"If I'm not with you, how can I be sure that you killed Hunik?"

Lungobier thought in his heart, his mind turned very fast, and he immediately remembered what happened yesterday.

"You think, as soon as you went out yesterday, Siska was kidnapped. If you leave again, if something unexpected happens, we can't even notify you, what do you do?" Miss Lungobier blinked her eyes as she spoke, hoping Ye Luna could remember what happened yesterday.

"Well, that's what I said."

Ye Yueshen thought for a while, but was persuaded by Miss Lungobier, returned to his place, and said to Miss Lungobier who was relieved, "Give me a blank book, I want to write something. !"

"With a cover?"

Miss Lungobier skillfully took out a stack of white paper from her drawer, as well as a few hard covers with blank frames.

"Oh, so comprehensive."

Ye Yueshen looked at the stack of white paper, and suddenly felt that his secretary seemed to know that he was going to write a book, and he was well prepared.

"Uh, this is all left by my predecessor, but unfortunately it didn't work much, so I left."

Miss Lungobier said with some memories while helping Ye Luna put the white paper away.

"Do you think I don't care about you without your ex?"

Ye Yueshen looked up and said with a smile.

"Not really... Who has an ex? They've never been in love, okay?"

Miss Lungobier was stunned for a moment, and said a little aggrieved.

Chapter 0091 Magical Magic Book

"It's not easy, you can sit still in the office for an afternoon?"

After tidying up the tea set by Ye Yueshen's hand, Miss Lungobier said with a little admiration.

"What is this, in fact, I just put out a little energy, these are just drafts."

Ye Yueshen looked at the draft at hand and said disapprovingly.

"Well, I hope to see your masterpiece soon."

Miss Lungobier smiled, but there was a trace of regret in her heart. This afternoon, Yeyueshen was motionless in her position. She brought tea and water by herself, and didn't even have a chance to communicate with Yeyueshen. Occasionally, someone came in. Ye Yueshen also dismissed with a few words.

"Hehe, you'll know by then!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, and then said, "Give me two book covers, and I will give you a surprise!"


Lungobier quickly gave the book cover to Ye Luna, but he snorted coldly in his heart.

"I don't know how wonderful this guy's writing is, how dare he say that he gave me a surprise?"

Soon, Ye Luna said goodbye to Miss Lungobier, and after hurriedly finished dinner, he returned to his room, closed the door, and then directly began to use his own strength in his room to place a book on the blank book cover. One of them is imprinted with his own will. The magic book written by Yeyueshen is not an ordinary text, but uses the power of the spirit to put the power that he wants to give to others, and it will naturally shock others. !

"Have you been neglected these days?"

The moon outside the window has begun to fade away, but Ye Yueshen is still working hard on his writing desk to write a different magic book for the person he likes.


The little white mouse looked at Yeyueshen stupidly, as if wondering why his master was still not sleeping at this time, Yeyueshen teased a few times, and then continued to devote himself to his work, but at this time in front of Yeyueshen It's already the second book, and the magic book of the wind element has already been written down by Ye Yueshen and placed beside him.

"Boom boom boom!"

There were several knocks on the door, and Siska had already opened the door for the second time while Ye Luna was writing.Since Siska became the life secretary of the night moon god, the night moon god gave him his key.

"Are you still working?"

Seeing Ye Luna sitting in the same position as when he came last night, Siska couldn't help but say with some worry.

"Hehe, of course I fell asleep at night, but the inspiration came, and naturally I couldn't hold it back!"

Ye Yueshen said with a smile, obviously, he didn't want the sensitive Siska to worry about him.

"Hurry up and wash up, the students have already started training their own familiars!"

Siska smiled at Ye Moon God, then waited for Ye Moon God to wash his hands, and then left Ye Moon God's room.

"Start training your own familiar now?"

Ye Yueshen came out of the room, and when he looked up, he saw on the lawn that the second-year students were working hard to train their familiars.

"Why are the students so active?"

Ye Yueshen muttered to himself curiously, followed by the voice of Mr. Colbert from behind.

"The students are all reviewing for Her Royal Highness. Although the time of Her Royal Highness's arrival has not been completely determined, the students are very excited after the news spread that Her Royal Highness is coming!"

"I'm afraid I hope to be valued by the princess, and think about the future for the future!"

A not very friendly voice came, causing Ye Yueshen's heart to form a haze.

"Hehe, long time no see, Mr. Hubrus!"

Ye Luna smiled at Miss Lungobier, then went directly to the cafeteria with Mr. Colbert for dinner, and then returned to his office with a yawn.

"Looks like I was very excited last night!"

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