So I want to understand a little deeper, this kind of ability against the sky.

"But... Yes, but it will kill Half-Life, and the number of brain cells that will be destroyed is 190 times that of ordinary ultra-speed processing. I will be destroyed about 10 to the 8th power of brain cells a day, and only 10 of 7 will be generated. It is about the power of 10 times per day, and it will be destroyed at a rate of 30 times a day, and I will not live to be 10 years old, but if I use the observation of the future, it will die directly to the power of 10, and I will die... poof... It is treated as overspeed again... …puff……"

Yeguang Yuan's coffin was spewing blood again and again.Ye Shenyue was embarrassed, it seemed that he asked her to continue spraying.

"There's no way to keep the head blank?"

It's really a scary thing to keep his brain running at overdrive all the time. He can still be in a daze when he's bored, such as in class or something.

But Ye Guangyuan's coffin is not good, she can only vomit blood and vomit blood again.

What a poor kid.He's looking good, but he's going to die young.I don't know if a natural tooth tube doesn't work.

Ye Shenyue held deep sympathy for her.

"There's no way, no matter how boring and simple things are, the brain will morbidly process them into super complicated things... poof... even the current chat is... poof..."

Ye Guangyuan's coffin continued to vomit blood.

However, Ye Shenyue took out his natural teeth and gently chopped the coffin of Yeguang Courtyard, which was buried in blood and vomiting blood.The sharp blade swept across, with the blood spurting out of Yeguang Yuan's coffin, all red.

Chapter 0044 Bloody battle caused by a knife (2 more for collection)

It didn't have any effect, Feiju and the others' attacks had no effect. Before the jade bath, they bounced away without even exerting any force, and the lavender SEyao force directly tied them up.

It was sucking like tentacles, Hiju and the others stopped struggling and fell to the ground.

"Okay... so scary!"

The little teacup screamed, because now Hiiju and the others have gradually shrunk, just like Gaya's back then, slowly getting smaller, only the size of a palm.The cat yao, water yao and the flying demon all fell to the ground, but the human form still remained.

Jade glanced at them before taking a bath, and instead of continuing to absorb Yao's power, she flew in the direction of Gaya.By the way, the Jinguji Temple was shot flying.

"No ladylike demeanor at all!"

Jingu Temple landed safely. She couldn't beat this powerful jade bath, but she still had the ability to protect herself. Looking at Hiju and the others, who had already been sucked out of Yao's power, a smile appeared on her face, "What a pity. , did not reveal your true prototype, otherwise my moon would not have a crush on you!"

"What's the most powerful thing to say at the end, it's yours who was shot first just now! The last one has no right to laugh at it."

Jing Shui Jiu, who had shrunk by 100 times, patted the dust from the ground and stood up, but his face was extremely flat.It's just that the burgundy eyes flashed with contempt.

Once again succeeded in angering Jinguji.

What's the last thing, I hate it to death!

I know it's taboo and I always say it!

"Want to take advantage of someone's danger? This is not what a fiancee should do. Otherwise, you should give up the position of your fiancee and let me find another fiancee for the young master. The young master will definitely agree."

Feiju, who had shrunk 100 times, looked at An Gang, who was even bigger than her, and sighed secretly, but stood on Jing Shuijiu's side.

Ming Xiayu dragged Shasha, who had also shrunk by 100 times, to the corner, so she didn't participate in this war.

"Why aren't these yao monsters afraid?"

Tsuchimikado was watching the battle with Hsprosium Binggo. He had seen the power before the jade bath, but why did these monsters who had been sucked out of their power not show any expressions of fear and fear, but seemed to have started to rebel in their nests?There is also the little girl who is forming a barrier. She should be a Zashiki boy, and there is no panic look on her face when she sees the jade bath. Isn't she afraid of being sucked away?

Why are the yao monsters of the Tianhe family so strange?


At this moment, the sisters Ge Wusen were bounced off by the drinking boy, and both fell to the ground. The same delicate faces were unwilling at the moment. They were still too weak, and they could not even beat the only fragments of the drinking boy.

Unwilling, he spat out a mouthful of blood, but it was much better than the blood-soaked body of Ye Guangyuan's coffin.After all, the Yeguang Courtyard coffin is a bloody man, and they haven't sprayed so much.

"Humph! Time and time again, how many times do you humans want to seal me? It's ridiculous!"

The still handsome face of the drinking boy was contorted, and the desire to take revenge on mankind could no longer be suppressed.

"Miss Yu, have you finished?"

Seeing that Gaya had shrunk by a hundred times before the jade bath, and now there is no yao monster who can continue to show off his power, the corners of the drinking boy's mouth finally twitched.

yao force, the body before the jade bath is full of yao force he needs!

Does she want to use these yao power?

The yao force absorbed before the jade bath was pure transformed yao force, the power he needed to break through his seal!

Has she started to seal it?

Can't let her succeed!That's the power he wants!

Swallowing Douji used Yao force before taking a bath to Yu.It was the brilliance of black.Unlike before the jade bath, black represents the evil yao force mercilessly attacking the purple yao force before the jade bath.

The collision of yao force and yao force made a huge sound.

"These two yao monsters are in the nest?"

The Kishori sisters, who were knocked to the ground, were lying on their stomachs, stunned when they looked at the two big monsters floating in the air who were about to fight.Didn't they come together?Why are there infighting?

"Fight, fight, it's best to kill them all."

Looking at the scene where the Demon Slasher was one-sided, Hiroko Hiroki was still worried, but the scene immediately turned into a situation of infighting. Hiroki Hiroki, an anti-yao monster, was greatly relieved.

Tsuchimikado was thinking deeply, and his eyes turned to Ye Shenyue.

However, before Yuba who was attacked, the calm eyes that looked at the drinking boy were still dull.At the end of the day, she never believed in the drunk boy at all, she just regarded him as the same yao monster.

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