As Ye Yueshen spoke, he pointed to the letter in Miss Lungobier's hand and asked, "Why don't you take it apart and take a look?"

"Will I tell you that the book to unwrap this letter is in your hand? Really, I left in such a hurry yesterday that I forgot to put those two books back!"

Miss Lungobier said in her heart, "I wish I forgot to pour you tea!"

After he finished speaking, he would ignore the broken teacup under his feet, stand up directly, walk to Yeyueshen and pour a cup of tea from the teapot to Yeyueshen, and then he took a few books on Yeyueshen's table. held in his arms.

"It's still the information provided by your good friend, do you want me to decipher it for you?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier playfully, as if she knew everything, and seemed to be joking with her.

"No, I will do it myself!"

Miss Lungobier nodded at Ye Luna, returned to her position, and then started her own deciphering. When the contents of the note were deciphered, Miss Lungobier's pupils suddenly tightened!

"It's actually like this? Can't see it!"

There was a smile on the corner of Miss Lungobier's mouth, and her mood looked much better!

"Is it a good thing? Look at your expression, you look so excited!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier playfully.

"Of course it's the big sale of the carriage we're going to buy!"

Miss Lungobier was stunned for a moment, and suddenly showed an exaggerated smile, looking at Ye Luna excitedly.

"Uh, do you want to buy a carriage?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, and asked vaguely.

"Did someone lose my two horses, and if I don't buy a carriage, how can I get home?"

Lungobier seemed to remember something, and looked at Ye Yueshen angrily, everyone could see the dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Uh, is it?"

Ye Yueshen grinned slowly, only to realize that he had given Siska back to school at that time, seemingly abandoning Miss Lungobier's two horses in the wilderness!

"Of course! It's not expensive, just thirty gold coins!"

Miss Lungobier said, she really extended her hand to Ye Luna!

"Give you fifty gold coins as compensation for letting me go back yesterday!"

Ye Yueshen touched his pocket and immediately took out a large amount of gold coins.

"Headmaster, you are so generous! This is seven thousand and two hundred dinars!"

Miss Lungobier looked at the fifty gold coins that were heavy in her hands, shaking her head and looking at Ye Luna in surprise.

"Small things, if you're short of money, I'll tell you, I'll support you!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier in front of him with cunning eyes, and was about to propose to her!

"Need not!"

Miss Lungobier turned around and gave Ye Yueshen a look of contempt, then returned to her seat, excitedly looking at the envelope in her hand, laughed inexplicably for a while, and then stopped amidst Ye Yueshen's protest. After a while, the two of them stared at each other in the office until it was time for lunch!

"Why hasn't Siska delivered food yet?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the wall clock, muttered something, and went downstairs alone. Miss Lungobier said that she was going to take a lunch break, and Ye Yueshen also let her go.

After walking out of the school gate, Miss Lungobier looked behind her. After confirming that no one was there, she turned around and disappeared around the corner of the castle.

"Is it true? Our members expanded so much in one night?"

Coming to an unknown corner, Miss Lungobier's tone was more excited than talking to Ye Luna in the office!

"Of course! This place is remote, so I only got the news today. In fact, yesterday afternoon, Hunik, who killed a thousand knives, died. The nobles who attended the banquet were afraid that they would be investigated by the royal family. The guilt was dug up by the way, and he took the initiative to find us and prayed to join us, even if he wrote the letter of allegiance himself!" A heavy and excited voice entered Miss Lungobier's ear, Miss Lungobier, who was already very excited He nodded quickly, exchanged something with his companions, and left in a hurry. At the same time, Ye Yueshen, who had just arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria, was stopped by the terrified Mr. Colbert.

"You are still so leisurely, the academy is now full of rumors!"

Mr. Colbert looked at Ye Yueshen with a solemn face, and seemed to have heard a lot of bad rumors, most of which were about the death of Duke Hunik...

Chapter 0089

"What's the matter? Isn't it just a dead nobleman? Why are rumors flying all over the sky?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mr. Colbert speechlessly, and raised his feet to walk into the cafeteria!

"It's definitely not that simple. Duke Hunik died yesterday afternoon, but didn't you go there too? It is said that there was a fierce conflict with Duke Hunik..."

When Mr. Colbert said these words, he did not forget to look around, as if he was afraid that others would see it.

"Hmph, so I'm suspect?"

Ye Yueshen said very unhappily: "So are all those who have a bad relationship with Hu Nick the object of suspicion?"

Ye Yueshen said disdainfully, and immediately dragged Mr. Colbert to the cafeteria. As soon as he stepped into the cafeteria, the teachers who were still whispering all shut their mouths. The noisy cafeteria suddenly became quiet. A needle dropped to the ground can be clearly seen.

"Hehe, everyone is very quiet today!"

Ye Yueshen looked at everyone's expressions, and couldn't help but sneered, seemingly not caring about everyone's reactions.

"Uh, hello, principal!"

Everyone hurriedly bowed to Yeyue God.

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