The yao force on the body was almost absorbed!

Swallowing Douji vs Nine-Tailed Yaohu, Swallowing Douji is a complete defeat!

"Strong... strong explosion!"

Gaya, who had been watching the battle all the time, couldn't help but exclaimed the same exclamation that Haruna once saw when her big teacher casually threw a big move.

Such a yao monster can't win at all!

Chapter 0046 Hold the Gate of Life (for flowers)


"Fly white!"

The Gomori sisters, who were wearing the same red and white shrine maiden costumes, looked at each other. Because of Tamamo-mae's attack, the drunk boy had already loosened the bond between the two in order to protect himself, and the two girls who were thrown on the ground exchanged each other. Glancing at the drunk boy who was sucked away by Tamamo before and turned into a human form, he made up his mind.


The two surrounded the drinking boy one after the other, shouting at the same time, and the dazzling spiritual power came out from the palm of their hands, just like that demon power wrapped around the drinking boy.

They had already used this seal move from the very beginning, but at that time, the drunk boy hid his strength, and their spiritual power could not restrain the drinking boy at all, but now, the clear spiritual power of the two will disperse the demon power. The boy who swallowed wine was tied like a zongzi. Together, the two of them flew the talisman prepared in advance. The talisman seemed to have eyes and sealed the boy's forehead without any deviation. At the moment of his forehead, from a pure white talisman into countless dark yellow-colored talismans, the body of the drinking boy was completely wrapped, and it was like rolling a jar with huge force. The smaller the pressure on the body, the smaller the pressure.


"I'm not reconciled... nasty humans... and Tamamo Mae!"

The drunk boy's face was twisted and blood spurted wildly, but his body was still suppressed and shrunk by the power of the spell, and finally disappeared in his screams and roars.

After [-] years, the drunk boy was sealed by humans again!

"here you go!"

Tsuchimikado praised, but the sisters of Wusen slumped to the ground at the same time, and the sealing of the drink-devouring boy almost exhausted all their strength.And now, the situation is not optimistic. Tamamomae, who has become the main body, started to attack Yagami Yue after throwing off the drinking boy. In front of the huge monster, Hiju Jingshui Jiu and the others only have the fate of being shot away. Now The only ones who can stand up are Yagami Moon and Tsuchimikado, who stood aside from the beginning.

As for Yeguangyuan Coffin, after being chopped off by Ye Shenyue with her natural teeth, it continued to remain in a coma, and its combat power was temporarily 0.Now, facing Yeshenyue in front of Tamamo who is spewing fire at Yeshenyue, his odds of winning... are less than 50%!

If the nine-tailed fox, who seems to be out of control now, cannot be subdued, their fate will not be much better!

Tuyumen looked at Yeshenyue, Yeshenyue stuck her natural teeth on the ground, he was dodging the attack of the nine-tailed fox.

Natural Teeth stood on the ground without any hindrance.

Can... can get it!

Tuyumen glanced at Ye Shenyue again, but Ye Shenyue did not pay attention to his knife.

Born Tooth, the sword that is said to be able to cut through the messengers of hell and bring the dead back to life, has an incredible sword!That is the saber of the great monster Sesshomaru!

Sesshomaru has such a powerful strength that other monsters dare not grab it, and has always kept his natural teeth, but now...

Natural teeth stood in front of him, less than 10 meters away!

Good things really have to be kept by the most powerful and most suitable person.

He, Tsuchimikado, who inherited the Onmyoji of the Abe family, Tsuchimikado, should... should be the most suitable person to preserve the existence of this sword!

His right hand was quietly stretched out, and Tsuchimikado summoned an invisible shikigami, and let the shikigami rush towards the place where the teeth were born.

But at this time, Hiroki Higo rushed up to him and pulled out his natural teeth.

"Bingwu, what do you want to do? Put down the sword of the young master!"

Although Fei Ju was thrown away, she was not far from the natural teeth, and naturally saw the abnormal reaction of %, and quickly reprimanded, but she still rushed towards Yuzao, protecting the young master is more important than protecting the natural teeth!In the cat's heart, there is really nothing comparable to her young master, her man's.

All with the young master as the top priority.

This is the thought that the Guardian Blade should have.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Binggo Kasugagi takes the performance of Hiju and the others in their eyes. Now this crazy nine-tailed fox is not something they can deal with. Didn't they see that Yashenyue was hiding instead of attacking now?

He has no room to fight back!

In the heart of Hirogi Hiroki, the nine-tailed demon fox will always say, "The purpose of the nine-tailed demon fox is this knife, what if she gets it? I will put it away first, even if you fail, the nine-tailed fox will not be able to take it. Come! Otherwise, it will be a catastrophe for mankind!"

The righteousness on his face was full of righteousness, but his arms were trembling with extreme excitement, but he betrayed him.

This is a knife that can bring the dead back to life!

With this knife, he is still afraid that those leaders will always bully him?Leaders who are so afraid of death must kneel and beg him, begging him to save them!

He's going to be puffed up!


However, in the next second, Hiroki Binggo showed a stunned expression, and spit out a mouthful of blood, an invisible hand passed through his body, a huge gap appeared, blood gushed out, and he was still imagining a beautiful The life of Hiroki Hirogo fell unwillingly.

"It's best for Ghost Zhanyue to keep things from Ghost Zhanye."

The transparent shikigami passed directly through the body of Hiroki Binggo, and lightly grasped the natural tooth, but in the next second, the shikigami returned to the front of Tuyumen, Tuyumen clenched the natural tooth, the corner of his mouth. He slipped through a sneer, laughing at the arrogant Hirogo Hayabusa.

Even trying to rob him of something doesn't take a good look at himself!

Just the next second, the huge flame devoured Tsuchimikado's body.

It was the flame of a nine-tailed fox, and even Jinguji had to retreat from the flame of Sanshe.The huge scorching flames can devour even the steel bars in an instant, not to mention the bodies of people who are many times softer and softer than the steel bars.

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