"Haruna? Where's the bug?"

Seeing the blushing Haruna come out of Ye Shenyue's room in despair, Sera, who was waiting for You to drink tea, wondered.

"Idiot Bu... Idiot Bu is still sleeping, can't wake up!"

Haruna leaned against the table with her cheeks on her back, as if she was wandering in the sky, blushing from time to time, smirking while blushing.


Sera's figure disappeared in situ, while Yu continued to drink tea calmly.Nothing seemed to make her emotionally excited.

"Today is the weekend, no need to get up early, let me sleep a little longer!"

Ye Shenyue was still in a daze, feeling like she was carrying some weight. Could it be that Haruna attacked again?

Ye Shenyue answered in a daze.

"Sure enough, it's a bedbug, or it should be a lazy and colorful bedbug. This kind of bedbug should not appear in reality!"

Such words came from Ye Shenyue's ears, and at the same time, it seemed that something was on her neck, sharp and cold, and it felt like being held by someone with a knife.

Oh, it turned out to be pointed at by someone with a knife... so it is... so it is... Huh?Being pointed at with a knife?

Ye Shenyue was still in a daze. Not to mention the battle with Sera last night, the sequelae of the explosion in his ears, feet, and hands made him tired.Today is the weekend, naturally it is time to take a good rest and rest.

However, he originally thought that it was just Xiao Chunnai who came to tell him to gag, but the coolness of his neck told him that it was definitely not that simple!

In an instant, because of the threat to his life, Ye Shenyue's eyes suddenly opened, and then, without looking at the secret sword on his neck, he directly moved forward with both hands, grabbing the little feet on his stomach, and then, the abdomen The strength was strengthened to %, and he quickly hugged the little foot, and then his body slammed forward!


Sera fell down on the floor, and Ye Shenyue's body also fell down, but at this time, the posture of the two of them after calming down was a bit strange.

Because of Ye Shenyue's sudden attack, Sera's secret sword fell directly to the ground without being steady. At this time, Sera closed her eyes slightly, and Ye Shenyue threw herself on her.

Is this heaven?

Buried deep inside, Ye Shenyue almost had a nosebleed. This soft and fragrant place is really heaven?It's just that he seemed a little suffocated.

It doesn't matter, zombies won't hang!

Ye Shenyue found a reason for herself to continue to bury this beautiful place.

"It hurts...you perverted bedbug, don't you wake me up!"

Even as a blood-sucking ninja, Sera still felt pain. Not to mention the pain in her body, there was a numbness in her body that made her feel soft and weak. She barely opened her eyes and saw Ye Shenyue On her body, her pretty face blushed imperceptibly, and then she directly roared. If she really had the strength, she would have kicked Ye Shenyue directly. For some reason, her body could not use any strength. !

Even, the body actually began to heat up like a fire.


Ye Shenyue suddenly gave up the feeling of continuing to be immersed in heaven at this time, and suddenly raised her face to be Sera's dark green eyes.

"Do...what are you doing!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly showed such a serious appearance, which made her a little overwhelmed.

"I want to kiss you!"

"Ah... huh?... Hmm..."

In Serra's surprised eyes, incredible eyes, the whole person was stunned.

Because Ye Shenyue's lips were already attached to hers.

Chapter 0018 The Crystal Palace finally has a member! (for collection)

"This is the tradition of your blood-sucking ninjas. As long as you, as girls, are kissed on the lips by a man, you will swear to love him for the rest of your life... Hey, Sera... Sera!"

Ye Shenyue was secretly delighted in her heart, thank Gaia, thank Alaya, if it weren't for Gaia, he would not have hung up, and he would not have had the opportunity to experience this kind of beautiful life that can only be imagined in dreams.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue even felt that it was worth it to be killed by Gaia again.

"You...you disgusting bed bug!"

Just when Ye Shenyue was finally willing to leave Sera's lips, before she finished speaking, Sera was stunned for the first time, and then her dark green eyes quickly dyed red, turning blood red, and her body was embarrassed. Fully open, the sky is full of leaves spinning in the room, each one is like a sharp blade, even if it is a zombie, but at this time, Yagami Yue still feels scared, this time, Sera's blackening.Seems even scarier than yesterday!

Before she could think about it, Ye Shenyue only had to use both hands and feet to quickly hold Sera down, trying to suppress her rampage.

And just when the two were deadlocked, a small body appeared in the room, and a dull hair on the top of the head was very tight!

That's Haruna!

"What are you doing!"

Haruna woke up from the initial confusion, and then saw that Yu was the only one in the hall drinking tea indifferently, and immediately ran back to Yagami's room, but when she wanted to continue kicking the door as usual, The door opened by itself, or it was not closed at all, Xiaochunna hurried in, and then saw the scene of Sera's eyes blood red and the leaves flying around in the room.

And the place where the leaves are most concentrated is where Yagami and Sera are.At this moment, Sera was being firmly pressed to the ground by Yagami, and Yagami's hands grabbed Sera's arms, preventing her from moving.

As soon as I came in and saw such a hot scene, Xiaochunna's small face that was still blushing became even more rosy, but this time the rosy was not because of the girl's innocent shyness but complete anger!

Haruna only felt that her whole body was about to burn.The fire was born from the heart, and then, rushed up at the fastest speed, rushed up, and then... hugged Ye Shenyue directly, and then, two small hands grabbed Ye Shenyue's waist, and slammed it towards Ye Shenyue. Pulling it out was like pulling out a radish, to rip Ye Shenyue away from Sera's body.

"Haruna, what are you doing here? Get out of the way, Sera is going to run wild!"

If you put Taeko or Mihara Yasuki behind you, you must be enjoying the feeling of a girl's beautiful body clinging to her body, but behind her is a complete airport Haruna, and it's fine without that soft feeling, and now Haruna suddenly Come and intervene, the situation that he was a little uncontrollable will develop in a worse direction!

Especially now, Haruna is pulling him hard behind him, and the strength of his hold on Sera has also loosened, but whose Sera is this, but it is more terrifying than the blackening last night!

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