"Report to Lord Huke, there is no sound, it should be all right!"

The entourage beside him respectfully replied to Miss Lungobier:

"Before you left, the lord said that you should remove the traces on the ground as soon as possible, so..."

"You don't need to rush me, I don't want to be suspicious tomorrow!"

Miss Lungobier replied unhappily, then tried her best to use magic to remove the quicksand on the ground, and forged completely different marching marks.

"Rush up! Occupy the castle!"

Standing in front of the group of soldiers, the one-eyed dragon gave an order loudly. Although these soldiers have been transformed, it is not easy to control them uniformly!

"Come on!"

The soldiers in the brigade roared loudly at the sky as if possessed by magic, and then rushed towards the Magic Academy in front with their weapons!

"what sound!"

The doorman who was dozing off suddenly woke up and vaguely heard a loud noise!

"Who are you, don't you know that the Magic Academy can't enter at night!"

Although he saw shadowy figures appearing in front of him, the guard on duty did not believe that there would be troops attacking the Magic Academy in front of him after being beaten to death, he just stood up and roared loudly!

"Kill that man!"

The one-eyed dragon heard the call of the guard, and without saying a word, issued an order to attack the soldiers who were at the forefront!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Only then did the guard who discovered that something was wrong was about to scream when he felt a huge force coming from behind him!

"Close the door! Lock it!"

The doorman was dragged in from the outside!Tabassa kicked the doorman, and then Chuljie, who came over behind him, said:

"I'm standing here! Hurry up and inform everyone!"


Qiuerjie sneered, then grabbed the guard who had just closed the door completely in a hurry, and rushed into the magic academy.

"Wind Wall!"

Tabassa waved her magic wand and hit a wall of wind against the soldiers rushing up in the moonlight!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Several soldiers who rushed faster were directly bounced by the wind wall, but Tabasa didn't breathe a sigh of relief when she felt that a black dot suddenly appeared in front of her and hit her wind wall!


With a loud noise, the turf on the ground was torn apart like a strip of cloth, and then the red soil was exposed, and Tabasa's wind wall was also broken through at this moment!

"What a powerful force!"

Tabassa was secretly surprised, but she did not stop in her hands, and directly built another wind wall to continue to delay the breakthrough of the soldiers!


Keenly found that there were not many enemies, and the one-eyed dragon shouted at the soldier:

"Point the bow and arrow in your hand at the enemy and shoot!"


When Tabasa saw the soldiers separated, she was in a hurry. She could only cancel the wind wall, and blocked the left and right to fight back the scattered soldiers.

"Everyone is asleep, what do we call it?"

The guard and Qiuerjie rushed to the magic academy, only to find that they couldn't wake anyone up at all, even Mr. Colbert, who usually works late, fell asleep!

"no solution anymore!"

Hearing the screams from outside getting closer and closer, Qiu Erjie shouted, and directly released her salamander, and then spewed huge flames at the window in the campus!

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Looking at Qiu Erjie who suddenly started arson, the guard's little face turned pale.

"You're screaming fire here, I'm going to help Tabatha!"

After Qiuljie ordered the guard, he rushed to the city wall and found Tabasa who was fighting hard!

"Where's the flying dragon! If the flying dragon is here, we'll fight!"

While directing his own familiars to attack the soldiers who were charging down below, Chul Jie hurriedly asked Tabasa.

"The principal has used it!"

Tabasa said silently, then closed her mouth and continued to drink these crazy soldiers fighting!


With a loud cry, Qiuljie threw Tabasha in front of her to the ground, followed by a large rain of arrows behind her!

"Rush up!"

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