Aymeric was startled, thought about it, and nodded, and then left the duke's mansion. At this time, the sky was already full of stars. In the entire duke's mansion, only the Duke of Sri Kerrence was watching the sky. The star, with the departure of Prince Malcolense, Lord Pabley is obliged to take up the intelligence work, and now he is already too busy!

"Who are you going to let go?"

Ye Yueshen took Miss Lungobier to eat calmly in front of the princess, while the princess was full of appetite and kept eating the delicacies of the mountains and seas in front of her.

"It seems that our lack of education has affected the princess!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess who was gobbling down in front of him, and smiled helplessly at Miss Lungobier beside him.

"That's because I'm too hungry, Principal!"

Wiping her mouth with a golden towel, Princess Princess finally said after a gust of wind and clouds:

"I actually met with more than [-] dukes, dozens of marquis, and four foreign envoys this afternoon. Just all the salutes made my back hurt!"

"Fortunately, they were summoned collectively. If they met one by one, Princess Princess's legs would be broken!"

When Miss Lungobier saw the appearance of the Princess receiving others, she felt like she was suffering, and she didn't dare to let her body relax in any way!

"Hehe, then let me rub the princess!"

Ye Yueshen smiled softly, and then really took the initiative to walk in front of the princess!

"Uh, is this okay?"

Watching Ye Yueshen really came over.The princess's face suddenly turned red, and the redness did not look like it.

"It's okay, you've been tired all day, it's time to take a break!"

Ye Yueshen walked over with a smile, swept the princess' body with his magic wand, and then saw the princess softened up in front of Ye Yueshen!

"This is the only way to have an effect, don't work hard, relax!"

Yeyueshen was talking, and he had already started his own massage. In the past, after Miss Yuzi finished her hard work, Yeyueshen would massage her carefully. Now, Yeyueshen, who is stroking the jade neck of the princess with both hands, is very skilled. !

"Ah, it's so comfortable! Principal, you are such an all-rounder!"

Her Lady Princess closed her eyes and enjoyed it while gently complimenting her, as if Miss Lungobier didn't exist at all!

"My lord, shall we talk to the princess first?"

Seeing that both the princess and Yeyueshen were enjoying themselves, Miss Lungobier watched for a while, but finally couldn't hold back and stopped the exit.

"Uh, okay, okay!"

Only then did I realize that Yeyueshen had massaged herself too carefully, Princess Princess hurriedly did it, and said to Yeyueshen:

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Uh, it's actually the candidate to execute the plan!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and before she finished speaking, Miss Lungobier said first:

"Did you know? This mission is to send people around you, so that you can show your attention, and of course, let those who are scheming believe that the letter is real!"

"Uh, the people around you?"

The princess thought for a while, and said with some concentration:

"What I am directly controlling now is a Griffin Legion and my own guards. If you send my guards, you may not be relieved, so let the commander of the Griffin go. What do you think of this arrangement? like?"

"Whatever, as long as you can attract attention!"

Ye Yueshen didn't care, and Miss Lungobier naturally had no other opinion and nodded directly.

"Then it's settled!"

Seeing that the two had no opinion, the princess didn't want to think too much, and said directly to the attendant:

"Go, call the commander of the Griffin Legion and say there is something important to do!"

Chapter [-] Legion Commander

"This is the commander of our Torristin Griffin Legion, what do you think?"

Nodding to the visitor, the princess calmly introduced the silver-haired man to Ye Yueshen.

"Happy meeting!"

Ye Yueshen stared into this man's eyes, frowned secretly, then shook hands very politely, and stood aside without speaking!

"Happy meeting!"

After the silver-haired man shook hands with Ye Luna, he took the initiative to reach out to Miss Lungobier.

"I'm the commander of the Torristin Griffin Legion, and my name is Skrull von Wald!"

"Uh, good luck meeting!"

It was also polite to shake hands, Miss Lungobier glanced at the silver-haired man in front of her in surprise, and then backed away!

"Okay, let's go tomorrow!"

The princess saw that there was no response from several people, and with an embarrassed smile, she took the initiative to say to Wald:

"You are the person I trust most, you must get my letter back!"

"rest assured!"

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