Siska said with a smile.

"Uh, when did I teach you this?"

Ye Luna looked at Siska strangely.

"Uh, no, no, it's you... your room is good!"

Siska looked at Ye Luna in embarrassment and quickly explained:

"This is what we used to say when the chef complimented us in the kitchen!"

"Oh, it's just a habit!"

Ye Yueshen nodded thoughtfully, then went into the room to take a nap, and also let Siska, who had been busy all morning, go back to his room.

"If all the women in the world were as considerate as Siska, where would there be so many tragedies?"

Yeyueshen thought quietly, and then fell into a deep sleep. At this time, the campus seemed to be back to midnight, except for the guards who were almost furnished, so everyone stayed in their rooms.

"Why am I so miserable? I still have to come back?"

Miss Lungobier, who had been in high spirits since yesterday morning, stood helplessly on the roof of Ye Luna's office. After complaining for a while, she opened the ceiling below and entered the office.

"I hope my luck is good enough!"

Siska looked forward to it in his heart, then opened the cabinet, took out all the documents that he had organized, and then found all the documents of the year in which the Rod of Destruction was discovered, and began to look for clues one by one. Are there any clues.

At the same time, Ye Luna, who had taken a nap in the room for a while, suddenly remembered that he hadn't given Louise the wind magic book he had written, so he just came out of his room and rushed to his office. come over!

"Am I particularly tired in this world? How could this be?"

Ye Yueshen touched his heavy head and quickly arrived at the door of his office, while Miss Lun next door was frantically flipping through the materials!

"what sound?"

Ye Yueshen listened to the sound of rustling pages, and suddenly felt wrong. Although the lock at the door did not move, Ye Yueshen still clearly felt the movement on the other side of the door at this moment.

"Is someone trying to steal something?"

Ye Yueshen thought curiously, then went downstairs, moved a few times, and came to the window of his office.

"Uh, what are you looking for?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the dedicated Miss Lungobier, and suddenly became helpless. You don't need to think about it to know that this lovely secretary is looking for all the information related to the stolen items!


Miss Lungobier turned her head and was almost scared to death by Ye Luna's dangling appearance, and quickly stood up!

"Don't panic, you continue, I'm just here to get the book!"

Ye Yueshen nodded indifferently, then reached in and took the magic book on the table.

"Uh, you all know?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna with some surprise.

"Of course, didn't we all know the details last night?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lungobier with some curiosity. What he said last night has clearly indicated this, right?

"Uh, I didn't expect you to be so calm!"

Miss Lungobier stood up slowly, a magic wand appeared in her hand...

"Don't get excited, okay?"

Ye Yueshen was speechless when he saw Miss Lungobier, he could only pass his body through the window, walked in,

"It won't attract everyone's attention!"

Night Moon God nodded and said.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Lungobier stepped back while watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"I'm not going to do anything, I'm just here to get the book, and you already know Fukai, I know your identity, but I don't mind!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lungobier very sincerely, his eyes widened, as if he didn't understand Miss Lungobier's reaction!

"You don't mind if you don't mind? Why should I trust you as a noble?"

Miss Lungobier pointed her magic wand at Ye Luna with a determined look on her face.

"You are very nervous now, can we sit down and communicate slowly?"

Ye Luna waved to Miss Lungobier, then sat in his place, calmly placing the magic book in his hand on his chest.

"Look, this is the magic book I wrote for Louise, the master of the familiar who was injured by you yesterday afternoon. I hope she won't get hurt again, that's all!"

"What else do you know?"

Miss Lungobier's hand was still clenching her magic wand, but she wasn't as nervous as before!

"I guess you are working for a mysterious organization, but I have no intention of going against you! I still think you are a good secretary, or I just think you are my secretary! You know ?"

Ye Yueshen said in a soothing voice, he felt that any stimulation at this time would make Miss Lungobier react excessively.

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