"Yue, go ahead, being a lolicon is the most promising thing to say."

To be able to say such... shameless words, only Jingshui, who broke the news from time to time.The reason why she would say such a thing, of course, is because she is an uncompromising loli!

Lolita control Lolita that is the most normal!

So in her eyes, Ye Shenyue's actions are really worthy of praise!

"Cough cough... I got it wrong... I just made a mistake..."

Feiju let go of Ye Shenyue, and Ye Shenyue also retracted her hand embarrassingly, there was still a little feeling in her hand, and it seemed to smell a little milky.

Gaya also has a body.

With a smirk on her face, Ye Shenyue had another idea in her heart.

"Sure enough, it's lolicon! Yue, I'm so disappointed in you! Obviously, everyone has a beautiful and noble fiancée, so they should only control the fiancée, and ignore the cats and snakes."

Shaking her long silver hair proudly, Jinguji said from the point of view of her fiancée, but the last sentence still exposed her heart, and she really can't tolerate some yao who compete with her for favor.

The pure purple eyes of Jinguji Temple, the purple eyes of Feiju, the red eyes of Jingshui Jiujiu, the pale yellow eyes of Rinko... and...

Being surrounded by girls, if it were an ordinary man, he would think it was a wonderful harem-style ending, but Ye Shenyue felt that...it was just a purgatory on earth.Yes, it is the most terrible thing for the Crystal Palace to catch fire. What is even more terrible is that the Crystal Palace faction is harmonious, but it points the finger at the Lord of the Harem!

Even if there is a lot of inappropriate courage, they can't resist.

Ye Shenyue really wanted to stay silent, and he was going to be numb when you asked me every word, but no matter what, the effect of natural teeth is now showing.

"Then...why...why are you naked?"

The little teacup's face was full of doubts. When Gaya became a child, he was still wearing clothes, why...how did the clothes disappear when he regained his strength?

The little teacup just asked casually, but she didn't know that her presence had always been low, but it stood out at this time.

"Yeah, why is it completely naked? Gaya's clothes are special, and if the power is restored, the clothes transformed by Yao force cannot disappear. Did you do that on purpose? Do you want to see Gaya's body? "

Feiju's purple eyes were full of solemnity and suspicion.

Fei Ju's voice was very high, and all the girls stared at Ye Shenyue with the intention of watching the excitement, to see how he explained.

Seeing that the little teacup was also joining in the fun, Ye Shenyue glared at her, and the frightened teacup hid behind Jingu Temple.

However, at this moment, Ye Shenyue really wanted to faint, he was completely wronged, how did he know that the clothes would disappear when he regained his strength!

It's just that the eyes of the girls couldn't stand it so hot, Ye Shenyue took the prototype of "Wen" held by Jing Shuijiu for her innocence, and raised her natural teeth a little.

Ye Shenyue felt that just when the natural teeth touched Wen's body, the power leaked from the tip of the knife, as if the power in the natural teeth flowed to Wen's body.

Are these powers used to repair their bodies?

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly. If the power of the natural teeth was transferred to them, it would mean that the natural teeth would always have no power, and maybe they would transform into the natural teeth of Sesshomaru in Inuyasha. Bar?


Wen's body appeared again, but what Ye Shenyue couldn't argue was that Wen was still wearing clothes!Clothes made of paper!

"Why did you change Gaya's clothes by yourself? Young master, you really have a strange idea, right? Gaya is still so young... How can I let her grow for a few more years, according to her yao blame In terms of age, Gaya is exactly 100 years old to be 12 years old for humans. But Shizuojiu is 500 years old, which is 18 years old for humans..."

Feiju counted out a little bit, but Jing Shuijiu covered her mouth.

"A woman's age is a secret...it can't be said."

Jing Shui glared at Fei Ju for a long time, and she really blamed her for telling her real age.

"100 years old? 500 years old? This..."

Rinko sighed secretly, people and yao monsters are really incomparable.Yibi is too emotional, each and every one of them is older than her, even if it looks like a simple sand... She is over 100 years old!

It's just that Jing Shui Jiu doesn't know that Ye Shenyue doesn't care about their age. For Yuu who is "old" with more than [-] years of age, their age... in front of Yu, they are completely scumbags.

He remembered his Yu-chan again.

With her transparent and beautiful long silver hair and clear eyes like the sea, it was an endless happiness to be glanced at by those calm eyes.

Chapter 0041 The meeting of the ghosts (2 more flowers)


"It's so boring... Rinko, how about you hit the wall?"

Gaya, who had fully recovered, sat blankly on the edge of the table, and now they had arrived at the place where Oni Zhanzai had promised at the beginning.It's just that they seemed to be coming too fast, and the others hadn't arrived yet. Gaya sat next to Rinko and pressed his face to the table with a look of boredom.

"How can such a thing be done!"

Rinko shouted loudly, this is not the first time Gaya has targeted her like this, since she regained her demon power, she has deliberately tried to find fault with her!

Thinking that Gaya still remembers her filming, she really didn't do it on purpose!Although it was filmed... it seems to be really painful.

"Okay...Jaya, Rinko didn't mean it, she was too excited at that time."

Hiiju spoke for Rinko, and received Rinko's full gratitude.

It's really worth it to be grateful for this kind of lip service.

Fei Ju secretly smiled in her heart. Recently, Jingong Temple seems to have subdued Ming Xiayu, and she always deliberately teases the young master. It is her task to tease this kind of thing.

"Got it... Sister Feiju."

Gaya can not listen to others, but Hiju's words are still very obedient.

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