Holding Siska's contract in his hand, Duke Hunik doesn't seem to care anymore, his magic wand has been broken by Ye Luna, what else is there to fear?

"Okay, then let the royal family decide!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then smiled and looked around for a week, and said to the nobles present: "I will remember your faces, I hope you can remember me, I am the dean of the Magic Academy, and I am not satisfied. Please come to me anytime for advice, and I will teach you how to behave in place of your incompetent parents!"

Ye Yueshen smiled arrogantly and walked out of the living room.

"Give you thirty seconds to tell me where my horse has gone!"

Except for Hu Keting, Ye Yueshen put the magic wand on the neck of the guard.

"I don't know! I really don't know that the housekeeper took it away in person!"

Looking at Yeyueshen tremblingly, the guards at the door are not blind, and even the nobles were easily taken by Yeyueshen, and he still knows how much he has.

"Looks like I'm going to trouble you again!"

Ye Yueshen stood at the door, looked back, and stared coldly at the butler behind Duke Hunik.

"Just a moment!"

The butler glanced at Ye Yueshen in horror. He didn't know when there was a small note in his hand, and then muttered into Duke Hunik's ear. Just now, he was looking at Duke Hunik fiercely at Ye Yueshen. He changed his face directly, waved to the butler, handed something to him, and then announced that the banquet would continue.And the noble men and women who were standing in the banquet hall quickly adjusted their mentality and began to gather together again chatting and laughing.

"Please, this is your horse, this is the carriage we paid Miss Siska, and the contract that was originally invalid, you take it!"

"When did you become so humble?"

Ye Yueshen burned the contract directly to ashes and looked at the housekeeper in disbelief.

"Uh, we've checked it out, it's the Marquis of Slochri that got in the way and caused a rift between you and my master, Siska is indeed in your magic academy, and you and she also signed a contract. , but in order to please my master, the Marquis deceived the elders of Siska village with a little food, kidnapped Siska from the Magic Academy, and injured your subordinates!"

"Uh, your information is very positive!"

Ye Luna nodded in shock, and then let Siska get on the carriage and take Miss Lungobier out of the castle together!

"What a brave warrior!"

Looking at Yeyueshen's disappearing figure, the butler's mouth couldn't help but flash a sneer, and then ordered the soldiers to close the door, and then entered the castle.

"This is too slow!"

While driving the carriage, Yeyueshen complained that a carriage made up of two horses could not be able to direct the direction at will, as if riding a horse in a row. Yeyueshen looked at the sun in the sky and complained all the time, but there was nothing. Method.

"Then pray for a dragon to appear!"

Miss Lungobier smiled softly, then continued to hide in the carriage to comfort the frightened Siska.

"Why do I feel the wind is blowing?"

Siska shook her head, and a strange feeling came quickly.


Miss Lungobier nodded, and then found that Luna had stopped the carriage directly!

"Why don't you go?"

Stretching her head out, Miss Lungobier was about to ask when she suddenly saw a behemoth appearing in front of her.

"Your crow's mouth is very smart!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, and got off the carriage, happily looking at the flying dragon in front of him.

"Tabasha, it really is you!"

Ye Luna came over, stroked the neck of the flying dragon, and greeted Lungobier and Siska behind him.

"I'm so scared!"

Seeing the sky blue flying dragon in front of him, Siska took a few steps back in fright!

"It's okay, come here, Feilong can send us to the Magic Academy soon!"

Ye Yueshen took the initiative to go over, grabbed Siska, and helped her up to the flying dragon.

"Don't you mind at all?"

Qiuljie said to Tabasha, who sat on the faucet with Tabasha.

"They must have been frightened!"

Tabassa nodded and urged the flying dragon to soar!

Chapter 0079 Conspiracy

"Why did you stop me just now?"

When he came to the secret room that was almost revealed by Luna, Duke Hunik sat on a very different seat. If Miss Lungobier was here, he would definitely be able to see that this seat and The King's Seat is almost identical!

"First of all, we probably really can't beat this guy!"

The housekeeper bowed his head helplessly, and then handed the note to his master!

"I didn't expect that this orphan and widowed mother would have such a vision. Why didn't I see that this kid has such a level?"

Duke Hunik patted the table angrily, as if it wasn't him who angered Ye Luna at first.

"It's all Marquis Slokli's fault, otherwise, we wouldn't have such an enemy inexplicably!"

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