking of this, Yeyueshen came to this world, and his appetite, which was not good at all, suddenly opened up, and it was a feast for the food that was constantly added!

"Young man, slow down, slow down, no one will rob you!"

Although the villagers next to him didn't know Yeyueshen, they all warmly reminded Yeyueshen not to choke, and Yeyueshen desperately started to surround the food on the table, and soon forgot the time...

Chapter 0074 The price of gluttony

"You're so full!"

Patting his belly, Ye Yueshen felt that for the first time, he felt so full inside, and his six-pack abs were about to eat into one piece!

"You've finally finished eating, we should also pack up and go!"

The guard next to him said to Ye Luna with a smile, and then divided the rest of the food into small packets and sent them back to the villagers.

"By the way, why are you doing this?"

After Ye Yueshen finished eating, he did not forget to ask the reason.

"Of course it's our Lord!"

The guard laughed and ignored Ye Yueshen's question.

"Okay, we should go home too!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then took the mouse out of the warehouse in the house. Looking at the chubby mouse eating the same food, Ye Yueshen couldn't help shaking his head, feeling that he and the mouse were indeed a good match. 's master and servant.

"Huh? What about the others?"

Ye Yueshen looked up and found that except for the guards who packed up, the carriages at the beginning were gone!

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