"The disappearance of the demon power? There will be such a terrible thing? Could it be that someone was beaten back to the prototype?"

Ming Xiayu interjected.

"The demon power should have been sucked away."

Shizusui was silent for a while and then followed Jinguji's words.

"Jaya, what happened?"

Feiju's face showed a worried look, could it be that something happened in the countryside?

"Yo... There is a very powerful monster... She can absorb our demon power... She has sucked a lot of goblins, it is said... woo... It is said that many monsters in villages have been sucked out of energy... It's too terrifying, it's not something that can be beaten at all... woo woo... just being glanced at by her, I have no courage to resist... woo woo..."

Shaye was still crying, but from her crying, everyone also understood the truth of the matter.

"That's true, and the news I got is the same. There are two monsters galloping all over Japan to absorb the monster power of various monsters, regardless of the object. I didn't expect to have reached Yue's hometown... This monster has absorbed so much power to the end. What do you want to do?"

Jinguji's brows furrowed, this kind of mindful and purposeful monster is not easy to deal with.

"Absorb the magic power? Then... what about Fu Sang Shen?"

The small teacup held Ye Shenyue's arm with a fluke mentality.

"It's not just monsters, but monsters like Fu Sang Shen and Land God who don't seem to be harmful have also been destroyed a lot. It seems that the monster still likes Fu Sang Shen. Ordinary monsters are good even if they are caught. It’s just returning to its original shape, and after the cleaning of the annual rings, the power of the god of death is absorbed through the transformation of the item, but it will become an ordinary item. If there is no adventure, it will become an item without any thought.”

As if pouring cold water, Jingu Temple was still pouring cold water, and the small teacup was thrown directly into Ye Shenyue's arms.

"Lord Yashenyue, please save the poor and weak teacup~~Uuuu...it's terrible..."

She finally transformed from a teacup into a human form, and then she has a mind, and she doesn't want to be beaten back to her original state!

"Weak? It should be soft and soft, right!"

Ye Shenyue felt the soft and soft European style of the small teacup, which seemed to be comparable to Feiju, and felt dark in her heart.

It's just cool, but now his brain is constantly spinning, and a large amount of ATP is breaking down.

He could guess that the person who absorbed the monster's power must be the loli before the jade bath, but what is surprising is that this time she did not "eat" directly and terribly, but absorbed the power of the monster "gently and kindly" , and left the monster with his life, which is very different from the plot he knows.

But it's good to only absorb the power of the monsters, "eat" something... It's really bloody.

Moreover, when I think that if the little loli is biting all kinds of monsters with her mouth, Klang, Yagami may not like her.

He is a very possessive person. Even if he eats it, as long as his lips touch other monsters, he will feel unhappy.

Therefore, the current result, Ye Shenyue is still acceptable.

"What about the text?"

However, Ye Shenyue still remembered the text that Rinko had been talking about for a long time, that she could put something in her stomach and then spit it out.Even Gaya was attacked, so Moon couldn't have survived, right?

Now only Gaya is here, which means that Wen...

"Wen is here."

Jia Ye's expression was a little lost, but he pulled his little hand into his arms vigorously, and then a panic expression appeared on his face, "The text is gone! The text is gone!"

"not see?"

Rinko looked puzzled. Although the world of monsters is amazing, it is very strange that Gaya has become so small. She seemed to be digging something in her arms just now. Could it be that Wen has become even smaller than her? people?

How small is that?A little bit of a little finger?

"That's what you said..."

Ming Xiayu, who 773 didn't say anything, picked up a small note from the ground. It was an azure blue note, and the note was vibrating gently.

Yes, it was vibrating, like it was alive.

"Yeah... It's Wen. Wen's body and clothes are all made of paper. After being sucked out of her demon power, she can only return to her paper form. It scared me to death. I thought I lost her."

Jia Ye patted Oupai vigorously, looking surprised, but didn't she know that the smaller Oupai, the more she patted it, the smaller it would be?

She has no hope of developing into the scale of her sister Feiju.

Sometimes small habits still need to be changed.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, Jingong Temple's mobile phone suddenly rang, and he glanced at Ye Shenyue and showed him the screen of the mobile phone.On it is written the name of "Binggo Kasugagi", the person in charge of the Fourth Section of the Public Security Specialized in dealing with ghost and supernatural incidents.Hirogo Hirogi, who made Yagami Yue unhappy.

What is he calling for?

"Let's connect, let's see what he wants to say... It should be related to the magic power being taken from the monster."

Jinguji nodded to Ye Shenyue, but now she is careful, but she has discovered someone's extraordinary possessiveness.

"Ms. Jinguji... That's it, I contacted you ghost slayers and finally decided to meet on the top floor of the Tiangong Restaurant to discuss the matter that the monsters have been sucked out of their power this time. Please make sure that you and Mr. Yashinyuki come."

On the other end of the phone, Hiroki Bingwu was very respectful. He seemed to have been frightened by Ye Shenyue and became a lot more obedient, but what he said made Ye Shenyue a little surprised.

This is something that the original did not have.

Did his butterfly wings incite the plot?

But...it's also acceptable, he also really wanted to see other ghosts.

ps: begging for comments!

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