On this day, Ye Shenyue's memory was only left with the constant excited thanks from the monsters.

Some of these monsters may be bad monsters, but most of them are still good, especially under the deterrence of Ye Shenyue, even monsters who want to do bad things can only be obedient. After all, there is still a general standing beside him. Before the big monster Yuba that their demon power took away!

It is enough to be entangled when the demon power is taken away once. They don't want to be taken away again. They will cherish it more only if they know that they are lost.

Because a monster only needs to be slashed once, so it was soon finished. Ye Shenyue let the monsters go, but Ge Wusen stopped him.

"That... Lord Yeshenyue, I suggest that it would be better for our Ghost Slayer family to re-rank. Your credit is so great that at least you can suppress the monsters from sitting around for a hundred years, so it is too much to still be ranked sixth. It’s not suitable anymore, our Wusen recommends Tianhe’s family first!”

"Ranking? Of course, my fiance of Jinguji Temple must be ranked first! The Jinguji family also agrees."

Jiuhuicheng hugged Ye Shenyue's arm and stuffed his arm into her plump twin peaks.Quite a seductive meaning.

Her fiance had a tendency to be lolicon in the first place, but now she was trembling so tightly before the jade bath. Isn't her fiancee's position occupied?

Therefore, Jingu Temple is also not relaxing in order to attract Yashenyue.As for how to attract, of course, it is lure.

Seduction and seduction of a fiance is the first priority of the Jinguji family, poRIoty!

"The Yeguangyuan family also agrees."

Ye Guangyuan's coffin, who was covering her forehead halfway, also reconsidered, since she was chopped off by Ye Shenyue, she feels much better, and her brain is still spinning, but there will be no rapid collapse of brain cells.

"I...I agree too."

My sister said they agreed, everyone agreed, and Sen Feiling had no reason to refuse.

In the end, the remaining Ghost Slashers were re-ranked, and the Tianhe Family replaced the Tuyumen family as the No. [-] Ghost Slasher. The Tuyumen family wanted to fight back, but under the pressure of the united Ghost Slashers, they finally It's over.

And Jinguji Temple finally need not be said to be the end, their Jinguji family ranked second.

Gewusen is still the third, and the Yeguangyuan family is the fourth.

It's only the fourth.That's the only remaining family left.But everyone happily accepted it without any problems.

Everything seems to have returned to calm, it's a very comfortable life.Ye Shenyue enjoyed it very much!

This is the real life without shame and shame, although he has always lived like this, but it has never been as beautiful as it is now.

Like in a dark corner.

"Lord Yeshenyue... it would be too... too bold to be here!"

When Ye Shenyue pulled her closer and watched that face approach slowly, Little Teacup's face turned red all of a sudden.

"It's okay, no one will come."

As if she was lying to a child, Ye Shenyue directly pulled the small teacup into the kitchen, then waved her hand to close the door, and it was difficult to tell outsiders what happened next.

I only know that when Ye Shenyue went out at the end, the little teacup was still arranging her skirt.blushing.

Another example, in another corner.

Ye Shenyue just came out of the room, but was stopped by Sen Feiling, who was wearing a witch costume.

"That... Tianhe family, did you hide my elder sister? I have never been able to find her! Huh... elder sister? How... why are you here... Shouldn't it be... Shouldn't it be? It must have been slept by this guy!"

Feiling's sharp eyes immediately saw that her sister was sitting up from the bed, and there was Noihara's cat demon beside her sister!

Gewu Sen Feibai is not wearing clothes!Large swaths of crystal clear skin are naked ~ exposed, tempting ~ very tempting.

"Fei Ling, you can't say that, I am willing."

Without a trace of embarrassment, the owner of Kezimori, who had already slept with him last night, straightened his hair and slowly put on his clothes.


Fei Ling stared at Ye Shenyue, but Ye Shenyue didn't mean to be afraid at all, "The offspring produced by the combination of ghosts will be stronger. Your sister doesn't seem to be enough, and I don't mind taking you along... uh , how did you run away? It's really not being teased!"

Before Ye Shenyue's words were finished, Sen Feiling was like a frightened deer and ran away immediately. It was so scary that she even wanted to catch her... Occupying her sister is not enough. He actually stretched his claws on her body, where is the first ghost killing, he is obviously a big horny wolf!

It's just that she ran very fast. In the house where the girl of his Ye Shenyue lived in the whole room, where could she run to?

Jing Shui Jiu quickly intercepted her, so she should obediently dedicate to the family.

Yes, the whole family is his girl.

Of course, the coffin of Yeguang Courtyard, the girl who vomited blood and vomited blood again.

Ye Shenyue was very surprised. He never thought that Ye Guangyuan's coffin would take the initiative to climb onto his bed, "Is there really no problem?"

When really doing it, Ye Shenyue still gave the other party room to think, and now it's okay to regret it.

"Well, our Yeguangyuan family always died young, so I don't want to have no strong and good descendants when I died early. I hope that our child will not vomit blood like me again... She vomited blood since she was born. I vomited so much, I was scared thinking about it, I was afraid of bleeding again..."

Ye Guangyuan's coffin paused and leaned his face on Ye Shenyue's chest, "Also, thank you, now my brain doesn't hurt anymore."

"But...I'll make you bleed later...I'm sorry..."

Ye Shenyue kissed her earlobe and moved forward sharply.Immediately wrapped in warmth.

Ye Guangyuan's coffin is bleeding again...

"Rinko, thank you for your birthday present, I'm very happy. Um...why are you here before the jade bath?"

Today is Yagami Moon's birthday in this world, and Rinko is finally able to fulfill her promise - to pack it into a gift for Yagami Moon.

But on this night when it was only him and Rinko, there was a small head hidden on the bed.

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