Ye Luna didn't expect that Louise would be able to master it, and immediately took the lead in applauding with delighted eyes!

"What kind of system magic is this?"

A minister looked at Ye Yueshen with some curiosity.

"Of course it's the water system! Didn't you see dark clouds in the sky?"

Ye Yueshen said nonsense with a calm face!

"Okay! This is much better than that bouncing frog!"

The minister murmured helplessly, and then continued to devote himself to the scoring!

"It seems that the international students here are even more powerful!"

After many students began to watch the performance, the ministers who scored the scores have already started talking about it!

"What is this, as long as they are students from our school, they should not discuss their identities!"

Yeyueshen turned around and glanced at the ministers who were talking about it with dissatisfaction, and then gave Tabasa who was beside him an encouraging look!


After seeing Ye Moon God's encouragement, Tabasa's thoughts that had already cooled down suddenly loosened, and with a wave of her hand, she directly brought out her flying dragon!

"Wow! Flying dragon!"

Seeing the blue flying dragon soaring in the sky, Her Royal Highness, who was already a little sleepy, suddenly became excited. Not only did she stand up from her seat, but she also stared excitedly at the flying dragon soaring in the sky!

"Princess be careful!"

The guards around them were afraid that the princess would make a mistake, so they hurriedly stopped her, but the princess who returned to her seat was still excitedly looking at the flying dragon in the sky!

"Everyone, this is another international student of ours, called Tabasa! You can score!"

"Full score! Full score!"

The princess jumped up and said that her yearning for freedom made her suddenly forget her identity!

"Uh, princess, she hasn't hit the target yet!"

The minister who was grading said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I have confidence in my students!"

Ye Yueshen politely let the princess return to her position, and then looked at Tabasa in the sky with anticipation!

"here we go!"

Doctor Yeyueshen reminded everyone to keep their eyes fixed on the target below, waiting to see how the student riding the flying dragon handles this target!

"Uh, it's actually possible!"

When he saw that the target position seemed to be alive, it slowly floated up, and then placed it in front of the princess.

"Uh, unscathed!"

Looking at the target in front of him, everyone around was amazed, but Ye Yueshen pointed directly at the target and said:

"The best in the world is the softest in the world. This is the level. Do you think it is true?"

"Yes, the principal is really knowledgeable!"

Princess Princess couldn't help but admire, and then excitedly met Tabasa, and then continued to start the dull scoring work!

"Oh? At this time?"

Ye Yueshen suddenly felt a burst of magic power, and the corners of his mouth turned slightly, and he instantly passed through the high wall in front of him and saw what was behind the wall!

"Little secretary, you can't help it!"

Ye Yueshen smiled leisurely, and then stood still!

"It's really unfortunate, I was snatched up by Tabasa, and I thought I could take this opportunity to get the first place!"

Helplessly hugging her Pikachu, Louise was going to find a cool place to rest.

"what sound?"

Louise suddenly felt a noise in front of her, and hurriedly rushed over with Pikachu, only to see that the road in front of her was blocked by a huge clod!

"This is the school. How come there are so many clods?"

While curious, Louise hurriedly climbed the small dirt hill in front of her, ready to turn over to see what happened!

"Where are the people here? Are there no guards?"

While muttering, Louise climbed up, and suddenly felt that the clod under her feet suddenly moved, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly carried Pikachu to a windowsill!

Chapter 0110 Fukai Appears


Louise looked up, only to see a graceful figure standing on a pile of clods, hammering frantically at a building in the school!

"Fukai of the clod!"

Standing on his own familiar, Fukai the clod tightened his cloak, followed closely, and then continued to direct his own familiar to hammer the building in front of him frantically, but there was no response!

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