As he spoke, the young man pointed to the man who had never said a word since the beginning, a plump man, although wearing a chef's uniform, he could tell that he should be in charge.

"The master told me whether I would like to become a royal chef, and there are many benefits, and I naturally agreed. From then on, the master trained me carefully, and in two weeks, I was allowed to cook by myself! Today is my first time. Three days to cook!"

While the young man was talking, Ye Yueshen listened, and took a look at the plate of Qinghao, thinking that fortunately he was a novice, the dish was served before it was cooked, so I could smell it, otherwise, I might have to let Rengo Miss Bill is having a hard time!

"As a result, when you came at noon today, the master asked me to fry some artemisia annua and bring the dish over!"

As the young man spoke, his emotions suddenly became aroused, and he pointed to the master over there and said:

"It was this guy just now who told me to admit that I copied this meal, no matter which one you suspect, then my family won't have to be bullied, and my children will also be adopted and become nobles when they grow up. And my mother and wife don't have to be servants anymore, they will have a fixed amount of money to hand over to them!"

"It turns out that what I said makes sense, doesn't it?"

Ye Yueshen raised his head, looked at the young man and nodded, and said with a gratified smile:

"If that's the case, then go to my magic academy and become a chef, where, I'll make your son a noble!"

After speaking, Ye Luna put the young man down, and then explained a few words in Miss Lungobier's ear, and let Lungobier take him out first.

"Tell the truth too!"

Ye Yueshen raised his head and looked at the master who had been silent, his tone even more gloomy.

"Tell the truth? Telling the truth is also death. There is still a way to live by lying!"

The master shouted in his rough voice:

"Don't think you can fool me with your little tricks. That guy will definitely be executed by you. If you have the ability, you will lock me up. When the time is up, someone comes to visit the princess. How dare you restrain me like this?"

The master said nonchalantly, and Ye Yueshen also looked at this guy indifferently.

"you said!"

Ye Yueshen nodded lightly, and then said to the princess beside him:

"Can you have that afternoon's interviews in other places? I want to clean up your maid before I leave!"


The princess was also frightened by her own chef's words. It was the first time she found herself in such an unsafe place, she nodded to Ye Yueshen, and then went out.

"Is there anything else I want to say? Anyone who can get in the head of the royal chef is definitely not an idiot!"

Ye Yueshen tilted his head while looking at the master, as if he had no particular active purpose for his current behavior!


Unexpectedly, Ye Yueshen sent the princess away in a few words, and the master immediately fell into deep shock.

"It's pointless to tread on two boats. Once the princess deprives you of the position of chief chef, then you have no value in the eyes of the Duke of Sri Clarence. You are so well-informed, you should know that Lun Coulson's fate! But the Duke of Sri Lanka was standing by, and he didn't say a word of pleading!"

Ye Yueshen said, the corners of his mouth curled into a smile, because the master's face was already gray, and he was obviously frightened by Ye Yueshen's words!

"I say!"

Gritting his teeth, the master poured beans into the Yeyueshen bamboo tube, and he said it very cleanly...

"So, it was the servant-sama who instructed you?"

Yeyueshen put the master down from the air, pointed to a servant who was already trembling, and asked lightly.

"That's right, it's him, he controls our assessment, so I have to do whatever he says. Everything today, including tying up Xiao Zhouzi, is his idea, I'm the top one. He said that he must help my son find a knight's servant, and I can only do this for my son!"

After speaking, the fat and strong master actually cried out in front of Ye Yueshen!

"There are many people with knight titles in our magic academy. If your son is suitable, I can recommend it!"

Ye Yueshen patted the master on the back and said lightly:

"The mother and grandparents of the classmates should follow him to the Magic Academy, and you will continue to serve the royal family here!"

After speaking, Yeyueshen turned his attention to the attendant who had always been polite to him in the midst of the great master's gratitude!

"You... do you think the method of three walnuts and two dates to get rid of those muddy legs will work on me?"

Being stared at by Ye Yueshen's cold light-like gaze, his whole body trembled, but the servant's mouth was strong.

"No! You are already very sinful, of course I will kill you!"

Ye Yueshen adjusted his glasses, smiled faintly, and then pointed his magic wand at the man!

"Don't, don't! You ask, you ask, let me say anything! Don't kill me!"

The waiter was so frightened that he almost urinated his pants, and he waved and begged for mercy at Ye Luna, looking like a poor pug!

"I ask a question, you answer it!"

Ye Yueshen said coldly:

"How did the Duke of Sri Lanka get in touch with the palace?"

"Every noon we have to deliver meals to the Duke's house in the capital, and then send out the news!"

"What's up with Sri Clarence now?"

"I don't know, we only know when they bring the lunch boxes back every night."

Chapter [-] Snooping

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