Ye Luna smiled slightly, and then marked all the places that needed to be arranged in the entire castle with Miss Lungobier!

"It turned out to be a face life!"

When it was found that the area that needed to be arranged was just in front of the gate where the princess came, and there was no improvement behind the partition, Ye Yueshen chuckled, and then took out something from behind.

Chapter 0102 Model making

"this is?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the large piece of black cloth in Ye Luna's hand and looked at him incomprehensibly.

"You'll find out later!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then directly placed a large piece of black cloth on the castle in his hand. Then, the castle made of sand became very beautiful!

"How about this plan?"

Ye Luna pointed to the beautiful castle that he had transformed, and said confidently to Miss Lungobier.

"Although it's amazing, it doesn't seem to meet the rules!"

Miss Lungobier looked at it and said quietly.

"Uh, what do you mean? You pointed it out just now! I didn't mess around!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier a little unconvinced, and pointed to the castle model he transformed into and boasted.

"These flags are not in line with our traditions, so they can't be hung, and these slogans... This is not a carnival, the principal should forget it."

Miss Lungobier pointed at Ye Luna's castle, and every time she said something, Ye Luna's face turned a little darker!

"Then let me visit our castle!"

Ye Yueshen picked up the black cloth, and the castle returned to its previous appearance very quickly. Miss Lungobi took Ye Luna directly to the gate, and explained to Ye Luna the arrangement on the city wall. a bit!

At the same time, a group of workers who were inexplicably driven out were on their way back to the Duke of Morthawk's castle. Everyone in the team was full of anger for such an order!

"Humph! Without us, how would these nobles set up their castles! Let's take a good look at how the shameless principal made a fool of himself in front of everyone tomorrow!"

A Scarface said, waving his fists.

"That's right! We must let those guys see us cheering when the princess comes, and let them relieve their anger!"

The leading man was also very excited.

"Then how do we know when the princess will arrive?"

One of the men carrying the tools asked the crucial question!

"I'll go back and inquire with the housekeeper!"

The leading man patted his chest boldly and agreed, but did not notice a man sneering secretly in the woods beside him.

"Leave you a way out for the time being!"

"How is it? Isn't it troublesome?"

Miss Lungobier pointed out everything that needed to be arranged, and looked at Ye Luna with a playful look.

"I just remember it!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then went directly back to his office, put the black cloth in his hand on the castle, and then laid out all the places that needed to be arranged!

"See if there is any problem?"

" are amazing!"

Miss Lungobier checked it carefully and looked at Ye Luna with some admiration.

"Go ahead, let me make the model today!"

Ye Luna encouraged Miss Lungobier.

"But the princess will be here tomorrow!"

Miss Lungobier said worriedly.

"Don't worry, wrap it on me!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and immediately took his secretary back to the lawn, continuing to look for the place to be arranged, while the children stepped up their training while discussing.

"Principal! Principal, good morning!"

Beneath the flaxen hair was a nervous face.

"Oh, Momorancy, what? What's making you so nervous?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Momorangxi in surprise, causing Miss Lungobier to be speechless for a while.

"Uh, there is moisture in the air you said last time, but I still can't understand it. The princess is coming! What kind of show do you think I should perform?"

Momo Langxi looked at Ye Yueshen with anticipation.

"This news didn't come from you, did it..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Mo Morangxi speechlessly, not knowing what to say to her.

"Uh, this... It will come sooner or later anyway, we just step up our training!"

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