Having woken up, Louise, who was staring at the mirror in a daze, was called out of her thoughts by the night moon god, and found that the night moon god was coming, and her already blushing face became even redder.

"Come and see you, there's nothing to do today!"

Ye Luna said nonsense casually, and then entered Louise's room with the bouquet.

"I also brought flowers, you are so kind!"

Looking at the blue enchantress in front of her, Louise immediately felt that Ye Luna was a romantic person, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"Hehe, thinking that girls like flowers, I also brought a bunch. How is your rest today?"

Ye Luna sat on Louise's bed and looked at his students with concern.

"Fortunately, I just feel a little sorry for you!"

Louise said, her face buried deep in her clothes, and now she is talking to Ye Yueshen about the past two days. Unable to erase the memory, Louise clearly remembered that she did not have an intimate action to Ye Luna!

"How could it be, it's just an accident, don't be nervous, don't worry! We just thought it was a beautiful dream!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, but did not notice that Louise's eyes suddenly brightened!

"Really? Do you really think it was just an accident?"

Louise blinked her eyes and raised her head all of a sudden.

"Of course, that's what I think. Louise, you don't have to worry, in fact, I have never felt that your previous behavior was too much, but your behavior, let me know that you are a lovely little friend, I will be like As before, good to you! Don't worry about that!"

Ye Luna smiled and looked at Louise, no matter what, this partner is the surprise of this world.

"Okay, I am relieved to hear the words of the Principal. At the beginning, I was worried, but now it seems that I am unfounded!"

Louise stood in front of Ye Luna and said excitedly.

"En, look at Pikachu, although your actions at the time seemed very careful, but in fact we can guarantee that this is good intentions, Momorangxi's potion is just amplifying the desire in your heart, Although it is a bit exaggerated, I will not have any prejudice against you because of this! I guarantee this!"

Ye Yuesen said while saying that Pikachu hugged, because of Louise's abnormality, Pikachu was also left out for a long time!

"Hehe, yes, what you said is very tender!"

Louise also hugged Pikachu happily. There have been a lot of things in the past two days, and the little girl's heart was a little ups and downs. Holding the lovely Pikachu, she suddenly felt a certain sense of stability.

"Well, since you've already taken over the block in your heart, I'll go first, this dog model is not ordinary!"

Ye Yueshen said, and planned to get up and leave here.

"Uh, I have a question for you!"

Louise saw that Luna stood up and hurriedly received it.

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

Although Ye Yueshen was a little strange, he didn't mind at all.

"Have you captured the water spirit?"

Louise looked at Ye Luna timidly, looking uncertain.

"Of course! It seems that you didn't fall asleep at the time!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise calmly, although she was a little surprised, but Ye Yueshen really didn't realize that there was something to hide in this matter, and he didn't want to scare the people here even if he didn't say it.

"No, I felt it in my subconscious at the time. As for why it can be sweet potato, I don't care now. I just think that I can judge the relationship between two things. It may be innate. I have known since I was a child. Princess Princess is a good friend, and my father and I will never have a time to talk calmly!"

Louise spoke calmly, making Ye Yueshen feel the endless sincerity.

"Well, now that you know, don't say it casually, everyone may be surprised, I don't want others to treat me like a monster, awe rather than approach!"

Ye Luna smiled, then said hello to Pikachu, and then left Louise's room.

"Lord Principal seems to have a lot to deal with!"

Louise hugged Pikachu and watched Ye Yueshen hadn't come out of the dormitory for a long time, so she guessed something, and said absentmindedly in front of the windowsill, but at this time, Ye Yueshen was blocked by Qiu Erjie.

Chapter [-]: Miserable

"Of course you can go, but I think you have to keep your temper!"

Yeyueshen looked at Qiu Erjie helplessly and said, from the moment she was blocking her way, Yeyueshen knew that he would have to spend a lot of time!

"What kind of temper, how can I not control my temper when I go to someone else's house as a guest?"

Qiuljie said incomprehensibly, at this time Tabassa continued to lie on her bed and read as if nothing was wrong.

"If you see the situation of Tabasa's house, you will definitely demolish the house!"

Ye Yueshen thought to himself, but on the surface he didn't tell the truth to Qiuerjie, but shrugged helplessly and agreed to Qiuerjie's request.

"Is it because I will become an obstacle between you two that I am not allowed to go? Actually, let me tell you! Without me, the two of you will not be able to experience the pleasure of falling in love!"

Qiuerjie looked at Ye Yueshen with pride, and was very excited about her experience.

"I just want to see Tabatha's family, do you want to have this purpose?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help but complained, and then asked Tabasa to prepare. He went back to the office first, took the documents that Miss Lungobier reminded him, and followed with Tabasa and Qiuljie came to the border together, and after passing the border smoothly, Ye Luna drove a carriage and, under the guidance of Tabasa, came to a villa that looked quite luxurious from the outside!

"I can't see it, Tabasa's home is so luxurious!"

Qiuljie came to the gate and couldn't help but admire.

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