Ye Yueshen turned around, took out the agreement signed with Siska from his pocket, and put his hand in front of Duke Hunik!


Duke Hunik looked suspiciously at Marquis Slokli beside him, that look seemed to kill him...

"Uh, no, that's not right! I have personally proved that Siska was not a servant before she brought her, she, she was just working in the Magic Academy!"

Trembling all over, Marquis Slokli hurriedly took the contract handed over by Ye Moon God in his hand, looked at it over and over for a long time, and suddenly raised his head, a disgusting smiling face stuck on his head!

"Look, look here, this is an agreement between the two parties, not enforced, so as long as Siska does not agree, this agreement is invalid!"

Having said that, the Marquis who has already fed his conscience to the dog, carefully unfolded the contract that was almost crushed from Duke Hunik's hand, then pointed to the text on it and said, "It is written that Siska is unconditional. It is unconditional to agree to become a sleeper at Duke Hunik's house, so our contract..."

"Your contract is even more shameless!" Ye Yueshen said word by word, looking at Marquis Slokli, his eyes were already full of killing intent!

"But more effective!"

Duke Hunik took the contract in his hand, took a big step forward, and said: "Siska, come on, little baby, I will treat you well, don't worry, I am the privy deputy of the empire, That is to say, once the war starts, I will be one of the commanders of the empire. So, if you follow me, it must be better than following this dean. Come on, I will not only take care of you, but also your family. , Your clan, your villagers, the children we give birth to will inherit my family business, do you know why I want to marry you? Because I have no descendants yet, as long as you give birth to a prince, then everything is yours With the child! What are you waiting for? What can this person beside you bring you?"

Chapter 0077 Cunning

"Are you finished?"

Yeyueshen looked at Duke Hunik indifferently. At the moment when the fat guy was shaking with words to Siska, Yeyueshen didn't say a word, because, he could feel, what was in Siska's heart. Tangled!

"It's over! Siska! You choose!"

With a cold smile at Ye Luna, Duke Hunik looked at him arrogantly.

"No choice, because everything you just said is wrong!"

Ye Yueshen did not wait for Siska to speak, and said directly: "You not only have descendants, but also several, do you think that the family portrait in your living room is used for decoration? Also! , it's just to give them some petty profits. After Siska follows you, Siska needs your permission for her every move. What will happen to her family, clansmen and villagers? Nobles? A child cannot have a commoner mother, I know this very well, even if Siska gives birth to a child, it will be the fate of being raised by other noble women!"

Ye Yueshen said a word, Duke Hunik's face darkened a bit, and said a word, Marquis Slokli's face turned a little darker, until the two people's faces were the same as the eggplants beaten by frost, Ye Yueshen stopped!

"Enough of you! You nosy bastard! I'll make you pay!"

Is Duke Hunik furious? He stretched out his hand to attack Luna with magic.

"Do you want your magic wand?"

Yeyue God is like holding a few toothpicks, holding the magic wands of the three nobles, and spinning them around in his hands like a show!

"You give it back to me! You steal my magic wand, it's a capital crime!"

"Forcibly breaking into the Magic Academy, injuring innocent people without permission, and forcibly taking away servants are also capital crimes, and you can die three times!"

Ye Yueshen said with a pointed finger.

"Humph! What evidence is there to prove that the person who broke into the Magic Academy was mine? That's the one from the same village of Siska who couldn't wait to send Siska here in order to give Siska a good future. You are also looking for it. Finding those civilians has nothing to do with us!"

As if boasting of his wisdom, Slokli raised his head in front of Ye Luna and said.

"Then what proof is there that this is your magic wand?"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, then pressed both ends of the magic wand with both hands, followed by a force, three magic wands formed an arch bridge in Ye Yueshen's hands!

"You, what are you going to do?"

Duke Hunik looked at Ye Luna with trembling, and looked at Ye Luna in disbelief.

"Did you try very hard to order your magic wand back into your hands, but to no avail?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the "arch bridge" in front of him with great interest, and was not worried that they would break from the middle!

"Confinement magic?"

Marquis Slokli shuddered, and said this word in surprise!

"so smart!"

Ye Yueshen raised his eyebrows and added in his heart: "I don't even know what to call this magic, this kid has realized it himself!"

"Okay, let's sit down and talk!"

Finding that he really couldn't control his magic wand, Duke Hunik's attitude became much gentler.

"No, I'm taking Siska away! Bye!"

Ye Yueshen didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he turned around, ready to open a wall in front of him!


There was cold sweat on Duke Hunik's face. If Ye Luna slammed on the wall again, he would really be finished!

"Let my housekeeper take you out through the front door, we are all nobles, there is no need to hurt the peace because of this little girl!"

"You are very good at talking!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, imitated the housekeeper, made a gesture of invitation to the housekeeper, and then walked forward with Siska and Miss Lungobier.

"Could you restore our magic wand to its original state?" The Marquis of Slokli still didn't forget his wand.

"Don't worry, I've got it!"

Yeyueshen said quietly, and with the host's farewell, he followed the housekeeper to the living room slowly!

"Lords, ladies! Look at this uninvited guest!"

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