
She originally thought that her book was a copy of Tabassa's book, but when she heard the end of Ye Luna, Louise suddenly regained her spirits, and the smile on her face revealed happiness.

"Hehe, you are the only one in my eyes, how can you be the same as everyone else?"

Ye Luna comforted her, then left Louise's room and went back to her own room to sleep.

"The only one in your eyes?"

After Luna left, Louise was holding her new book, thinking a little lost, I don't know when it started, this tall figure became a lingering image in her mind, giving herself an unprecedented experience. Happiness.

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu on the side looked at his master curiously. He didn't know why his master suddenly looked like this, and he didn't play with him anymore!

"Pikachu, we must be the best, aren't we?"

Louise glanced at Pikachu, picked it up directly, put it in front of her eyes, and said, staring into Pikachu's eyes.

"Pickup pickup!"

While nodding in agreement, Pikachu was a lot more honest in Louise's hands, as if he felt the firmness of his master!

"After my injury is healed, we will hurry up to train. Our Barryairu family does not allow the existence of trash! You must be more powerful than your sisters' familiars!"

Louise looked at Pikachu firmly and said loudly, shaking her hands so that Pikachu was a little dizzy.

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu, who was inspired by Louise, was a little dizzy, but his voice was very loud, and he seemed to support his master's decision!

"What's wrong next door, what's going on?"

Qiuljie looked at Tabatha and complained with some dissatisfaction.

"If you want to know what's going on, just go and see!"

Lying on the bed with a book in her arms, Tabasa seemed to have something on her mind.

"What's wrong? Suddenly like this?"

Qiuerjie looked at Tabasa curiously, but she didn't know the wind magician, she had long felt that Ye Luna had been here, and went to the next door...

Chapter [-] Powerless

"How's it going? Have you finished your work today?"

Ye Luna stood up from his seat, stretched, and said looking at Miss Lungobier with a tired face.

"If you're done, get off work first!"


Miss Lungobier, who had been sitting in her place for a long time, nodded, then stood up to say goodbye to Ye Luna, then left the Magic Academy and rushed to the cabin in the woods.

"How is it?"

Miss Lungobier pushed open the door and shouted to the people in the room, only to find that her companions were all sleeping!

"What are you doing? Don't you know this place is unsafe? Not even a guard?"

Miss Lungobier yelled angrily, kicked the wooden door, and directly woke up the three people in the room.

"Uh, did you come back so early?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Miss Lungobier's angry face. The man at the head was not afraid, but said slowly:

"Did you get the drawings so soon?"

"No drawings!"

Miss Lungobier looked at the man in front of her indifferently, it seems that these guys don't take this matter seriously at all!

"Then there is no way, we really don't know how this thing is used!"

After the man woke up his companion, he looked at Miss Lungobier calmly, as if his sleep was just a helpless choice.

"Then you can get out!"

Miss Lungobier gritted her silver teeth. Although she really wanted to teach the three idiots a lesson, she thought about it and didn't think they were to blame.

"Got it! Do we take this thing away or keep it here?"

Picking up the Rod of Destruction on the table, the man looked at Miss Lungobier indifferently.

"Put it here, you can go back to your life! This is my letter to Shangfeng, you can take it with you by the way!"

After Miss Lungobier finished speaking, she turned around and went out.

"What can you do, you can open this thing yourself!"

The man glanced at the arrogant Miss Lungobier with disdain, and asked his subordinates to pack up and prepare to leave.


He kicked the man to the ground with one foot, and Miss Lungobier's eyes showed murderous intent!

"Uh, you are!"

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