"The one who can escape under our nose is this guy alone. You said that if he ran away with that messenger, wouldn't we be able to find it?"

"What did you say!"

After being reminded by his brother's words, the eldest brother reacted, and quickly stood up, let the sixth brother get the cloth, and rushed to the port with the rest of the brothers!

"Tell me, did someone in a robe come on this ship just now!"

Grabbing the captain's collar, the boss's eyes are all red!

"This...you have to ask the captain!"

Struggling to point to his companions, the captain felt that he was almost out of breath!

"There seems to be a person, but after he entered from here, he never came out again!"

The captain opened a small compartment in the cabin, which was already empty, and the glass behind it was shattered.

At this time, Ye Luna had already taken the messenger to sit on Tabasa's flying dragon, soaring in the sky heading for the capital!

Chapter [-] Return

"Thanks a lot!"

Watching Yeyueshen bring her messenger back safely, Princess Princess' dangling heart also calmed down.

"Since this step has been completed, let's wait for the good news!"

Ye Yueshen said with a relaxed expression:

"Now even if the Duke of Sri Lanka finds the messenger, I believe his memory is still blank. As long as we behave more calmly on our side, then sooner or later, the Duke of Sri Lanka will arrange himself by your side. The people are sent out one by one!"

"Hopefully not too much!"

When the princess talks about this topic, it seems a little heavy, after all, no one wants to find out that he was once abandoned by many people!

"Actually, you also need to understand these nobles. There is no absolute loyalty in this world. The only loyalty is interests. As long as you can protect their interests, most of them are just ignorant!"

After Ye Moon God finished speaking, the attendant outside reported that Ye Moon God's secretary, Miss Lungobier, asked for an interview.

"Is there news so soon?"

Ye Yueshen was startled, and hurriedly followed his entourage out of Miyagi. He didn't feel a little distressed when he saw Miss Lungobier with two dark circles under her eyes.

"You've worked hard these days! Are you okay?"

Ye Yueshen said, and walked up to touch Miss Lungobier's dark circles. Although Ye Yueshen is not good at beauty, this little skill is not a problem.

"It's good, but I haven't slept much, I always feel that you have a lot of enemies!"

Miss Lungobier half-jokingly finished what you said, and then followed Yeyueshen to Miyagi. After meeting the princess, Yeyueshen took the initiative to say:

"This Miss Lungobier used to be the daughter of the duke of Albion. Because of a bit of bloody things, she was deprived of the title. Your relationship with Prince Albion is so good that you can recommend my secretary there. !"

"Uh, that's it. It's not impossible, but now the prince is a little difficult!"

The princess thought about it and said:

"Since the nobles rebelled, the prince's situation has been very bad. This time, I was taking a break from my busy schedule to help us with this matter, so that I could send troops to help him quell the rebellion. It seems a little embarrassing to make such a request now!

"Don't bother you, my employer is joking!"

Miss Lungobier said very sensible, this kind of thing is impossible, even if the princess agreed, the prince would not agree!

"Okay, okay, I just said that casually, now tell us what you've seen in the past few days!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then turned the space he was in into a closed space, and no sound could come out!

"Actually, it's nothing. The situation of the Duke of Sri Clarence's house is quite special. It's almost always around the clock. There are always people visiting, and almost all of them come out with a smile on their faces. I followed a few people and found that They were offered a huge price by the Duke!"

Saying that, Miss Lungobier took out a piece of parchment from her waist, and it was densely written, all of which were names!

"If we add the title, it is estimated that we will write a book!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the names of the people who went to visit, and didn't find it funny. Even a small official in the capital came to visit in person, and it seemed that he received a good reception!

"So many!"

Looking at this thick list, Princess Princess is not as calm and optimistic as Ye Yueshen, and her brows can't help frowning.

"You don't have to worry!"

Seeing the appearance of the Princess, Miss Lungobier hurriedly explained:

"Actually, I found that not everyone took the initiative to visit the Duke of Sri Clarence immediately, and some people were actually invited & passed, but unfortunately these people who went reluctantly, when they came out, looked like They are all red!"

After speaking, Miss Lungobier also looked at the princess with some concern. Although she was not very clear about the current situation, she could almost imagine from what she saw in the past few days that the situation here is not very good for the princess!

"Actually, don't worry, these people are just grass. We don't need to be nervous!"

Ye Yueshen interrupted Miss Lungobier's words. Although she did not have any malicious intentions, she had already made the princess nervous!

"Then who should we worry about?"

Miss Lungobier said with some dissatisfaction, Ye Yueshen rudely described her work for two days and one night as useless work, and whoever changed it would not be happy!

"Don't get excited!"

Ye Luna smiled at Miss Lungobier, and then said:

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