Ye Luna nodded, then turned around to see if Louise was injured!

"Be careful in the future!"

Ye Luna removed the red mark pressed by the plate on Louise's forearm, and looked at Louise with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay, it'll be fine in a while!"

Louise was touched by Ye Luna, her little face flushed red as if she was in a cage!

"Come on, you can rest here for a while, I'll help you go out to work, I've washed all the dishes here!"

After that, Ye Luna took the towel from Louise's shoulder, walked out of the kitchen, and did the work of the waiter in place of Louise!

"Very skilled!"

Seeing that Ye Yueshen was packing things faster than two people alone, the boss who was a little annoyed just now was left with amazement!

"A trivial matter! How is the boss's business today?"

Ye Yueshen asked curiously while packing up.

"Of course business is good!"

The boss snapped his nails and said:

"But if the tax officer comes, it will be a waste of time!"

The boss said, shaking his head helplessly, just as he looked up, he heard a loud roar from outside the door!

"Who, who is talking ill of Lao Tzu! Come out to me!"

After a roar, a fat man with the same length and width squeezed the door and entered!

"Oh! How can anyone speak ill of you! Lord Spruce, you must have heard it wrong just now!"

When the boss saw the man, he hurried up to meet him, and reached out his hand to signal Ye Yueshen to return to the back kitchen!

"Fart! I'm deaf when you're an old man? I heard it for real, that voice sounds like yours!"

Spruce yelled and put one foot directly in front of a guest...

Chapter [-]: The dog jumps over the wall

"You...what are you doing?"

The guest looked up at Sprang, bewildered.


Sprang looked at the guest with a grim smile, reached into his pocket, and took out a parchment.

"Look! Do you know the person above?"

"do not know……"

The guest shook his head innocently, with a puzzled look on his face.

"do not know?"

Sprang's savage smile continued, and he stretched out his hand and placed the parchment in front of the guests, pointing to the portrait on it and saying:

"Do you know? This is the chief wanted criminal of the empire. I think you look very similar! Do you want me to take you to the commander of the city defense?"

"You... what do you mean?"

The guest looked at Sprang sweating profusely, with a shocked expression on his face.

"What do you mean? What does it mean!"

Sprang stretched out his hand in front of the guests and shook his fat hand, which means very clearly!

"Uh, you are extorting! Extortion!"

"Well, since you don't cooperate, then I'll take you to the city defense commander to have a good check!"

After speaking, Spruce waved his hand, and the thugs who had been prepared behind him directly surrounded the unlucky guests in the middle.

" in the end..."

The guests were so frightened that they stuttered. At this moment, the boss suddenly reached out his hand to stop Sprang who was looking for something, and he stretched out his hand and it was a big money bag!

"In the end, it's all my own people, why do you want to recruit people like this? My lord, it's not easy to make people's business work!"

"It's not easy to do? It's better for me to be a tax officer? Look at these brothers under my command! All of them have to support their families! You group of profiteers are here every day to defraud customers. I didn't check. It's all good in your hands, what else do you want?"

After he finished speaking, he put his fat legs on the table and said to the frightened guest:

"You are lucky today. The owner of this family has a conscience. Otherwise, I will escort you to the commander of the city defense now!"

As he said that, he looked around at the surrounding guests and said in a big way:

"What's wrong? I can't tell you, sir, that I'm in a bad mood today! Are you planning to watch my jokes here?"

"No no no!"

The guests heard Sprang's words, and hurriedly stood up, put their money on the table, didn't even say hello to the owner, and ran out!

"Who is this guy? Such a bastard?"

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