Ye Yueshen said leisurely, as if he was done!

"Uh, are there any other conditions?"

Miss Lungobier said in surprise when Ye Luna stood up and planned to leave.

"No more, little secretary, go back and have a good night's sleep!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then made a gesture of invitation to Miss Lungobier.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy, good night to you too!"

Miss Lungobier smiled, then stood up and put her stool in place, then took away the rest of the meal, said hello to Ye Luna, and left the Magic Academy directly.

"We'll see you tomorrow!"

Ye Yueshen walked out of the office, glanced at the girls' dormitory in the distance, and then went back to her room to rest. At this time, Miss Lungobier found that there was a person behind her watching her...

Chapter [-]: Assignment of tasks

"Master Principal, today is the second day, but you promised to go to the capital with the rod of destruction to meet the Queen within three days!"

Mr. Colbert stood in Ye Luna's office, looking at Ye Luna eagerly.

"Uh, I know, you don't have to be in such a hurry, right? Isn't it only in the morning?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mr. Colbert with indifference, and found that the teachers of this magic academy were so worried about their own affairs.

"Uh, but do we have any clues?"

Is Mr. Colbert looking helplessly at Ye Yueshen, is he meddling with his own business?Or is the principal already made up his mind?

"Of course there is!"

Ye Yueshen straightened his waist and stood up!

"Mr. Colbert, please go and tell the third lady of Barry's house, as well as Tabasa, and her good friend's name..."


Mr. Colbert hurriedly reminded.

"Yes, it's Qiu Erjie, call the three of them over, I have something to explain!"


Seeing that Ye Luna was so confident, Mr. Colbert stopped talking, turned around and glanced at Miss Lungobier who was sorting out the documents, and walked out of the office.

"Did you let Mr. Colbert spy on me?"

Miss Lungobier stuck her head out of the pile of papers and glanced at Luna.

"Where? Why would I let someone do this? If I really plan to spy on you, can I do it myself? Why bother Mr. Colbert?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier calmly, making people wonder if he was telling the truth.

"That's right, anyway, when I left last night, Mr. Colbert was very concerned about me!"

Miss Lungobier chuckled and rearranged the papers in her hands.

"That's because Mr. Colbert is more sensitive. After all, the three of us went to see the Rod of Destruction. You must be the biggest suspect. Of course, Mr. Colbert thinks so, and it is understandable!"

Ye Yueshen touched and touched his guinea pig and analyzed it calmly.

"That's right, if no one suspects that I'm abnormal, will I take your three beloved disciples to find Fuka in the woods later?"

Miss Lungobier said without looking up.

"Of course, this is what we agreed on!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the clock on the wall indifferently. At this time, the students should have just finished breakfast.

"Please come in!"

Ye Yueshen heard the footsteps and shouted directly at the door without waiting for the students to knock on the door.

"Thank you, Principal, is there anything you want us to do?"

Louise said excitedly when she saw Ye Luna.

"I think everyone knows that our school's Rod of Destruction was stolen, and now we have information showing that there are traces of Fukai of the clod in the deep forest not far from our school, so..."

"Tell me that we are going to investigate?"

Qiu Erjie looked at Ye Luna with a happy face, and seemed to be very interested in leaving the Magic Academy.

"Yes, the three of you are the best among the second-year students, and this important mission will naturally be handed over to you!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the three of them with an encouraging expression.

"Of course Tabasa and I are the best, but this one, isn't it a bit of a drag?"

Chul Jie looked at Louise with disdain and said.

"Can't say that, there was no reaction from Louise at that time, and we couldn't even see the shadow of the enemy!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Qiu Erjie very seriously, I really don't know why this defeated general of Louise's men is still so arrogant at this moment.

"Uh, well, I will!"

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