"We must not let this risk exist, and they are all excited, and accidents are easy to happen!"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Luna listened to Colbert and Lungobier saying that the risk was so big, so he simply gave up the maintenance of these familiars.

"Get them back to the classroom!"

Miss Lungobier and Mr. Colbert nodded together.

"Is that appropriate?"

Ye Yueshen didn't want to deprive the children of the opportunity to train, so he hesitated.

"And it is necessary to strictly investigate who leaked this news! The whereabouts of the princess are top secrets, and it was leaked so easily. If something happens, we are finished!"

Mr. Colbert said angrily.

"Is such that!"

Miss Lungobier saw that Luna was still hesitating, and hurriedly echoed Mr. Colbert.

"Okay, let me think about it."

Ye Yueshen waved at the two of them, then turned around and looked at the friends who were having a good time below, and suddenly felt that there was something strange about it.

"Let's let these kids continue training here!"

Ye Yueshen turned around and said calmly to the two of them.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

Miss Lungobier was a little confused.

"Just now, Colbert honestly said that the whereabouts of the princess are top secret, but we started the arrangement here with great fanfare, which must be exposing the whereabouts of the princess. It is better to let these children be like this, so that people with ulterior motives may think it may be intelligence. Wrong, you can still protect the princess!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and said, which made the two of them feel very reasonable.

"But...but what about our preparations? It's disrespectful if we don't prepare well!"

Miss Lungobier said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements!"

Ye Luna nodded to Miss Lungobier, then let Mr. Colbert go down, and then ordered Miss Lungobier to bring the servant who was going to be arranged to her office.

"Sir, here I come!"

A burly-looking man knelt down before Ye Yueshen when he arrived at the door.

"Uh, no need, come in and sit!"

Ye Yueshen wiped his sweat and looked at the person who came, and some did not understand why these oppressed commoners knew the importance of status better than those nobles.

"I invited you to come here to ask you, how long will it take to arrange for the princess to come here?"

"Five hours if no one bothers you!"

The man answered in the affirmative.

"...It's been so long, can you shorten it a bit?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the man helplessly.

"No, we don't have many people, and we can rarely replenish them. A novice will only be a disservice."

When the man talks about his work, he relaxes a lot.

"Any drawings and specifications? Let me see!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the man and continued to ask.

"No! It's all based on experience!"

The man still lowered his head, but the answer made Ye Yueshen raise his head.

Chapter 0101 Self-reliance

"In other words, you have a monopoly on this job?"

Ye Yueshen's tone was a little cold. He didn't expect that this kind of work could not be replaced.

"We can't argue with your claim."

The man still lowered his head, but what he said made Ye Yueshen annoyed.

"You still haven't said a word, right? 'Without us, you wouldn't be ready to meet you at all?'" Ye Yueshen clenched his hands, looked at the man and said lightly, but the coldness of his tone made the people behind him Miss Lungobier thought of Luna at Duke Hunik's house.

"Don't dare."

The man kept his head down.

"You go!"

Ye Yueshen didn't want to waste time with such a person who didn't need to communicate, so he waved his hand and let Miss Lungobier take the person to get out of the way.

"Too presumptuous!"

As soon as the man left, Ye Yueshen slapped the table.

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