Siska saw that Ye Yueshen woke up, and hurriedly took back her clothes. If Ye Yueshen saw this state, people would be embarrassed.

"Yeah, Siska, what did you put on me just now, it feels very warm!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Siska with some sleepy eyes. In the mist, Siska looked extra elegant in Ye Yueshen's eyes.

"It's nothing, you wake up, I'll go wash your face!"

Siska bowed her head a little shyly, and then hurried out of the office!

"What a nice girl!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Siska's back, and suddenly felt that he was very happy. It was also a blessing to have such a meticulous and good girl by his side.

"I was really scared to death just now! This principal is always different from the previous one?"

Siska muttered as she prepared the water and walked to Ye Luna's office when she suddenly heard a gust of wind!

"It's so early? Who is it?"

Siska raised her eyes and looked at the sky, only to see a blue-haired girl soaring in the sky with her flying dragon, making many difficult movements from time to time, making Siska dazzled!

"Oh, it's really amazing, no wonder the Principal likes me. If I have such a powerful magic, the Principal will definitely like me too, right?"

Siska looked at the sky, and her mind had already gone to someone!

"Ashamed, thinking about this in the morning?"

Siska covered her little face, and just picked up the water on the ground and walked forward, but she didn't know that Tabasa, who was soaring in the sky, was looking at her with envious eyes.

Chapter one hundred and fourteenth

"Wow, you're early, Miss Lungobier!"

As soon as she got to the door of the office, Siska saw Miss Lungobier standing at the door taking documents from the mailbox.

"You're early too, what's wrong? The principal hasn't washed up yet?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Siska drowsily, and the document in her hand suddenly fell to the ground.

"Uh, the principal has been in the office all night, so I just woke up!"

Siska said a little ashamed, and just hurriedly pushed the door open.Turn around to help Miss Lungobier sort out the papers.

"No, I'll come, you go and serve the principal first!"

Miss Lungobier waved her hand and said, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, I will as soon as possible!"

Siska picked up the water basin on the ground and hurried in.

"Miss Lungobier has come?"

Ye Yueshen rubbed his temples and asked in surprise.

"Yes, Miss Lungobier is very early today!"

Siska said while putting down the water basin.

"Oh, it's really positive!"

Ye Yueshen chuckled lightly, and did not go out to talk to Miss Lungobier. He immediately started to wash up, and soon finished washing up under Siska's service, and then went out with Siska to have breakfast!

"Morning, Principal!"

After passing by Yeyueshen, Miss Lungobi still said good morning to Yeyueshen.

"You are too early. If you are sleepy, sleep in the office for a while!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and without looking back, took Siska downstairs directly.

"Are there any grudges between the Principal and Miss Lungobier?"

Seeing Ye Yueshen not looking back, Siska asked curiously.

"Of course not, but we are all tired!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then went to the restaurant to eat alone, and asked Siska to clean up his room by the way.

Siska, who was blushing, left with her head lowered, and only Mr. Colbert was left standing at the entrance of the cafeteria waiting for Ye Luna as always.

"You have a good eye!"

Colbert-sensei said with a smile while walking with Luna.

"how to say?"

Ye Yueshen asked calmly, and there seemed to be a little smugness in his eyes.

"Is that even a question? Even a maid cares about you so much, let alone others!"

While talking, Mr. Colbert started his own breakfast.

"As long as I treat each other sincerely, everyone will be nice to me, right?"

Ye Yueshen chuckled, then looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him curiously, so he asked Mr. Colbert strangely:

"Is there any big news about me? Is it worth everyone looking at me with such curious eyes again?"

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